
Latest version: v3.128.2

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* Updated the `api_pram_name` for the following parameters of the `delete-service-section` command:
* `--delete-all` from `allBlocks` to `deleteAllBlocks`
* `--delete-empty` from `emptyTitle` to `deleteBlockWithoutTitle`
* The help functionality is now always available, regardless of availability of the server.
* Fixed resolving of related commands in the `full-help` messages.
Previously, some commands were added to a list of related commands by mistake.
* Rollback alias name pattern from `-ds*` to `-d*` for the following describe commands:
* `describe-events` `-dev`
* `describe-instances` `-din`
* `describe-platform-service-stacks` `-dplstack`
* `describe-platform-services` `-dplservice`
* `describe-images` `-dim`
* `describe-storages` `-dstor`
* `describe-schedules` `-dsch`
* `describe-script` `-dscript`
* `describe-keys` `-dkey`
* `describe-terraform-templates` `-dtpl`
* `describe-terraform-stacks` `-dterstack`
* `describe-tenants` `-dtn`
* `describe-regions` `-dr`
* `describe-shapes` `-dsh`
* `describe-tags` `-dtag`
* `describe-instance-quota` `-dinquota`
* `describe-user-permissions` `-duserperm`
* Renamed the `volume-name` parameter to `name` and alias from `vname` to `n` in the `create-attach-storage` command
* Fix typos in the CHANGELOG file in [3.55.5] - 2022-01-18
* The `display-name` parameter to `name` in the `add-schedule-instances` command, also renamed the alias from `dn` to `n`
* Renamed the `section-name` parameter to `section` and alias from `sename` to `sec` in the `add-service-section` command
* renamed the `s` alias to `sh` of the `shape` parameter in the `price` command
* renamed the `shname` alias to `sh` of the `shape` parameter in the `run-instances` command
* Renamed aliases of the `--description` parameters to `-d` in the following commands:
* `update-platform-service` also renamed the alias of the `--summary-description` parameter from `-sdes` to `-sd`
* `publish-platform-service` also renamed the alias of the `--summary-description` parameter from `-sdes` to `-sd`


* The `describe-events` command has the following changes:
* the `--region` parameter is required
* the `--number-of-events` parameter is optional. Default value is 10. Added information about it to the command help
* header displayed in the following sequences: Resource Id, Initiator, Group, Description, Date, Event Id
* the `--resource-id` parameter is required in case RELATED search type is specified
* renamed the `de` alias of the command to `dsev`


* Renamed the `instance-ids` parameter to `instance-id` and alias from `iids` to `iid` in the `describe-instance` command
* Renamed all `tenant-name` parameters to `tenant`
* Renamed all `service-name` parameters to `service` and aliases from `sname` to `sn`
* Renamed all `template-name` parameters to `template` and aliases from `tempname` to `tpl`
* Renamed all `script-name` parameters to `script` and aliases from `sname` to `scname`
* The `publish-service` command has the following changes:
* renamed the `categories` parameter to `category`
* Renamed the `list-of-tenant-names` parameter to `tenant-list` and alias from `ltn` to `tnl` in the `describe-tenants` command
* The `update-platform-service` command has the following changes:
* renamed the `categories` parameter to `category`
* renamed the `ttype` alias to `tpltype` of the `template-type` parameter
* Renamed the `temptype` alias to `tpltype` of the `template-type` parameter in the `list-platform-service-definitions` command
* The `run-instance` command has the following changes:
* renamed the `instance-name` parameter to `name`, also renamed the alias from `iname` to `n`
* renamed the `image-name` parameter to `image`
* renamed the `shape-name` parameter to `shape`
* renamed the alias from `key` to `kname` in the `key-name` parameter
* Renamed the `volume-ids` parameter to `volume-id` and alias from `vids` to `vid` in the `describe-volumes` command
* Renamed the `resource-group-name` parameter to `resource-group` in the `delete-volume` command
* The `create-schedule` command has the following changes:
* renamed the `list-instances` parameter to `instance-id` and alias from `inst` to `iid`
* The `set-tags` command has the following change:
* renamed the `resource-group-name` parameter to `resource-group`
* renamed the `volume-ids` parameter to `volume-id` and alias from `vids` to `vid`
* renamed the alias `settag` to `stag`
* Renamed the `clouds-list` parameter to `cloud` and alias from `clist` to `c` in the `total-report` command
* Renamed the `product-name` parameter to `product` in the `cost-object-report` command
* The `upload-script` command has the following changes:
* renamed the `file-path` parameter to `source-path` and alias from `fpath` to `spath`
* The `delete-script` and `describe-script` commands have the following changes:
* renamed the `file-path` parameter to `source-path` and alias from `fpath` to `source`
* renamed the `file-name` parameter to `script`
* Renamed the `image-name` parameter to `name` and alias from `imname` to `n` in the `create-image` command
* Renamed the `variables` parameter to `variable` in the `terraform-plan-template`, `apply-terraform-template` commands
* Renamed the `list-of-template-names` parameter to `template` and alias from `ltempnames` to `tpl` in the `terraform-describe-template` command
* Renamed the `stack-ids` parameter to `stack-id` and alias from `stackids` to `stid` in `terraform-describe-stack`, `terraform-destroy-stack` commands
* The `create-keypair` command has the following changes:
* renamed the `all` alias of the `all-tenants` parameter to `AT`
* The `publish-platform-service` command has the following changes:
* the `clouds-list` parameter to `supported-cloud`, also renamed the alias from `clist` to `supcloud`
* the `product-version` parameter to `service-version` in the `publish-platform-service`, `update-platform-service` commands, also renamed the alias from `productv` to `servicev`
* Renamed the following values:
* the alias of the `section` parameter from `sname` to `sename` in the `add-service-section` command
* the `file-name` parameter to `script` in the `describe-script` command, also renamed the alias from `sname` to `scname`
* the `reviewers` parameter to `approver`, also renamed the `rev` alias to `apr` in the `upload-terraform-template-from-git`, `upload-terraform-template` commands
* the `approval-rule` parameter to `approval-policy` in the `terraform-upload-template` and `terraform-upload-template-from-git` commands, also renamed the alias from `apvlrule` to `aprpolicy`
* the `max-size` parameter to `volume-max-size` in the `create-volume-quota` command, also renamed the alias from `msize` to `volsize`
* the `creation-interval-count` parameter to `volume-amount` in the `create-volume-quota` command, also renamed the alias from `count` to `amount`
* the `cloud-list` parameter to `supported-cloud` in the `update-platform-service` command, also renamed the alias from `clist` to `supcloud`
* the `expire-after` parameter to `destroy-after` in the `activate-platform-service` command, also renamed the alias from `exp` to `expire`
* the `creation-interval-count` parameter to `instance-amount` in the `create-instance-quota` command, also renamed the alias from `count` to `amount`
* the `tags` parameter to `tag` in the `delete-tags`, `set-tags` commands, also renamed the alias from `tags` to `tag`
* the `display-name` parameter to `name` in the `delete-schedule-instances`, `create-schedule`, `delete-schedule` commands, also renamed the alias from `dn` to `n`
* the `section-name` parameter to `section`, in the following commands:
* `describe-service-section`
* `delete-service-section`
* the `keypair-name` parameter to `key-name`, also renamed the alias from `kpname` to `kname` in the following commands:
* `import-keypair`
* `update-keypair-region`
* `describe-keypair`
* `delete-keypair`
* `create-keypair`
* renamed the `dim` alias to `dsim` in the `describe-images` command
* renamed the `dtn` alias to `dstn` in the `describe-tenants` command
* renamed the `dr` alias to `dsr` in the `describe-regions` command
* renamed the `dsh` alias to `dssh` in the `describe-shapes` command
* renamed the `dscr` alias to `dsscript` in the `describe-scrip` command
* renamed the `getinstq` alias to `dsinquota` in the `describe-instance-quota` command
* renamed the `getvolq` alias to `getvolquota` in the `describe-volume-quota` command
* renamed the `delinstq` alias to `delinquota` in the `delete-instance-quota` command
* renamed the `delvolq` alias to `delvolquota` in the `delete-volume-quota` command
* renamed the `cvolq` alias to `cvolquota` in the `create-volume-quota` command
* renamed the `cinstq` alias to `cinquota` in the `create-instance-quota` command
* renamed the `dpfs` alias to `dsservice` in the `describe-platform-service` command
* Renamed the following commands:
* the `create-keypair` command to `create-key`
* the `describe-keypair` command to `describe-keys` and alias from `dkey` to `dskey`
* the `import-keypair` command to `import-key`
* the `delete-keypair` command to `delete-key`
* the `update-keypair-region` command to `manage-key` and alias from `ukey` to `mkey`
* the `terraform-describe-template` command to `describe-terraform-templates` and alias from ` terdt` to `dstpl`
* the `terraform-apply-template` command to `apply-terraform-templates` and alias from ` terapt` to `applytpl`
* the `terraform-delete-template` command to `delete-terraform-template` and alias from `terdl` to `deltpl`
* the `terraform-plan-template` command to `plan-terraform-template` and alias from `terpt` to `plantpl`
* the `terraform-export-template` command to `export-terraform-template` and alias from `exptemp` to `exptpl`
* the `terraform-upload-template` command to `upload-terraform-template` and alias from `uptemp` to `upltpl`
* the `terraform-upload-template-from-git` command to `upload-terraform-template-from-git` and alias from `uptempgit` to `upltplgit`
* the `terraform-describe-stack` command to `describe-terraform-stacks` and alias from `terds` to `dsterstack`
* the `terraform-destroy-stack` command to `destroy-terraform-stack` and alias from `terdes` to `dtrterstack`
* the `publish-service` command to `publish-platform-service` and alias from `pubs` to `pubservice`
* the `remove-service` command to `delete-platform-service` and alias from `dels` to `delservice`
* the `set-tag` command to `set-tags`
* the `describe-tag` command to `describe-tags` and alias from `dtag` to `dstag`
* the `delete-tag` command to `delete-tags`
* the `create-attach-volume` command to `create-attach-storage` and alias from `addattvol` to `addattstor`
* the `detach-volume` command to `detach-storage` and alias from `detvol` to `detstor`
* the `describe-volumes` command to `describe-storages` and alias from `dvol` to `dsstor`
* the `delete-volume` command to `delete-storage` and alias from `delvol` to `delstor`
* the `terminate-instance` command to `terminate-instances`
* the `stop-instance` command to `stop-instances`
* the `run-instance` command to `run-instances`
* the `start-instance` command to `start-instances`
* the `reboot-instance` command to `reboot-instances`
* the `describe-instance` command to `describe-instances` and alias from `din` to `dsin`
* the `delete-script` command to `delete-scripts`
* Updated the "Commands definition file" paragraph in README.md
* Fixed output for `describe-volumes` command, now nullable values are visible
* Updated the help message in the `--cron` parameter of the `create-schedule` command
* Added the ability to change the name of the output headers in all commands
* The headers in the table format convert to Title Case automatically
* Fixed an incorrect ordering of commands in the "Related commands" section of full-helps


* Added ability to remove all blocks in the `delete-service-section` command
* The `delete-service-section` command has the following changes:
* added new parameter `--delete-all -A`. A flag. Deletes all blocks in a section
* added new parameter `--delete-empty -E`. A flag. Deletes all text in section without titles
* The `block-title` parameter of the `delete-service-section` command is optional
* Set a flag for displaying extended help message (`--full-help`) for the `delete-tag`, `delete-service-section` commands
* Commands `describe-platform-service` and `list-platform-services` was merged to `describe-platform-service-stacks` with following parameters:
* `--cloud`, `-c`, * The cloud
* `--tenant`, `-tn`, * The tenant name
* `--region`, `-r`, * The region name
* `--service`, `-sname`, The service name
* `--service-id`, `-sid`, Service ID
* `--all`, `-A`, A flag. If specified, the services activated in all tenants of the current customer are displayed
* Commands `describe-platform-service-definition` and `list-platform-service-definitions` was merged to `describe-platform-services` with the following parameters:
* `--cloud`, `-c`,
* `--tenant`, `-tn` Displaying the list of the available platform services in the tenant
* `--service`, `-sname` Displaying the list of the available platform services by service name
Displaying current platform services by template type
* `--template-type`, `-tpltype` [CLOUD_FORMATION, TERRAFORM]


* Fixed empty rows in response of the `describe-tags` command.
* Added a new command `describe-user-permissions` that lists a set of permission groups available to a user
for the given tenant and environment.


* Fixed the error of a missing plugin for the `describe-platform-service-definition` command.

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