
Latest version: v24.1.0

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* FIX: Broken ``--fs-license-file`` argument (869)


* ENH: Use Nipype MultiProc even for sequential execution (856)
* RF: More memory annotations and considerations (816)
* FIX: Controlling memory explosion (854)
* FIX: Mount nipype repositories as niworkflows submodule (834)
* FIX: Reduce image loads in local memory (839)
* ENH: Always sync qforms, refactor error messaging (851)


* ENH: Check for invalid qforms in validation (847)
* FIX: Update pybids to include latest bugfixes (838)
* FIX: MultiApplyTransforms failed with nthreads=1 (835)


* FIX: Adopt new FreeSurfer (v6.0.1) license mechanism (787)
* ENH: Output affine transforms from original T1w images to preprocessed anatomical (726)
* FIX: Correct headers in AFNI-generated NIfTI files (818)
* FIX: Normalize T1w image qform/sform matrices (820)


* FIX: Fixed 776 (aCompCor - numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: SVD did not converge) via 807.
* ENH: Added ``CSF`` column to ``_confounds.tsv`` (included in 807)
* DOC: Add more details on the outputs of FMRIPREP and minor fixes (811)
* ENH: Processing confounds in BOLD space (807)
* ENH: Updated niworkflows and nipype, including the new feature to close all file descriptors (810)
* RF: Refactored BOLD workflows module (805)
* ENH: Improved memory annotations (803, 807)


* FIX: Allow missing magnitude2 in phasediff-type fieldmaps (802)
* FIX: Lower tolerance deciding t1_merge shapes (798)
* FIX: Be robust to 4D T1w images (797)
* ENH: Resource annotations (746)
* ENH: Use indexed_gzip with nibabel (788)
* FIX: Reduce FoV of outputs in T1w space (785)

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