* ENH: Add inverse normalization transform (MNI -> T1w) to derivatives (754)
* ENH: Fall back to initial registration if BBR fails (694)
* FIX: Header and affine transform updates to resolve intermittent
misalignments in reports (743)
* FIX: Register FreeSurfer template to FMRIPREP template, handling pre-run
FreeSurfer subjects more robustly, saving affine to derivatives (733)
* ENH: Add OpenFMRI participant sampler command-line tool (704)
* ENH: For SyN-SDC, assume phase-encoding direction of A-P unless specified
L-R (740, 744)
* ENH: Permit skull-stripping with NKI ANTs template (729)
* ENH: Erode aCompCor masks to target volume proportions, instead of fixed
distances (731, 732)
* DOC: Documentation updates (748)