Features / Enhancements
* **Datasets**: Support uploading dataset body when it is not a dataframe, 5027, TomerShor
* **Artifacts**: Warn loading legacy artifacts, 5031, alonmr
* **SDK**: Remove no git warning when not a git repo, 5033, alonmr
* **DB**: Lock db rows when tagging artifacts, 5019, TomerShor
* **SQLDB**: Don't update run labels if non given, 5032, alonmr
* **Requirement**: Bump nuclio-jupyter version to 0.9.15, 5025, yanburman
* **Datastore**: Forbid unlisted parameters in datastore profile initialization, 5013, alxtkr77
* **SDK**: Remove nuclio `dashboard` param, 5024, alonmr
* **Runtimes**: Remove default state_thresholds from nuclio and dask, 5020, alonmr
* **Docs**: Setting `min_replicas` and `max_replicas` in `kafkasource`, 5010, jillnogold
* **Artifacts**: Log_artifact: check file existence for local filesystem path, 4976, tomerm-iguazio
* **Datastore**: Remove run id from stream and kafka target status, 5003, gtopper
* **Spark**: Make hadoop options compatible with lazy operations, 5009, alxtkr77
* **API**: Verify project deletion in threadpool, 5011, alonmr
* **DB**: Update labels for existing features if needed, 5006, TomerShor
* **API**: Change swagger url to unversioned api, 5008, alonmr
* **Workflows**: Disregard project name on named runs while filtering, 4966, laurybueno
* **CI**: Enhance system test information provided on slack, 5004, liranbg
* **Model Monitoring**: Remove unhelpful warning, 5000, gtopper
* **Nuclio**: Revert duplicate enrichment on build, 5002, alonmr
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v1.6.0-rc24#features-and-enhancements)
Bug fixes
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix update\bumping endpoint last_request timestamp when using batch infer, 5029, davesh0812
* **All**: Fix missing space in user strings, 5028, gtopper
* **Artifacts**: Fix backwards compatibility with legacy artifacts, 5026, quaark
* **Feature Store**: Fix ingest data with single quotes in v3io engine, 5017, tomerm-iguazio
* **Monitoring**: Fix inconsistent runs overriding, 5012, alonmr
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v1.6.0-rc24#bug-fixes)
Pull requests:
c650b1b3 [Datasets] Support uploading dataset body when it is not a dataframe (5027)
fcd3ef37 [Artifacts] Warn loading legacy artifacts (5031)
a3261c64 [SDK] Remove no git warning when not a git repo (5033)
6484236f [DB] Lock db rows when tagging artifacts (5019)
c90b91d7 [SQLDB] Don't update run labels if non given (5032)
d80c81a5 [Requirement] Bump nuclio-jupyter version to 0.9.15 (5025)
219733eb [Model Monitoring] Fix update\bumping endpoint last_request timestamp when using batch infer (5029)
60b745a1 [All] Fix missing space in user strings (5028)
9fd9eea9 [Datastore] Forbid unlisted parameters in datastore profile initialization (5013)
483c46b2 [Artifacts] Fix Backwards Compatibility with Legacy Artifacts (5026)
1877b72f [SDK] Remove nuclio `dashboard` param (5024)
d53d4f0c [Runtimes] Remove default state_thresholds from Nuclio and Dask (5020)
0ffea042 [Docs] Setting `min_replicas` and `max_replicas` in `KafkaSource` (5010)
15e934a7 [Feature Store] fix Ingest data with single quotes in v3io engine (5017)
17fc501a [Monitoring] Fix inconsistent runs overriding (5012)
e2701431 [Artifacts] log_artifact: check file existence for local filesystem path (4976)
4b194f17 [Datastore] Remove run ID from stream and Kafka target status (5003)
03cc03c1 [Spark] Make Hadoop options compatible with lazy operations (5009)
a9d6c794 [API] Verify project deletion in threadpool (5011)
c2676e6d [DB] Update labels for existing features if needed (5006)
5e740515 [API] Change Swagger URL to unversioned API (5008)
6c75c168 [Workflows] Disregard project name on named runs while filtering (4966)
5072aa0c [CI] Enhance system test information provided on slack (5004)
f78a8d57 [Model Monitoring] Remove unhelpful warning (5000)
bc78c1e4 [Nuclio] Revert duplicate enrichment on build (5002)