Features / Enhancements
* **API**: Adding metadata.created to feature-store objects, 1034, theSaarco
* **Feature store**: Pass Context to storey source steps, 1032, katyakats
* **Feature store**: Support controlling whether to overwrite the previously ingested data in ingest(), 1028, urihoenig
* **Datastore**: Expose flush configuration for parquet target, 976, dinal
* **System tests**: Enable running system tests without cleaning resources on teardown, 1023, hedingber
* **API**: Read and pass leader session when needed, 1025, hedingber
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v0.6.5-rc6#features-and-enhancements)
Bug fixes
* **API**: Return 404 on get build status endpoint when build pod not found, 1030, hedingber
* **Datastore**: Fix parquet target initialization, 1029, dinal
* **Runtimes**: Fix built image logging + use enums for function states on building, 1027, hedingber
* **Runtimes**: Fix horvod run, 1024, yaronha
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v0.6.5-rc6#bug-fixes)
Pull requests:
72b0be0 [Utils] Support parsing enum.Enum to yaml (1035)
b30f255 [API] Adding metadata.created to feature-store objects (1034)
2b352fb [Feature store] Pass Context to storey source steps (1032)
571d82c [API] Return 404 on get build status endpoint when build pod not found (1030)
a2ce863 [Feature store] Support controlling whether to overwrite the previously ingested data in ingest() (1028)
d54d5de [Datastore] Fix parquet target initialization (1029)
d25c058 [Runtimes] Fix built image logging + use enums for function states on building (1027)
8b0d48d [Datastore] Expose flush configuration for parquet target (976)
301477d [System tests] Enable running system tests without cleaning resources on teardown (1023)
d83f32d [API] Read and pass leader session when needed (1025)
d880b36 [Runtimes] Fix horvod run (1024)