- [instancer] Implemented restricting axis ranges (level 3 partial instancing).
You can now pass ``{axis_tag: (min, max)}`` tuples as input to the
``instantiateVariableFont`` function. Note that changing the default axis
position is not supported yet. The command-line script also accepts axis ranges
in the form of colon-separated float values, e.g. ``wght=400:700`` (1753, 1537).
- [instancer] Never drop STAT ``DesignAxis`` records, but only prune out-of-range
``AxisValue`` records.
- [otBase/otTables] Enforce that VarStore.RegionAxisCount == fvar.axisCount, even
when regions list is empty to appease OTS < v8.0 (1752).
- [designspaceLib] Defined new ``processing`` attribute for ``<rules>`` element,
with values "first" or "last", plus other editorial changes to DesignSpace
specification. Bumped format version to 4.1 (1750).
- [varLib] Improved error message when masters' glyph orders do not match (1758,
- [featureVars] Allow to specify custom feature tag in ``addFeatureVariations``;
allow said feature to already exist, in which case we append new lookup indices
to existing features. Implemented ``<rules>`` attribute ``processing`` according to
DesignSpace specification update in 1750. Depending on this flag, we generate
either an 'rvrn' (always processed first) or a 'rclt' feature (follows lookup order,
therefore last) (1747, 1625, 1371).
- [ttCollection] Added support for context manager auto-closing via ``with`` statement
like with ``TTFont`` (1751).
- [unicodedata] Require unicodedata2 >= 12.1.0.
- [py2.py3] Removed yet more PY2 vestiges (1743).
- [_n_a_m_e] Fixed issue when comparing NameRecords with different string types (1742).
- [fixedTools] Changed ``fixedToFloat`` to not do any rounding but simply return
``value / (1 << precisionBits)``. Added ``floatToFixedToStr`` and
``strToFixedToFloat`` functions to be used when loading from or dumping to XML.
Fixed values (e.g. fvar axes and instance coordinates, avar mappings, etc.) are
are now stored as un-rounded decimal floats upon decompiling (1740, 737).
- [feaLib] Fixed handling of multiple ``LigatureCaret`` statements for the same glyph.
Only the first rule per glyph is used, additional ones are ignored (1733).