Features / Enhancements
* **Notifications**: Use run db to store run notifications, 4015, alonmr
* **Model Monitoring**: Adjust batch monitoring job start time offset, 3981, jond01
* **Feature Store**: Add an ability to define a feature vector that joins between different feature sets not using the same entity and with a "complex" join types., 3947, davesh0812
* **Trigger**: Validate v3io consumer group name, 4009, liranbg
* **SDK**: Remove deprecated methods, 3971, alonmr
* **Docs**: Bump sphinx and limit protobuf, 4005, alonmr
* **Docs**: Add sample for scale to zero via api, 3932, george0st
* **CI**: Bump action to use node 16, 4003, liranbg
* **Run**: Refactor logs watch, 4000, alonmr
* **CI**: Remove post release workflow, 4002, liranbg
* **Feature Store**: Raise an error when passing invalid run config, 3999, davesh0812
* **API**: Change mlrun rest api urls to conform with the best-practice, 3982, yaelgen
* **Model Monitoring**: Secret provider for sql connection string on api side, 3987, Eyal-Danieli
* **Run-configuration**: Run all unit tests configuration, 3975, alonmr
* **Config**: Remove dynamic resolve of iguazio api url, 3974, alonmr
* **Package**: Add `mlrun.package` to docs, 3995, guy1992l
* **Launcher**: Enrich with auth info from server side, 3972, alonmr
* **CI**: Run go jobs only when changed, 3983, alonmr
* **Requirements**: Update fsspec and related dependencies to latest, 3966, gtopper
* **CI**: Feature branch enhancements, 3992, liranbg
* **Automation**: Warn if mlrun db deletion failed, 3988, alonmr
* **Serving**: Disable explicit ack when nuclio is too old, 3985, gtopper
* **Model Monitoring**: Support prometheus as a time series solution for model monitoring, 3844, Eyal-Danieli
* **Schemas**: [builder][kubejob] remove python 3.7 leftovers, 3980, alonmr
* **Requirements**: Bump storey to 1.5.2, 3979, gtopper
* **API**: Set run db url to dsn, 3976, alonmr
* **Runtimes**: Move runtime handlers to the api, 3958, alonmr
* **RunDB**: Move sqldb to api, 3938, alonmr
* **Images**: Bump pip version to 23.2.1, 3970, alonmr
* **Docs**: Add release dates to change log, 3968, jillnogold
* **Docs**: Bump readthedocs build python version, 3963, alonmr
* **Docs**: Bump mlrun version for release, 3962, alonmr
* **Docs**: Add tech preview note to dask, 3956, jillnogold
* **API**: Add submit workflow endpoint, 2473, yonishelach
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v1.5.0-rc2#features-and-enhancements)
Bug fixes
* **API**: Fix deprecation message for `files` and `filestat` apis, 4007, theSaarco
* **CI**: Fixing set_environment uses obsolete argument, 4011, liranbg
* **API**: Fix load-project return `runobject` instead of `backgroundtask`, 4004, yonishelach
* **Fix**: Fix normalize_workflow_name function, 4006, GiladShapira94
* **CI**: Fix feature branch release, 4001, liranbg
* **Worklow**: Fix schedule workflow name renaming, 3954, GiladShapira94
* **Automation**: Fix prepare for else clause, 3998, alonmr
* **Automation**: Fix suppressed database doesn't exist string, 3997, alonmr
* **Automation**: Fix check for suppressed errors, 3993, alonmr
* **API**: Fix workflow bugs (system tests), 3989, yonishelach
* **Nuclio**: Fix httpdb url, 3990, alonmr
* **Docs**: Fix helm repo add mlrun-ce command, 3984, alonmr
* **Project**: Fix `load_only` doc string, 3969, alonmr
* **Docs**: Fix readthedocs build python version, 3965, alonmr
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v1.5.0-rc2#bug-fixes)
Pull requests:
dcf0e721 [API] Fix deprecation message for `files` and `filestat` APIs (4007)
e88691d8 [Notifications] Use Run DB to store run notifications (4015)
c5c4d79d [Model Monitoring] Adjust batch monitoring job start time offset (3981)
e6e988a6 [Feature Store] Add an ability to define a feature vector that joins between different feature sets not using the same entity and with a "complex" join types. (3947)
2aedcf22 [CI] Fixing set_environment uses obsolete argument (4011)
bd962e29 [Trigger] Validate v3io consumer group name (4009)
277d6f95 [SDK] Remove deprecated methods (3971)
88e86df4 [API] Fix load-project return `RunObject` instead of `BackgroundTask` (4004)
64cb0b35 [Fix] fix normalize_workflow_name function (4006)
f79e0ac4 [Docs] Bump sphinx and limit protobuf (4005)
91b7cdd8 [Docs] Add sample for scale to zero via API (3932)
0ba29dff [CI] Bump action to use node 16 (4003)
1b77a002 [Run] Refactor logs watch (4000)
5ad21f82 [CI] Fix feature branch release (4001)
9fba06ba [CI] Remove post release workflow (4002)
7ae9b217 [Worklow] Fix schedule workflow name renaming (3954)
11d0232d [Feature Store] Raise an error when passing invalid run config (3999)
1097f697 [API] Change MLRun REST API URLs to conform with the best-practice (3982)
372985aa [Model Monitoring] Secret provider for SQL connection string on API side (3987)
095aec25 [Run-configuration] Run all unit tests configuration (3975)
e82c20a1 [Config] Remove dynamic resolve of iguazio API URL (3974)
6629cfb8 [Package] Add `mlrun.package` to docs (3995)
4317fe63 [Launcher] Enrich with auth info from server side (3972)
ba1555e7 [Automation] Fix prepare for else clause (3998)
d8da4225 [Automation] Fix suppressed database doesn't exist string (3997)
2bb2c06b [CI] Run Go jobs only when changed (3983)
42bf7ea5 [Requirements] Update fsspec and related dependencies to latest (3966)
12e81cb0 [CI] Feature branch enhancements (3992)
a6c9fafe [Automation] Fix check for suppressed errors (3993)
9b2e38ae [Automation] Warn if mlrun db deletion failed (3988)
e66bc2aa [API] Fix workflow bugs (system tests) (3989)
42e69066 [Nuclio] Fix HTTPDB URL (3990)
93a1e61f [Serving] Disable explicit ack when nuclio is too old (3985)
9465d9a8 [Model Monitoring] Support Prometheus as a time series solution for model monitoring (3844)
6a67d2f0 [Docs] Fix helm repo add mlrun-ce command (3984)
7f1d02ac [Schemas][Builder][Kubejob] Remove python 3.7 leftovers (3980)
d81550df [Requirements] Bump storey to 1.5.2 (3979)
1b8a00e3 [API] Set run db URL to DSN (3976)
ddcb444e [Runtimes] Move runtime handlers to the API (3958)
0955f708 [RunDB] Move SQLDB to API (3938)
ef001585 [Images] Bump pip version to 23.2.1 (3970)
2d3f9d43 [Project] Fix `load_only` doc string (3969)
abe5a25e [Docs] Add release dates to change log (3968)
77ef5728 [Docs] Fix readthedocs build python version (3965)
ca3e9041 [Docs] Bump readthedocs build python version (3963)
13777d1e [Docs] Bump mlrun version for release (3962)
cb930b33 [Docs] Add Tech Preview note to Dask (3956)
d130504c [API] Add submit workflow endpoint (2473)