
Latest version: v24.0.0

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With thanks to ZhifangYe for contributions

* FIX: Non-invertible transforms bringing parcellation to BOLD (1130)
* FIX: Bad connection for ``--medial-surface-nan`` option (1128)


With thanks to danlurie for the outstanding contribution of 1106

* ENH: Some nit picks on reports (1123)
* ENH: Carpetplot + confounds plot (1114)
* ENH: Add constrained cost-function masking to T1-MNI registration (1106)
* FIX: Circular dependency (1104)
* ENH: Set ``PYTHONNOUSERSITE`` in containers (1103)


* MAINT: fmriprep-docker: Ensure data/output/work paths are absolute (1089)
* ENH: Add usage tracking and centralized error reporting (1088)
* FIX: Ensure one motion IC index is loaded as list (1096)
* TST: Refactoring CircleCI setup (1098)
* FIX: Compression in DataSinks (1095)
* MAINT: fmriprep-docker: Support Python 2/3 without future or other helpers (1082)
* MAINT: Update npm to 10.x (1087)
* DOC: Prefer pre-print over Zenodo doi in boilerplate (1086)
* DOC: Stylistic fix (\`'template'\`) (1083)
* FIX: Run ICA-AROMA in ``MNI152Lin`` 2mm resampling grid (91x109x91 vox) (1064)
* MAINT: Remove cwebp to revert to png (1081)
* ENH: Allow changing the dimensionality of Melodic for AROMA. (1052)
* FIX: Derivatives datasink handling of compression (1077)
* FIX: Check for invalid sform matrices (1072)
* FIX: Check exit code from subprocess (1073)
* DOC: Add preprint fig. 1 to About (1070)
* FIX: Always strip session from T1w for derivative naming (1071)
* DOC: Add RRIDs in the citation boilerplate (1061)
* ENH: Generate CIFTI derivatives (1001)


* FIX: Do not detrend CSF/WhiteMatter/GlobalSignal (1058)


* TST: Re-run ds005 with only one BOLD run (1048)
* FIX: Patch subject_summary in reports (1047)


With thanks to danlurie for contributions.

* FIX: Connect inputnode to SDC for pepolar images (1046)
* FIX: Pass ``ref_file`` to STC check (1038)
* DOC: Add BBR fallback to user docs. (1036)
* ENH: Revise resampling grid for template outputs (1040)
* MAINT: DataSinks within their workflows (1021)
* ENH: Add FLAIR pial refinement support (829)
* MAINT: Upgrade to pybids 0.5 (1027)
* MAINT: Refactor fieldmap heuristics (1017)
* FIX: Use metadata to select shortest echo as ref_file (1018)
* ENH: Adopt versioneer to compose version names (1007)
* ENH: Handle first echo separately for ME-EPI (891)

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