* Added `_headers_customization_func` to `response_processor_service.py` with parameters: * `disable_numparse` * Changed the `commands_def.json` : * deleted all `extra_headers` and moved them into headers * added optional parameter `headers_customization`
* Added an optional property to the command definition object (listed in `commands_def.json`) named as `integration_suffix`. * In case the property is specified, m3cli should build the plugin name according to the following pattern: ${command_name}_${integration_suffix}.py
* Added two optional parameters to `run-instance` command: * `stop_after` * `terminate_after`
* Fixed `access` command for case when `api_address` parameter is not specified and api address for prod env should be set by default.
* The `tenant-name` parameter has become optional in the` description-keypair` command * The `publish-service` command had the following changes: * the `tenant-name` parameter is required * the `cloud` parameter is required
* Updated the allowed values of the cloud providers in all commands * Added the `NUTANIX` cloud provider to allowed values * Deleted the following cloud providers from `allowed values` as obsolete: * CSA * HPOO * EXOSCALE * Changed the alias name in the following commands: * `describe-public-tag` from `dtag` to `dpvtag` * `describe-private-tags` from `dtag` to `dpubtag`