
Latest version: v4.54.1

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Not secure

- [varLib.merger] Remove Extensions subtables before merging (f7c20cf8).
- [varLib] Initialize the avar segment map with required default entries
- [varLib] Implemented optimal IUP optmiziation (1019).
- [otData] Add ``AxisValueFormat4`` for STAT table v1.2 from OT v1.8.2
- [name] Fixed BCP46 language tag for Mac langID=9: 'si' -> 'sl'.
- [subset] Return value from ``_DehintingT2Decompiler.op_hintmask``
- [cffLib] Allow to get TopDict by index as well as by name (dca96c9c).
- [cffLib] Removed global ``isCFF2`` state; use one set of classes for
both CFF and CFF2, maintaining backward compatibility existing code (1007).
- [cffLib] Deprecated maxstack operator, per OpenType spec update 1.8.1.
- [cffLib] Added missing default (-100) for UnderlinePosition (983).
- [feaLib] Enable setting nameIDs greater than 255 (1003).
- [varLib] Recalculate ValueFormat when merging SinglePos (996).
- [varLib] Do not emit MVAR if there are no entries in the variation store
- [ttx] For ``-x`` option, pad with space if table tag length is < 4.


Not secure

- [feaLib.builder] Removed duplicate lookups optimization. The original
lookup order and semantics of the feature file are preserved (976).


Not secure

- [varLib.mutator] Implement IUP optimization (969).
- [_g_l_y_f.GlyphCoordinates] Changed ``__bool__()`` semantics to match those
of other iterables (e46f949). Removed ``__abs__()`` (3db5be2).
- [varLib.interpolate_layout] Added ``mapped`` keyword argument to
``interpolate_layout`` to allow disabling avar mapping: if False (default),
the location is mapped using the map element of the axes in designspace file;
if True, it is assumed that location is in designspace's internal space and
no mapping is performed (950, 975).
- [varLib.interpolate_layout] Import designspace-loading logic from varLib.
- [varLib] Fixed bug with recombining PairPosClass2 subtables (81498e5, 914).
- [cffLib.specializer] When copying iterables, cast to list (462b7f86).


Not secure

- [pens.t2CharStringPen] Fixed AttributeError when calling addComponent in
T2CharStringPen (965).


Not secure

- [cffLib.specializer] Added new ``specializer`` module to optimize CFF
charstrings, used by the T2CharStringPen (948).
- [varLib.mutator] Sort glyphs by component depth before calculating composite
glyphs' bounding boxes to ensure deltas are correctly caclulated (945).
- [_g_l_y_f] Fixed loss of precision in GlyphCoordinates by using 'd' (double)
instead of 'f' (float) as ``array.array`` typecode (963, 964).


Not secure

- [t2CharStringPen] Initial support for specialized Type2 path operators:
vmoveto, hmoveto, vlineto, hlineto, vvcurveto, hhcurveto, vhcurveto and
hvcurveto. This should produce more compact charstrings (940, 403).
- [Doc] Added Sphinx sources for the documentation. Thanks gferreira (935).
- [fvar] Expose flags in XML (932)
- [name] Add helper function for building multi-lingual names (921)
- [varLib] Fixed kern merging when a PairPosFormat2 has ClassDef1 with glyphs
that are NOT present in the Coverage (1b5e1c4, 939).
- [varLib] Fixed non-deterministic ClassDef order with PY3 (f056c12, 927).
- [feLib] Throw an error when the same glyph is defined in multiple mark
classes within the same lookup (3e3ff00, 453).

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