* Added flag `inactive` for the `price` command to show price model for inactive resources. * Made `from` and `to` parameters optional, added `shape` parameter to filter instance price model by shape name.
* The `manage-termination-protection` command was implemented. * There is the ability to enable or disable termination protection for AWS, Azure, and GCP instances.
* Fixed validation for GCP cloud for `set-public-tag`, `describe-public-tag` and `delete-public-tag` commands. * Made `errorMessage`, `instanceName` and `state` headers optional for `start-instance`, `stop-instance`, `reboot-instance` and `terminate-instance` commands.
* The `update-platform-service` and `publish-service` commands have the following changes: * Renamed the alias name of the `template-name` parameter in the PaaS commands from `tname` to `tempname`; * Added the regex validation to the `provider-version` parameters
* Changes to the `describe-schedules` command: * Removed the `instance-id` parameter as it was not in use; * Added the required `schedule-type` parameter; * Made the `region` parameter optional; * Removed the `cloud` and `tenant` attributes from output; * Added the `instances` and `tag` optional attributes to output. * Added the `instance-ids` parameter to the `resource-report` command. * Added the `summaryDescription` attribute to output of the `describe-platform-service-definition` command. * Added the `clouds` and `categories` attributes to output of the `list-platform-service-definitions` command.
* Added ability to show several tables in the command response. * Use correct api action for the `price` command. Added validation about possible pricing types.