
Latest version: v1.7.2

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Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Doc**: Update, 771, yonittanenbaum
* **Doc**: Update, 770, yonittanenbaum
* **UI**: [Features & enhancment](

Bug fixes
* **Model Monitoring**: TSDB and KV configuration changes, 775, Michaelliv
* **Model Monitoring**: Hard coded table path bug, 772, Michaelliv
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
9ad9a6b [Model Monitoring] TSDB and KV configuration changes (775)
fc2d91d [Model Monitoring] Hard coded table path bug (772)
5b6f680 [Doc] Update (771)
5e920cb [Docs] Update (770)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **RemoteSpark**: Added example notebook + prepare for multiple providers, 761, urihoenig
* **UI**: [Features & enhancment](

Bug fixes
* **Configuration**: Duplicated configurations removal + default value fixes, 766, Michaelliv
* **Artifacts**: Fix data frame artifacts failure to write as csv, 767, hedingber
* **Feature-store**: Fix passing feature vector as job data item (input), 765, yaronha
* **Sparkjob**: Fix handling for int cpu limit, 763, urihoenig
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
5ba0653 [Configuration] Duplicated configurations removal + default value fixes (766)
423359d [Artifacts] Fix data frame artifacts failure to write as csv (767)
33553d1 [Feature-store] Fix passing feature vector as job data item (input) (765)
bcb3270 [Tests] Fix runtimes API system test (764)
cedf22c [RemoteSpark] Added example notebook + prepare for multiple providers (761)
d51e12f [Sparkjob] Fix handling for int cpu limit (763)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Execution**: Improve, add tests, and docs to hyper params and run context, 758, yaronha
* **MPIJob**: Support configuring clean pod policy and set to All by default, 759, hedingber
* **Remote spark**: Adding the remote-spark runtime, 757, urihoenig
* **Model Monitoring**: Adding grafana-proxy endpoints, 721, Michaelliv
* **Datasets**: Use fsspec (if exist) to upload dataset dataframes, 752, yaronha
* **Tests**: Dask runtime unit test, 756, theSaarco
* **Tests**: Add set_label test to kubejob runtime, 754, Yacouby
* **Doc**: Quick-start fixes, 751, omesser
* **Style/Formatting**: "except as" variable name e->exc, 753, omesser
* **General**: String formatting - aligning to f-string , 750, omesser
* **Doc**: Fix typo in "Quick-Start Guide", 748, AliMirlou
* **Builder**: Support configuring build args, 744, FelGel
* **Tests**: Add more with_code test to kubejob runtime, 741, yanburman
* **Tests**: Add set_env test to kubejob runtime, 740, Yacouby
* **Feature store**: new features, enhancements, fixes, and tests, 737, yaronha
* **Tests**: Nuclio runtime unit test, 739, theSaarco
* **Tests**: Adding open source MLRun-Kit system tests, 733, quaark
* **Tests**: Add with_code test to kubejob runtime, 736, yanburman
* **Doc**: Review PR 677 docs/index.rst edits (add MLRun architecture & remove key features) & merge to README, 718, Sharon-iguazio
* **UI**: [Features & enhancment](

Bug fixes
* **Serving**: Fix model stream not returned, 747, yaronha
* **Sparkjob**: Remove hard-coded namespace, 749, urihoenig
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
17e6b23 [Execution] Improve, add tests, and docs to hyper params and run context (758)
f5afc89 [MPIJob] Support configuring clean pod policy and set to All by default (759)
542b066 [Remote spark] Adding the remote-spark runtime (757)
5422689 [Model Monitoring] Adding grafana-proxy endpoints (721)
80df9a4 [Datasets] Use fsspec (if exist) to upload dataset dataframes (752)
bc57b3a [Tests] Dask runtime unit test (756)
cdf9c12 [Style/Formatting] key-value formatting fixes - non string inputs (755)
286ee45 [Tests] Add set_label test to kubejob runtime (754)
5838815 [Style/Formatting] "except as" variable name e->exc (753)
805ffdb [Doc] Quick-start fixes (751)
39263df [General] String formatting - aligning to f-string (750)
22280c3 [Serving] Fix model stream not returned (747)
35dfc1b [Doc] Fix typo in "Quick-Start Guide" (748)
dedf15f [Sparkjob] Remove hard-coded namespace (749)
7a9ea02 [Builder] Support configuring build args (744)
f6d2bb1 [Tests] Add more with_code test to kubejob runtime (741)
916947d [Tests] Add set_env test to kubejob runtime (740)
95e6740 [Feature store] new features, enhancements, fixes, and tests (737)
1ce163b [Tests] Nuclio runtime unit test (739)
2a7bf05 [Tests] Adding open source MLRun-Kit system tests (733)
b3cdccf [Tests] Add with_code test to kubejob runtime (736)
6c40179 [Doc] Review PR 677 docs/index.rst edits (add MLRun architecture & remove key features) & merge to README (718)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **CI**: Add CI to ensure no dependencies conflicts + refactor package extras CI + fix requirements conflicts, 735, hedingber
* **Tests**: Enable running the runtimes test without having kubeconfig locally, 734, hedingber
* **Jupyter**: Shove quick-start guide onto jupyter image, 731, liranbg
* **Tests**: Add unit-tests for runtimes, 730, theSaarco
* **Integration tests**: Adding infrastructure + simple create project test, 725, hedingber
* **Datastore**: Add fsspec support to all data stores, 724, yaronha
* **Doc**: Add, 720, quaark
* **API**: Add support for query with multiple label values, 690, theSaarco
* **Model monitoring**: Metric restructuring, 681, Michaelliv
* **Model monitoring**: User permissions hardening, 680, Michaelliv
* **Config**: Adding v3io api and framesd values, 691, hedingber
* **Serving**: Restructure voting ensemble, 684, zilbermanor
* **UI**: [Features & enhancment](

Bug fixes
* **SDK**: Consider configured default project when importing a function, 728, hedingber
* **SDK**: Read kfp image from server + make dask kfp image configurable, 723, hedingber
* **Doc**: getting-started-tutorial: minor title edit (hyphenate "Getting-Started") + NB 2 start/end code-markers doc edits, 715, Sharon-iguazio
* **Doc**: getting-started-tutorial NB 1: doc-review edits 2, 707, Sharon-iguazio
* **Doc**: getting-started-tutorial NB 3: doc-review edits 2, 709, Sharon-iguazio
* **Doc**: getting-started-tutorial NB 4 doc-review edits; howto/ title edit ("How-To Guides and Demos"), 710, Sharon-iguazio
* **Release notes generator**: Commit regex fixes, 719, hedingber
* **System tests**: Fix teardown, 714, hedingber
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
7581f36 [CI] Add CI to ensure no dependencies conflicts + refactor package extras CI + fix requirements conflicts (735)
b819634 [Tests] Enable running the runtimes test without having kubeconfig locally (734)
3065e75 [Doc] Fix typo in 04-pipeline.ipynb (729)
b4a20cd [Jupyter] Shove quick-start guide onto jupyter image (731)
0ae5edc [Tests] Add unit-tests for runtimes (730)
5b91d6b [SDK] Consider configured default project when importing a function (728)
fbc3d10 [Integration tests] Adding infrastructure + simple create project test (725)
2f3e920 [Datastore] Add fsspec support to all data stores (724)
c94e71d [Doc] Fix typo in (727)
d99e08b [Requirements] Upbound cryptography version and pin storey (726)
5c7af61 [SDK] Read kfp image from server + make dask kfp image configurable (723)
4177476 [System tests] Remove unneeded re-initialization of rundb (722)
3daa146 [Doc] Add (720)
d37b438 [API] Add support for query with multiple label values (690)
5ffeabd [Model monitoring] Metric restructuring (681)
619c258 [Model monitoring] User permissions hardening (680)
49746a1 [Config] Adding v3io api and framesd values (691)
84da198 [Serving] Restructure voting ensemble (684)
69290fd [Release notes generator] Commit regex fixes (719)
bad5dca [Doc] getting-started-tutorial: minor title edit (hyphenate "Getting-Started") + NB 2 start/end code-markers doc edits (715)
9e6fd45 [Doc] getting-started-tutorial NB 1: doc-review edits 2 (707)
67b60cd [Doc] getting-started-tutorial NB 3: doc-review edits 2 (709)
20de014 [Doc] getting-started-tutorial NB 4 doc-review edits; howto/ title edit ("How-To Guides and Demos") (710)
ab5709e [System tests] Fix teardown (714)


Not secure
Main features & enhancements
* **DB migrations**: Add alembic migrations support, quaark
* **Scheduling**: Support update, labels and much more, quaark
* **Feature store**: Adding feature store, theSaarco + yaronha
* **Images**: Optimize images size, hedingber
* **Doc**: New theme + big refactor + a lot of additions, gilad-shaham + yaronha + Sharon-iguazio + theSaarco
* **Kit**: Introduce the mlrun-kit, omesser
* **Sparkjob**: A lot of additions and bug fixes, urihoenig
* **Serving**: Introduce Serving v2 with a lot of new features, yaronha
* **Projects**: Enable projects syncing with Nuclio, hedingber
* **Model monitoring**: Init - adding API endpoints, Michaelliv
* **Secrets store**: Add Vault support, theSaarco
* **Requirements**: Support python package extras, hedingber
* **UI**: [Release notes](

More info can be found in the RCs release notes:


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Models**: Enhance model artifact and model monitoring , 694, yaronha
* **Automation**: Add the release notes generator , 700, hedingber
* **Doc**: Add minor improvements to the tutorials , 695, gilad-shaham
* **UI**: [Features & enhancment](

Bug fixes
* **Requirements**: Upbound numpy to 1.20 , 704, hedingber
* **Projects**: Delete from followers before deleting from leader , 703, hedingber
* **Jobs**: Fix to assign task project to function from hub on job submission , 693, hedingber
* **Serving**: Add base runtime env , 701, hedingber
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
cd1e3a2 [Requirements] Upbound numpy to 1.20 (704)
a700373 [Models] Enhance model artifact and model monitoring (694)
7bcaac5 [Automation] Add the release notes generator (700)
5b8248e [Serving] Add base runtime env (701)
2fb5ad7 [Projects] Delete from followers before deleting from leader (703)
6f0a606 [Jobs] Fix to assign task project to function from hub on job submission (693)
957a617 [Doc] Add minor improvements to the tutorials (695)

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