
Latest version: v24.0.0

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* FIX: Grouping runs broke FMRIPREP on some datasets (916)
Thanks to emdupre


With thanks to emdupre for contributions.

* PIN: Update required niworkflows version to 0.2.3
* FIX: Refine ``antsBrainExtraction`` if ``recon-all`` is run (912)
With thanks to Arno Klein for his [helpful comments
* FIX: Use thinner contours in reportlets (910)
* FIX: Robuster EPI mask (911)
* FIX: Set workflow return value before potential error (887)
* DOC: Documentation about FreeSurfer and ``--fs-no-reconall`` (894)
* DOC: Fix example in installation ants-nthreads -> omp-nthreads (885)
With thanks to mvdoc.
* ENH: Allow for multiecho data (875)


* ENH: Add ``--resource-monitor`` flag (883)
* FIX: Collision between Multi-T1w and ``--no-freesurfer`` (880)
* FIX: Setting ``use_compression`` on resampling workflows (882)
* ENH: Estimate motion parameters before STC (876)
* ENH: Add ``--stop-on-first-crash`` option (865)
* FIX: Correctly handling xforms (874)
* FIX: Combined ROI reportlets (872)
* ENH: Strip reportlets out of full report (867)


* FIX: Broken ``--fs-license-file`` argument (869)


* ENH: Use Nipype MultiProc even for sequential execution (856)
* RF: More memory annotations and considerations (816)
* FIX: Controlling memory explosion (854)
* FIX: Mount nipype repositories as niworkflows submodule (834)
* FIX: Reduce image loads in local memory (839)
* ENH: Always sync qforms, refactor error messaging (851)


* ENH: Check for invalid qforms in validation (847)
* FIX: Update pybids to include latest bugfixes (838)
* FIX: MultiApplyTransforms failed with nthreads=1 (835)

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