
Latest version: v24.1.0

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A bug-fix release improving documentation for filtering BIDS files and standardizing CIFTI volume orientation.

With thanks to Ursula Tooley for the contribution.

* DOC: FAQ section for BIDS filter (2028)
* FIX: Ensure BOLD and label orientations are equal (`nipreps/niworkflows477`_).

.. _`nipreps/niworkflows477`:


A bug-fix release for CIFTI surfaces.

This release remedies a resampling error when generating fsLR surfaces that was producing erroneous CIFTI files.
**We strongly recommend all users who have generated CIFTI output with previous 20.0.x releases to upgrade and rerun**.

* FIX: Remedy fsLR surface resampling (2032)


A bug squashing release in the 20.0.x series.

This release fixes the use of custom templates within the docker wrapper, remedies crashes
when FreeSurfer HOME was not set, and improves the documentation for local installations.

With thanks to Blaise Frederick for the contribution.

* DOC: Update standalone installation requirements (2009)
* FIX: Crashes whenever FREESURFER_HOME is not set (2014)
* FIX: Local template mounting (wrapper) (2020)
* MAINT: Pin minor series of nipype, major series of nibabel (2021)


Bug-fix release in 20.0.x series.

This release includes fixes for rare images with invalid qform matrices and some minor
improvements in report readability and inclusion of common templates in the Docker image.

* FIX: Handle qforms with invalid quaternions (`nipreps/niworkflows466`_)
* FIX: update niworkflows location (2005)
* ENH: Display errors as summary/details elements in reports (`nipreps/niworkflows464`_)
* DOC: Add ``--fs-subjects-dir`` usage to slurm example (2003)
* CI: Test that Docker image can run a common set of output spaces without network access (1997)

.. _`nipreps/niworkflows464`:
.. _`nipreps/niworkflows466`:


As described in the `Contributor Guidelines
<>`__, anyone
listed as developer or contributor may write and submit manuscripts regarding
To do so, please move the author(s) name(s) to the front of the following list.

Markiewicz, Christopher J.\ :sup:`1`\ ; DuPre, Elizabeth\ :sup:`2`\ ; Goncalves, Mathias\ :sup:`1`\ ; Kent, James D.\ :sup:`3`\ ; Ciric, Rastko\ :sup:`1`\ ; Salo, Taylor\ :sup:`4`\ ; de la Vega, Alejandro\ :sup:`5`\ ; Finc, Karolina\ :sup:`6`\ ; Feingold, Franklin\ :sup:`1`\ ; Urchs, Sebastian\ :sup:`2`\ ; Blair, Ross W.\ :sup:`1`\ ; Erramuzpe, Asier\ :sup:`7`\ ; Valabregue, Romain\ :sup:`8`\ ; Jacoby, Nir\ :sup:`9`\ ; Lurie, Daniel J.\ :sup:`10`\ ; Heinsfeld, Anibal S.\ :sup:`11`\ ; Halchenko, Yaroslav O.\ :sup:`12`\ ; Sneve, Markus H.\ :sup:`13`\ ; Devenyi, Grabriel A.\ :sup:`14`\ ; Liem, Franz\ :sup:`15`\ ; Gomez, Daniel E. P.\ :sup:`16`\ ; Adebimpe, Azeez\ :sup:`17`\ ; Velasco, Pablo\ :sup:`18`\ ; Groen, Iris I. A.\ :sup:`19`\ ; Ma, Feilong\ :sup:`12`\ ; Rivera-Dompenciel, Adriana\ :sup:`3`\ ; Amlien, Inge K.\ :sup:`13`\ ; Cieslak, Matthew\ :sup:`17`\ ; Ghosh, Satrajit S.\ :sup:`20, 21`\ ; Isik, Ayse Ilkay\ :sup:`22`\ ; Moodie, Craig A.\ :sup:`1`\ ; Naveau, Mikaël\ :sup:`23`\ ; Satterthwaite, Theodore D.\ :sup:`17`\ ; Sitek, Kevin R.\ :sup:`24`\ ; Stojić, Hrvoje\ :sup:`25`\ ; Thompson, William H\ :sup:`1`\ ; Tooley, Ursula A.\ :sup:`26`\ ; Wright, Jessey\ :sup:`1`\ ; Ye, Zhifang\ :sup:`27`\ ; Gorgolewski, Krzysztof J.\ :sup:`1`\ ; Poldrack, Russell A.\ :sup:`1`\ ; Esteban, Oscar\ :sup:`1`\ .


1. Department of Psychology, Stanford University
2. Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
3. Neuroscience Program, University of Iowa
4. Department of Psychology, Florida International University
5. University of Texas at Austin
6. Centre for Modern Interdisciplinary Technologies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
7. Computational Neuroimaging Lab, BioCruces Health Research Institute
8. CENIR, INSERM U1127, CNRS UMR 7225, UPMC Univ Paris 06 UMR S 1127, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, ICM, F-75013, Paris, France
9. Department of Psychology, Columbia University
10. Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley
11. Child Mind Institute
12. Dartmouth College: Hanover, NH, United States
13. Center for Lifespan Changes in Brain and Cognition, University of Oslo
14. Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
15. URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging, University of Zurich
16. Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen
17. Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA
18. Center for Brain Imaging, New York University
19. Department of Psychology, New York University, NY, USA
20. McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT, MA, USA
21. Department of Otolaryngology, Harvard Medical School, MA, USA
22. Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
23. Cyceron, UMS 3408 (CNRS - UCBN), France
24. Speech & Hearing Bioscience & Technology Program, Harvard University
25. Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research, University College London
26. Department of Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA
27. State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University

1.5.x series (September 2019)


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