
Latest version: v24.0.0

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Bug-fix release in the 1.5.x series.

This release fixes a bug specifically for T1w images with dimensions ≤256 voxels
but a field-of-view >256mm.

* FIX: Calculate FoV with shape and zooms (nipreps/smriprep161)


Bug-fix release in the 1.5.x series.

* FIX: Include all functional runs in reports, establish consistent ordering (1937)
* FIX: Use SyN-SDC if --use-syn-sdc and --ignore fieldmaps are used (1942)


Bug-fix release in the 1.5.x series.

* FIX: Correctly select volumetric spaces for carpetplot (1932) effigies
* FIX: Constrain setuptools for Python 2.7 installs of fmriprep-docker (1933) effigies


Bug-fix release in the 1.5.x series.

* FIX: Integrate fix for nipreps/sdcflows77 (pin niworkflows-1.0.3, sdcflows-1.0.3) oesteban


The last patch release of the 1.5.x series containing features.
As of 1.5.4, patch releases will only contain bug fixes, maintenance
tasks and minor documentation revisions.

* FIX: Do not run STC if SliceTiming metadata is set but empty (1854) oesteban
* FIX: Link to EPINorm issue in README (1903) adelavega
* FIX: Respect ``--dummy-scans 0`` (1908) jdkent
* ENH: Upgrade SDCFlows to new API (1.0.0) (1886) oesteban
* ENH: Add ``--fs-subjects-dir`` flag (1901) effigies
* DOC: Improving accessibility of confounds description (1877) kfinc
* MAINT: Ensure data is packaged in sdist (1902) effigies
* MAINT: Remove deprecated command-line arguments (1909) mgxd


Bug-fix release in the 1.5.x series.

* FIX: Ensure data type of masked image matches T1.mgz (nipreps/niworkflows430) effigies

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