
Latest version: v1.7.2

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Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Docs**: Add details on transformations: sliding window, 5517, jillnogold
* **Deprecations**: Resolve 1.7.0 deprecations, 5510, alonmr
* **Model Monitoring**: Improvements to mm-apps do_tracking api, 5474, davesh0812
* **Datastore**: When necessary, save the bucket as part of the data source profile and use the default path if the path is not specified, 5478, alxtkr77
* **Alerts**: Enable the alerts mode flag, 5480, Yacouby
* **Tutorials**: Remove new_function usage, 5504, daniels290813
* **Docs**: Tune 'to_mock_server', 5508, george0st
* **Tests**: Change v3io test chunks size, 5467, tomerm-iguazio
* **API**: Add model endpoint list metrics/results endpoint, 5484, jond01
* **CI**: Enhance release script, 5505, liranbg
* **Notifications**: Pipeline notifications from workflow manifest, 5443, quaark
* **Docs**: Update usage of 'to_mock_server', 5503, george0st
* **Docs**: Data stores, remove double brackets, 5499, george0st
* **Feature Store**: Read optimisation on partitioned target, 5465, tomerm-iguazio
* **Docs**: Repair samples with ingest, 5500, george0st
* **Docs**: Add mlrun+python coding conventions, 5493, Yacouby
* **Linting**: Upgrade ruff, 5492, jond01
* **ProjectSummaries**: Make `_calculate_pipelines_counters` use pagination, 5496, roei3000b
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
dd3ddb2c [Docs] Add details on transformations: sliding window (5517)
66af02ad [Deprecations] Resolve 1.7.0 deprecations (5510)
f9426085 [Model Monitoring] Improvements to mm-apps do_tracking API (5474)
b0dbde7d [Datastore] When necessary, save the bucket as part of the data source profile and use the default path if the path is not specified (5478)
dcbd1397 [Alerts] Enable the alerts mode flag (5480)
d78f640d [Tutorials] Remove new_function usage (5504)
2ff3ea07 [Docs] Tune 'to_mock_server' (5508)
90543777 [Tests] Change v3io test chunks size (5467)
ecff6140 [API] Add model endpoint list metrics/results endpoint (5484)
1e63c3ae [CI] Enhance release script (5505)
bb8bb3c8 [Notifications] Pipeline Notifications from Workflow Manifest (5443)
850d4f7a [Docs] Update usage of 'to_mock_server' (5503)
3867fa54 [Docs] Data Stores, remove double brackets (5499)
b3ab5c7d [Feature Store] Read optimisation on partitioned target (5465)
f240d9c3 [Docs] Repair samples with ingest (5500)
4e89b346 [Docs] Add MLRun+Python Coding Conventions (5493)
29a20dc4 [Linting] Upgrade Ruff (5492)
7ab5e43e [ProjectSummaries] Make `_calculate_pipelines_counters` use pagination (5496)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Httpdb**: Use normalized name in url when get_nuclio_deploy_status, 5495, rokatyy
* **Dask**: Enhance extending env vars to avoid memory leak, 5490, liranbg
* **API**: Create logger handler once, 5488, liranbg
* **Hack**: Update postto version, 5487, gtopper
* **ProjectSummaries**: Add runs_completed_recent_count, 5482, roei3000b
* **Docs**: Remove double function parameter, 5457, george0st
* **Nuclio**: Delete nuclio function when removing function of nuclio runtime, 5462, rokatyy
* **Workflows**: Add subpath or workdir to workflow path, 5461, GiladShapira94
* **Project**: By default, don't raise if allow_cross_project flag isn't set, 5481, roei3000b
* **Auth**: Authenticate with oauth client-credentials grant, 5456, theSaarco
* **Runs**: Log run state to be patched, 5476, liranbg
* **Projects**: Adding `allow_cross_project` flag for creating project from template, 5453, roei3000b
* **RemoteWorkflows**: Fail fast when remote runner is failing, 5473, liranbg
* **Project**: Don't sync functions if running workflows in remote, 5472, TomerShor
* **Serving**: Add new `set_flow()` api, 5437, gtopper
* **Nuclio**: Refactor api gateway class to inherit from `modelobj`, 5464, TomerShor
* **Datastore**: Change default chunk size, 5468, tomerm-iguazio
* **Docs**: Add docstring for `kafkatarget`, 5463, gtopper
* **Feature Store**: Base redis default path on `config.feature_store` template, 5442, alxtkr77
* **Model Monitoring**: Add `wait_for_deployment` flag in create/deploy/update apis, 5433, jond01
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Auth**: Fix httpdb init from env, 5494, theSaarco
* **Notifications**: Fix slack notifications with long messages, 5489, quaark
* **Datastore**: Fix `hdfsstore.rm()`, 5471, gtopper
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
0967b2a2 [Httpdb] Use normalized name in URL when get_nuclio_deploy_status (5495)
9d672b32 [Auth] Fix httpdb init from env (5494)
cb3ba867 [Dask] Enhance extending env vars to avoid memory leak (5490)
f3c0222a [Notifications] Fix Slack Notifications With Long Messages (5489)
370acaf3 [API] Create logger handler once (5488)
6a1c1283 [Hack] Update postto version (5487)
017ebdaa [ProjectSummaries] Add runs_completed_recent_count (5482)
fea108db [Docs] Remove double function parameter (5457)
a0e7738d [Nuclio] Delete Nuclio function when removing function of Nuclio runtime (5462)
b0c80652 [Workflows] Add subpath or workdir to workflow path (5461)
f6967002 [Project] By default, don't raise if allow_cross_project flag isn't set (5481)
ea4cdfd1 [Auth] Authenticate with OAuth client-credentials grant (5456)
8a133816 [Runs] Log run state to be patched (5476)
64a306aa [Projects] Adding `allow_cross_project` flag for creating project from template (5453)
be389737 [RemoteWorkflows] Fail fast when remote runner is failing (5473)
e9fdfdd9 [Project] Don't sync functions if running workflows in remote (5472)
03aecff3 [Serving] Add new `set_flow()` API (5437)
75fcc2d8 [Datastore] Fix `HdfsStore.rm()` (5471)
b0e1c6c4 [Nuclio] Refactor API Gateway class to inherit from `ModelObj` (5464)
bb553dee [Datastore] change default chunk size (5468)
842aacaf [Docs] Add docstring for `KafkaTarget` (5463)
b95a34f3 [Feature Store] Base Redis default path on `config.feature_store` template (5442)
6a1e37e9 [Model Monitoring] Add `wait_for_deployment` flag in create/deploy/update APIs (5433)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Alerts**: Convert event value to be dict to allow multiple values, 5460, yanburman
* **Docs**: Add workflow examples, 5444, jillnogold
* **Feature Store**: Restore ds default template path, 5458, alxtkr77
* **Projects**: Make store_project async and refresh cached result, 5434, yaelgen
* **Docs**: Improve sql source and target documentation, 5455, gtopper
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Datastore**: Fix `datastoreprofilekafkatarget`, 5454, gtopper
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
3bba8f56 [Alerts] Convert event value to be dict to allow multiple values (5460)
4e2dcfef [Docs] Add workflow examples (5444)
69af841c [Feature Store] Restore ds default template path (5458)
2c925799 [Projects] Make store_project async and refresh cached result (5434)
0e8b1922 [Datastore] Fix `DatastoreProfileKafkaTarget` (5454)
0c21ac26 [Docs] Improve SQL source and target documentation (5455)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Docs**: Update sample (use image python 3.9 not 3.7), 5451, george0st
* **Kafka**: Add warning and fallback on old kafka option everywhere it applies, 5452, gtopper
* **Hack**: Delete comment that is no longer relevant from notebook, 5449, gtopper
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Datastore**: Revert 'kind' prefix for default and v3io stores, 5450, alxtkr77
* **Artifacts**: Fix retained producer overwriting artifact spec, 5381, alonmr
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
d99c139a [Docs] Update sample (use image python 3.9 not 3.7) (5451)
daad905f [Datastore] Revert 'kind' prefix for default and v3io stores (5450)
177a7b29 [Kafka] Add warning and fallback on old kafka option everywhere it applies (5452)
06efdda2 [Hack] Delete comment that is no longer relevant from notebook (5449)
811d3f0b [Artifacts] Fix retained producer overwriting artifact spec (5381)
e472f22a [Dependabot] Bump from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0 in /server/log-collector (5446)

Failed parsing:
e472f22a {dependabot[bot]} [Dependabot] Bump from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0 in /server/log-collector (5446)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Datastore**: Rely on buffer instead of mmap, 5439, tomerm-iguazio
* **API**: Add alerts handling, 5367, yanburman
* **FeatureStore**: Set 'kind' for all the default stores as 'nosql', 5441, alxtkr77
* **Model Monitoring**: Raise error when using mlrun default image with client_version<1.6.3 and set_tracking is on, 5438, davesh0812
* **Pagination**: Phase vi - sdk uses pagination, 5436, quaark
* **Serving**: Revert 5322, 5431, gtopper
* **API Reference**: Add `mlrun.model_monitoring` docstrings, 5422, jond01
* **Docs**: Add an example how to use `log_artifact` method, 5411, GiladShapira94
* **Formatting**: Run the ruff formatter on docstrings, 5420, jond01
* **Model Monitoring**: Delete pipelines `access_key` from serving_spec_env, 5423, davesh0812
* **Model Monitoring**: Improve infra functions deployment, 5418, jond01
* **Utils**: Use `time.monotonic()` when measuring run time, 5421, gtopper
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Docs**: Fix text block formatting, 5427, jond01
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix model inputs and outputs concatenation, 5435, jond01
* **Tests**: Fix `teardown_class`, 5426, tomerm-iguazio
* **Kafka**: Fix handling of new `brokers` parameter in `kafkatarget`, 5430, gtopper
* **Kafka**: Fix `kafka_brokers` fallback on `kafka_bootstrap_servers`, add deprecation warning, 5429, gtopper
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
fbea0ad0 [Docs] Fix text block formatting (5427)
dc382166 [Model Monitoring] Fix model inputs and outputs concatenation (5435)
1401c784 [Tests] Fix `teardown_class` (5426)
bf95217e [Datastore] Rely on buffer instead of mmap (5439)
57e09417 [API] Add alerts handling (5367)
52373185 [FeatureStore] Set 'kind' for all the default stores as 'nosql' (5441)
5c1c4b7e [Kafka] Fix handling of new `brokers` parameter in `KafkaTarget` (5430)
477b3667 [Kafka] Fix `kafka_brokers` fallback on `kafka_bootstrap_servers`, add deprecation warning (5429)
498848b3 [Model Monitoring] raise error when using mlrun default image with client_version<1.6.3 and set_tracking is on (5438)
7c2d8ca8 [Pagination] Phase VI - SDK Uses Pagination (5436)
eddf225e [Serving] Revert 5322 (5431)
84133897 [API Reference] Add `mlrun.model_monitoring` docstrings (5422)
90c42251 [Docs] Add an example how to use `log_artifact` method (5411)
1e58ee7c [Formatting] Run the Ruff Formatter on docstrings (5420)
8e801eb0 [Model Monitoring] Delete pipelines `access_key` from SERVING_SPEC_ENV (5423)
d3e45852 [Model Monitoring] Improve infra functions deployment (5418)
f99e193d [Utils] Use `time.monotonic()` when measuring run time (5421)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Application**: Forward query params to sidecar, 5416, alonmr
* **Nuclio**: Add ability to delete function with async client, 5414, rokatyy
* **API**: Support format for single get projects endpoint, 5407, liranbg
* **Datastore**: Snowflake offline target, 5214, tomerm-iguazio
* **Pagination**: Phase v.2 - function pagination endpoint support, 5415, quaark
* **Requirements**: Bump igz-mgmt to 0.1.3, 5413, moranbental
* **Application**: Support building the application image, 5341, alonmr
* **Pagination**: Phase v.1 - runs pagination endpoint support, 5399, quaark
* **API**: Ensure uvicorn logger matches the handler class, 5408, liranbg
* **Config**: Use mlrun.mlconf instead of mlrun.config.config, 5405, yanburman
* **Nuclio**: Add wait_for_readiness functionality to store_api_gateway, 5406, rokatyy
* **Kafka**: Rename `bootstrap_servers` -> `brokers`, 5398, gtopper
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Tensorflow**: Fix imports, 5410, gtopper
* **API**: Fix logging headers for incoming/responding requests, 5409, liranbg
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
3396f9ef [Application] Forward query params to sidecar (5416)
0be210b9 [Nuclio] Add ability to delete function with Async client (5414)
8dd496d8 [API] Support format for single get projects endpoint (5407)
ccdbfdda [Datastore] Snowflake offline target (5214)
76240c16 [Pagination] Phase V.2 - Function Pagination Endpoint Support (5415)
48de4653 [Requirements] Bump igz-mgmt to 0.1.3 (5413)
007ab801 [Application] Support building the application image (5341)
002bf0a4 [Tensorflow] Fix imports (5410)
35ae3778 [Pagination] Phase V.1 - Runs Pagination Endpoint Support (5399)
bbe47a9e [API] Fix logging headers for incoming/responding requests (5409)
0498c578 [API] Ensure uvicorn logger matches the handler class (5408)
061da847 [Config] Use mlrun.mlconf instead of mlrun.config.config (5405)
e06a1896 [Nuclio] Add wait_for_readiness functionality to store_api_gateway (5406)
18fa12ca [Kafka] Rename `bootstrap_servers` -> `brokers` (5398)

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