
Latest version: v4.54.1

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- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and improvements, better reporting, reduced
false positives.
- [ttGlyphSet] Added option to not recalculate glyf bounds (3348).



- [varLib.interpolatable] Vastly improved algorithms. Also available now is ``--pdf``
and ``--html`` options to generate a PDF or HTML report of the interpolation issues.
The PDF/HTML report showcases the problematic masters, the interpolated broken
glyph, as well as the proposed fixed version.



- [subset] Only prune codepage ranges for OS/2.version >= 1, ignore otherwise (3334).
- [instancer] Ensure hhea vertical metrics stay in sync with OS/2 ones after instancing
MVAR table containing 'hasc', 'hdsc' or 'hlgp' tags (3297).



- [glyf] Have ``Glyph.recalcBounds`` skip empty components (base glyph with no contours)
when computing the bounding box of composite glyphs. This simply restores the existing
behavior before some changes were introduced in fonttools 4.44.0 (3333).



- [feaLib] Ensure variable mark anchors are deep-copied while building since they
get modified in-place and later reused (3330).
- [OS/2|subset] Added method to ``recalcCodePageRanges`` to OS/2 table class; added
``--prune-codepage-ranges`` to `fonttools subset` command (3328, 2607).



- [instancer] Recalc OS/2 AvgCharWidth after instancing if default changes (3317).
- [otlLib] Make ClassDefBuilder class order match varLib.merger's, i.e. large
classes first, then glyph lexicographic order (3321, 3324).
- [instancer] Allow not specifying any of min:default:max values and let be filled
up with fvar's values (3322, 3323).
- [instancer] When running --update-name-table ignore axes that have no STAT axis
values (3318, 3319).
- [Debg] When dumping to ttx, write the embedded JSON as multi-line string with
indentation (92cbfee0d).
- [varStore] Handle > 65535 items per encoding by splitting VarData subtable (3310).
- [subset] Handle null-offsets in MarkLigPos subtables.
- [subset] Keep East Asian spacing fatures vhal, halt, chws, vchw by default (3305).
- [instancer.solver] Fixed case where axisDef < lower and upper < axisMax (3304).
- [glyf] Speed up compilation, mostly around ``recalcBounds`` (3301).
- [varLib.interpolatable] Speed it up when working on variable fonts, plus various
micro-optimizations (3300).
- Require unicodedata2 >= 15.1.0 when installed with 'unicode' extra, contains UCD 15.1.

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