With thanks to danlurie for contributions.
* FIX: Connect inputnode to SDC for pepolar images (1046)
* FIX: Pass ``ref_file`` to STC check (1038)
* DOC: Add BBR fallback to user docs. (1036)
* ENH: Revise resampling grid for template outputs (1040)
* MAINT: DataSinks within their workflows (1021)
* ENH: Add FLAIR pial refinement support (829)
* MAINT: Upgrade to pybids 0.5 (1027)
* MAINT: Refactor fieldmap heuristics (1017)
* FIX: Use metadata to select shortest echo as ref_file (1018)
* ENH: Adopt versioneer to compose version names (1007)
* ENH: Handle first echo separately for ME-EPI (891)