Adaptation to or2 cli has been made:
* Regex validation for `string` type;
* The `date` data type for command parameters;
* The `alias` attribute for commands and parameters;
Paths in commands def file:
* `commands.$command_name.alias`;
* `commands.$command_name.parameters.$parameters_name.alias`.
* The `--table`(default), `--full`, `--json` modes for output;
* Filtering of `None`, `0`, `[]`, `{}`, `False` in `--table (default)` and `--json` mode;
* Configurable response attributes to show in `--table` and `--json` modes;
Path in commands def file:
* `commands.$command_name.output_configuration.response_table_headers`(list);
* Added ability to unmap response using configurable key;
Path in commands def file:
* `commands.$command_name.output_configuration.unmap_key`(string);
* Added validation of m3cli meta.