This new release provides a new Viewer, named Panda3d, for easy code visualization in Python. It also provides additional fixes to the Code Generation support.
This new release of Pinocchio provides new features for dealing with Lie groups: - improved operations over the differential operations of the integrate function - new functions for transporting some matrix between the two endpoints of the integrate function - the RPY functions are now robust over singularities - the support of autodiff frameworks has been improved to also cope with Lie groups features
This release also provides: - a packaging fixe with respect to the URDFDOM dependency - the Python bindings should now be without memory leak
This new release fixes a bug introduced in Pinocchio 2.4.0 concerning the method ModelTpl::addFrame. This release also provides better support for the checking of the CppAD and CppADCodeGen versions.
This new release of Pinocchio makes several improvements: - improve compatibility with hpp-fcl - improve compatibility with CppAD and notably the Lie algebra features - a better CMake >= 3.0 export of the project - new examples for Code generation - improved Python bindings - improved support for Boost.Multiprecision - reduce the memory usage when compilation unit tests
and we have started to move some dependencies like urdfdom to the library to avoid additional compilations issues and to useless compilations burden.
This new release provides: - some fixes with respect to minor bugs introduced in Pinocchio 2.3.0 - an enhance detection of Python - improves the compilation memory overhead
This new release provides: - full compatibility with CMake export - full compatibility with Numpy.Array - examples for Code generation - better support of C++11 - minor bug fixes - improves coverage - uniformizes function signature - improves interoperability between Numpy and Pinocchio - add many examples - full integration of Python bindings of hpp-fcl - supports the pickling and the serialization of Data