* ENH: Added an option to choose the degrees of freedom used when doing BOLD to T1w coregistration (``--bold2t1w_dof``). Set default to 9 to account for field inhomogeneities and coils heating up (448)
* ENH: Added support for phase difference and GE style fieldmaps (448)
* ENH: Generate GrayWhite, Pial, MidThickness and inflated surfaces (398)
* ENH: Memory and performance improvements for calculating the EPI reference (436)
* ENH: Sample functional series to subject and ``fsaverage`` surfaces (391)
* ENH: Output spaces for functional data may be selected with ``--output-space`` option (447)
* ENH: ``--skip-native`` functionality replaced by ``--output-space`` (447)
* ENH: ``fmriprep-docker`` wrapper script simplifies running in a Docker environment (317)