
Latest version: v4.53.0

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Not secure

- [otTables] Support fixing offset overflows in ``MultipleSubst`` lookup subtables
- [subset] Prune empty strikes in ``EBDT`` and ``CBDT`` table data (1698, 1633).
- [pens] Fixed issue in ``PointToSegmentPen`` when last point of closed contour has
same coordinates as the starting point and was incorrectly dropped (1720).
- [Graphite] Fixed ``Sill`` table output to pass OTS (1705).
- [name] Added ``removeNames`` method to ``table__n_a_m_e`` class (1719).
- [ttLib] Added aliases for renamed entries ``ascender`` and ``descender`` in
``hhea`` table (1715).


Not secure

- NOTE: The v4.x version series only supports Python 3.6 or greater. You can keep
using fonttools 3.x if you need support for Python 2.
- [py23] Removed all the python2-only code since it is no longer reachable, thus
unused; only the Python3 symbols were kept, but these are no-op. The module is now
DEPRECATED and will removed in the future.
- [ttLib] Fixed UnboundLocalError for empty loca/glyph tables (1680). Also, allow
the glyf table to be incomplete when dumping to XML (1681).
- [varLib.models] Fixed KeyError while sorting masters and there are no on-axis for
a given axis (38a8eb0e).
- [cffLib] Make sure glyph names are unique (1699).
- [feaLib] Fix feature parser to correctly handle octal numbers (1700).


Not secure

- NOTE: This is the last scheduled release to support Python 2.7. The upcoming fonttools
v4.x series is going to require Python 3.6 or greater.
- [varLib] Added new ``varLib.instancer`` module for partially instantiating variable
fonts. This extends (and will eventually replace) ``varLib.mutator`` module, as
it allows to create not just full static instances from a variable font, but also
"partial" or "less variable" fonts where some of the axes are dropped or
instantiated at a particular value.
Also available from the command-line as `fonttools varLib.instancer --help`
(1537, 1628).
- [cffLib] Added support for ``FDSelect`` format 4 (1677).
- [subset] Added support for subsetting ``sbix`` (Apple bitmap color font) table.
- [t1Lib] Fixed issue parsing ``eexec`` section in Type1 fonts when whitespace
characters are interspersed among the trailing zeros (1676).
- [cffLib.specializer] Fixed bug in ``programToCommands`` with CFF2 charstrings (1669).


Not secure

- [featureVars] Fixed region-merging code on python3 (1659).
- [varLib.cff] Fixed merging of sparse PrivateDict items (1653).


Not secure

- [subset] Fixed regression when passing ``--flavor=woff2`` option with an input font
that was already compressed as WOFF 1.0 (1650).


Not secure

- [woff2] Added support for compressing/decompressing WOFF2 fonts with non-transformed
``glyf`` and ``loca`` tables, as well as with transformed ``hmtx`` table.
Removed ``Snippets/`` and ``Snippets/`` scripts,
and replaced them with a new console entry point ``fonttools ttLib.woff2``
that provides two sub-commands ``compress`` and ``decompress``.
- [varLib.cff] Fixed bug when merging CFF2 ``PrivateDicts``. The ``PrivateDict``
data from the first region font was incorrecty used for all subsequent fonts.
The bug would only affect variable CFF2 fonts with hinting (1643, 1644).
Also, fixed a merging bug when VF masters have no blends or marking glyphs (1632,
- [loggingTools] Removed unused backport of ``LastResortLogger`` class.
- [subset] Gracefully handle partial MATH table (1635).
- [featureVars] Avoid duplicate references to ``rvrn`` feature record in
``DefaultLangSys`` tables when calling ``addFeatureVariations`` on a font that
does not already have a ``GSUB`` table (aa8a5bc6).
- [varLib] Fixed merging of class-based kerning. Before, the process could introduce
rogue kerning values and variations for random classes against class zero (everything
not otherwise classed).
- [varLib] Fixed merging GPOS tables from master fonts with different number of
``SinglePos`` subtables (1621, 1641).
- [unicodedata] Updated Blocks, Scripts and ScriptExtensions to Unicode 12.1.

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