- Font tables read from XML can now be written back to XML with no
- GSUB/GPOS LookupType is written out in XML as an element, not
comment. (792)
- When parsing cmap table, do not store items mapped to glyph id 0.
- [otlLib] Make ClassDef sorting deterministic. Fixes 766 (7d1ddb2)
- [mtiLib] Added unit tests (787)
- [cvar] Implemented cvar table
- [gvar] Renamed GlyphVariation to TupleVariation to match OpenType
- [otTables] Handle gracefully empty VarData.Item array when compiling
XML. (797)
- [varLib] Re-enabled generation of ``HVAR`` table for fonts with
TrueType outlines; removed ``--build-HVAR`` command-line option.
- [feaLib] The parser can now be extended to support non-standard
statements in FEA code by using a customized Abstract Syntax Tree.
See, for example, ``feaLib.builder_test.test_extensions`` and
baseClass.feax (794, fixes 773).
- [feaLib] Added ``feaLib`` command to the 'fonttools' command-line
tool; applies a feature file to a font. ``fonttools feaLib -h`` for
- [pens] The ``T2CharStringPen`` now takes an optional
``roundTolerance`` argument to control the rounding of coordinates
(804, fixes 769).
- [ci] Measure test coverage on all supported python versions and OSes,
combine coverage data and upload to
https://codecov.io/gh/fonttools/fonttools (#786)
- [ci] Configured Travis and Appveyor for running tests on Python 3.6
(785, 55c03bc)
- The manual pages installation directory can be customized through
``FONTTOOLS_MANPATH`` environment variable (799, fixes 84).
- [Snippets] Added otf2ttf.py, for converting fonts from CFF to
TrueType using the googlei18n/cu2qu module (802)