This is a maintenance release, with some fixes concerning the contact dynamics, better support of LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED option and fixes with respect to some recent versions of CppADCodeGen.
This is a maintenance release providing several fixes: - remove memory allocation in ABA derivatives with contact forces - better handling of boost::Variant - better support of Majax
It also provides new features in the documentation of mathematical formula.
This new release improves: - the support of AutoDiff frameworks - the efficiency of some core algorithms
fixes: - the support of Majax - the compatibility with Python 2/3
This new release improves the packaging of the project and provides new algorithms to compute the Jacobians of the center of mass of each subtree.
This new release provides support for JointMimic and JointRevoluteUnboundedUnaligned. It also comes with the full support of CasADi.
Thanks to mkatliar for helping us to provide this support.
This new release provides some fixes with respect to Python bindings, C++17 as well as new important features:
- dynamic regressor for identification - add support of multiple viewers - improve analytical derivatives