* The `update-platform-service` command has the following changes: * changed the alias name from `pver` to `providerv` in the `provider-version` parameter * changed the alias name from `pver` to `productv` in the `product-version` parameter
* Improved `describe-tenants` command, the `all` parameter was replaced with the `hidden`, * it is possible to use `hidden` and `inactive` parameters separately and both
* The `publish-service` command has the following changes: * the `operating-system` parameter was set as not `required` * the `delivery-method` parameter was set as not `required` and has the `Maestro` value by default * improved the descriptions for the following parameters: * `tenant-name` * `cloud` * The function of encoding of the picture moved to the plugin_utilities.py file * Added the Regex validation for `terraform-version` parameter in the terraform-upload-template command * Added the ability to specify default values for required command parameters in the `m3.properties` file in the user's current working directory. Default values from the `m3.properties` file take precedence over default values from the `default.cr` file in the user's home directory. * Removed the `path` parameter from the `access` command as obsolete. * Removed the `M3CLI_PARAMETER_SET_NAME` environment variable as obsolete.
* Fixed the interactive options if no default fields are available * The `create-keypair` command has following changes: * the `access_key` and `secret_key` write to the local file to the `%HOME/.m3cli/keys/` path by default * added the ability to specify the `path` to save keys
* Commands `describe-public-tag` and `delete-public-tag` was implemented, the `set-public-tag` command was improved: * by default command will add new tag instead of overwriting existing, added `overwrite` flag to make it possible overwrite existing tags
* Added the following parameters to the `publish-service` command: * `tenant-name` - the tenant display name * `cloud` - the cloud provider * Renamed the following alias in the `publish-service` command: * from `pver` to `providerv`; * from `pver` to `productv`