Features / Enhancements
* **Feature store**: Ignore errors in drop columns in case entity is not set, 821, dinal
* **API**: Adding APIs to delete specific versions of feature-store objects, 811, theSaarco
* **Model Monitoring**: Drift detection, grafana proxy, httpdb SDK, 795, Michaelliv
* **UI**: [Features & enhancment](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v0.6.2-rc4#features-and-enhancements)
Bug fixes
* **System test**: Add graphviz to requirements, 822, hedingber
* **Sparkjob**: Fix not setting executor instances, 820, hedingber
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v0.6.2-rc4#bug-fixes)
Pull requests:
074d660 [Feature store] Ignore errors in drop columns in case entity is not set (821)
5fedf06 [API] Adding APIs to delete specific versions of feature-store objects (811)
1c93cbd [System test] Add installation of graphviz executable to image (823)
100466a [System test] Add graphviz to requirements (822)
13a701b [Model Monitoring] Drift detection, grafana proxy, httpdb SDK (795)
a6e9016 [Sparkjob] Fix not setting executor instances (820)