
Latest version: v1.7.2

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Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Model Monitoring**: Save only the new fields that generated by the user to modelmonitoringapplicationresult, 4832, davesh0812
* **Docs**: Add mlflow tutorial, 4694, jillnogold
* **HTTPDB**: Keep watching on created and aborting states, 4852, TomerShor
* **Build**: Update build command, 4849, liranbg
* **Automation**: Support log collector image patch, 4850, alonmr
* **API**: Remove deprecated artifacts endpoints, 4810, alonmr
* **K8s**: Map k8s api exceptions to mlrun exceptions, 4843, alonmr
* **Docs**: Add creating and using a custom/private hub, 4710, jillnogold
* **CI**: Updating system test, 4846, liranbg
* **Requirements**: Bump storey to 1.6.14, 4847, gtopper
* **Artifacts**: Add the option to calculate the size of artifact, 4828, Yacouby
* **Logs**: Add get log size endpoint and sdk method, 4836, TomerShor
* **Project**: Set default build base image, 4842, alonmr
* **Model Monitoring**: Save all the metrics of an application in kv storage, 4841, jond01
* **Spark**: Remove logging of spark options, 4839, alxtkr77
* **Datastore**: Log databricks metadata run as an artifact, 4831, tomerm-iguazio
* **Requirements**: Bump storey to 1.6.12, 4838, gtopper
* **CI**: Run system test on self hosted runners, 4837, liranbg
* **API**: Force delete pods after grace period passed, 4822, alonmr
* **Logs**: Validate positive offset when getting logs, 4829, TomerShor
* **Model Monitoring**: Remove the factor from inf edge detection, 4827, jond01
* **API**: Skip monitoring when crd state is not populated, 4811, alonmr
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **CI**: Fix open source system test missing deleted argument, 4862, liranbg
* **CI**: Fix system test existing project, 4861, liranbg
* **Artifacts**: Fix project level artifact path template, 4854, quaark
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix delete old parquet function, 4830, davesh0812
* **API**: Fix delete runs error status code, 4855, alonmr
* **Automation**: Patch image name hotfix, 4856, alonmr
* **Requirements**: Fix databricks requirements, 4851, tomerm-iguazio
* **CI**: Fix system tests using git examples, 4853, liranbg
* **API**: Fix log of runtime attribute, 4848, alonmr
* **DB**: Fix reusing db sessions, 4840, liranbg
* **Doc**: Add `kuberesource` to docs and fix some malformed doctrings, 4816, theSaarco
* **Docs**: Add example of function with git, fix format of set_state_thresholds, 4834, jillnogold
* **BackwardsCompatibility**: Fix upgrading to mlrun 1.6.x from versions < 1.4, 4798, liranbg
* **Artifacts**: Fix timezone in created timestamp, 4825, TomerShor
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
c80213fd Revert "[Project] Delete Project Background Task" (4863)
4fe63b1c [CI] Fix open source system test missing deleted argument (4862)
695ca555 [CI] Fix system test existing project (4861)
fd5c1dce [Model Monitoring] Save only the new fields that generated by the user to ModelMonitoringApplicationResult (4832)
33d7bd53 [Artifacts] Fix Project Level Artifact Path Template (4854)
fbee42af [Model Monitoring] Fix delete old parquet function (4830)
18e8603e [API] Fix delete runs error status code (4855)
692f4782 [Automation] Patch image name hotfix (4856)
8fa55f8c [Docs] Add MLflow tutorial (4694)
ffe3cbe5 [Requirements] Fix databricks requirements (4851)
f15aa2a8 [HTTPDB] Keep watching on created and aborting states (4852)
3ba1859d [CI] Fix system tests using git examples (4853)
3f8c35c9 [Build] Update build command (4849)
d004f804 [Automation] Support log collector image patch (4850)
ba071dd0 [API] Remove deprecated artifacts endpoints (4810)
b1e42ee9 [K8s] Map k8s api exceptions to mlrun exceptions (4843)
9b0523f3 [Docs] Add creating and using a custom/private hub (4710)
97969648 [CI] Updating system test (4846)
a9fd32b9 [API] Fix log of runtime attribute (4848)
c5593419 [Requirements] Bump storey to 1.6.14 (4847)
13c06c84 [Artifacts] Add the option to calculate the size of artifact (4828)
76a1f6e6 [Logs] Add get log size endpoint and sdk method (4836)
87a46ece [DB] Fix reusing db sessions (4840)
4de5585a [Project] Set default build base image (4842)
7b4bbf82 [Model Monitoring] Save all the metrics of an application in KV storage (4841)
e007b641 [Spark] Remove logging of spark options (4839)
e4f20bc2 [Datastore] Log databricks metadata run as an artifact (4831)
4021f31b [Requirements] Bump storey to 1.6.12 (4838)
c6148ece [Doc] Add `KubeResource` to docs and fix some malformed doctrings (4816)
b934cefe [CI] Run system test on self hosted runners (4837)
8624ceba [Docs] Add example of function with git, fix format of set_state_thresholds (4834)
24803795 [API] Force delete pods after grace period passed (4822)
1dc10e3f [Logs] Validate positive offset when getting logs (4829)
2fd93dcd [Project] Delete Project Background Task (4784)
23603b88 [Model Monitoring] Remove the factor from inf edge detection (4827)
174407d3 [BackwardsCompatibility] Fix upgrading to mlrun 1.6.x from versions < 1.4 (4798)
024af7d7 [API] Skip monitoring when CRD state is not populated (4811)
a5d0fc10 [Artifacts] Fix timezone in created timestamp (4825)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Tests**: Rerun flaky scheduler test, 4817, alonmr
* **API**: Mark background task as failed when abort run fails, 4823, alonmr
* **KubeResource**: Rename state threshold `running` to `executing`, 4820, alonmr
* **Automation**: Support specific tag, 4819, yanburman
* **HTTPDB**: Warn list runs with notification does not include local runs, 4818, alonmr
* **MPI**: Crd state to run state mapping, 4809, alonmr
* **Feature Store**: Avoid catching and re-raising error, 4805, gtopper
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix histogram handling by always adding ±inf bins, 4824, jond01
* **Datastore**: Fix key field propagation from `featureset` to `onlinesource`, 4821, gtopper
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix the e2e sys test wait time, 4815, jond01
* **Config**: Fix nuclio version resolution for explicit ack, 4813, gtopper
* **Datastore**: Fix store manager reading datastore profile, 4814, alxtkr77
* **Notifications**: Fix pipeline notifications having non-deterministic run amount, 4793, quaark
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix an evidently import, 4812, jond01
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
b322c4b8 [Model Monitoring] Fix histogram handling by always adding ±inf bins(4824)
52cd6110 [Datastore] Fix key field propagation from `FeatureSet` to `OnlineSource` (4821)
ff225f89 [Tests] Rerun flaky scheduler test (4817)
10f420b5 [API] Mark background task as failed when abort run fails (4823)
d1030e4d [KubeResource] Rename state threshold `running` to `executing` (4820)
f8f0cd15 [Automation] Support specific tag (4819)
19ae9d94 [HTTPDB] Warn list runs with notification does not include local runs (4818)
da7cf4b3 [Model Monitoring] Fix the e2e sys test wait time (4815)
11c21ce5 [Config] Fix nuclio version resolution for explicit ack (4813)
c4eae3ac [Datastore] Fix store manager reading datastore profile (4814)
773cbb34 [Notifications] Fix Pipeline Notifications Having Non-Deterministic Run Amount (4793)
f7600253 [Model Monitoring] Fix an evidently import (4812)
41e2d19f [MPI] CRD state to run state mapping (4809)
571bbed5 [Feature Store] Avoid catching and re-raising error (4805)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Featurestore**: Add future deprication messages to feature-store apis that changed to class methods, 4803, alxtkr77
* **Unknown**: Revert "[artifacts] add the option to calculate the size of artifact", 4807, alonmr
* **Feature Store**: Support retrieval across feature-sets with different number of entities, 4726, davesh0812
* **Project**: Add `tree` argument to `get_artifact`, 4801, TomerShor
* **Utils**: Skip 'derecated' when looking for caller function's namespace, 4799, alxtkr77
* **Project**: Return clear error messages when set_source triggers unresolvable function dependencies, 4797, laurybueno
* **Artifacts**: Check existing artifact with uid when storing artifact, 4773, TomerShor
* **Pipelines**: Default workflow status to unknown if status is missing, 4781, liranbg
* **Tests**: Change test target path, 4786, tomerm-iguazio
* **Runtimes**: Add databricks output as mlrun logs, 4766, tomerm-iguazio
* **API**: Add model monitoring dashboard url to frontend spec, 4772, gtopper
* **Makefile**: `fmt` target should never fail, 4783, gtopper
* **Requirements**: Ingest large df - bump story to 1.6.12, 4777, tomerm-iguazio
* **Artifacts**: Header length information for datasets must be stored as a status property, 4780, laurybueno
* **Artifacts**: Datasets should always know how many columns they had before pre-processing, 4779, laurybueno
* **MAKE**: Make awk expression compatible with older awk versions, 4768, yanburman
* **Artifacts**: Add the option to calculate the size of artifact, 4719, Yacouby
* **Model Monitoring**: Update the number of application stream shards to 1, 4771, jond01
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Datastore**: Fix purge_targets on azure datastore, 4806, tomerm-iguazio
* **Auth**: Fix overriding hints with import substitutions, 4808, alonmr
* **API**: Fix call to v3io stream `create()`, 4804, gtopper
* **Artifacts**: Fix iteration in uid calculation during migration, 4802, TomerShor
* **Datastore**: Fix datastore hadoop based profiles handling in spark (s3), 4787, alxtkr77
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix support for evidently >=0.4.11 and warn if unsupported evidently version is used, 4794, jond01
* **Feature-store**: Fix ingest()/ds-profile ingetration - remove datastore type embedding in url, 4788, alxtkr77
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix "last_request" logic to be updated on each request, 4792, jond01
* **V3IO**: Fix parameter name in calls to new stream api, 4782, gtopper
* **Artifacts**: Fix migrating artifacts without iteration, 4775, TomerShor
* **Docs**: Fix `store_artifact` docstring in httpdb, 4776, TomerShor
* **Dataset**: Fix duplicate index preview, 4778, liranbg
* **Pipelines**: Fix non-deterministic remote pipeline notifications, 4774, quaark
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
900934a4 [Featurestore] Add future deprication messages to feature-store APIs that changed to class methods (4803)
059ae8ec [Datastore] fix purge_targets on azure datastore (4806)
b2a3626a [Auth] Fix overriding hints with import substitutions (4808)
8b600a2c Revert "[Artifacts] Add the option to calculate the size of artifact" (4807)
3fd34a49 [Feature Store] Support retrieval across feature-sets with different number of entities (4726)
c7e0574b [API] Fix call to v3io stream `create()` (4804)
0cc6201b [Artifacts] Fix iteration in uid calculation during migration (4802)
3495bfb3 [Datastore] Fix datastore hadoop based profiles handling in Spark (s3) (4787)
e18fb892 [Model Monitoring] Fix support for evidently >=0.4.11 and warn if unsupported evidently version is used(4794)
0e814546 [Project] Add `tree` argument to `get_artifact` (4801)
bfcacb54 [Feature-store] Fix ingest()/ds-profile ingetration - remove datastore type embedding in URL (4788)
e9de5cc7 [Utils] Skip 'derecated' when looking for caller function's namespace (4799)
39649cba [Model Monitoring] Fix "last_request" logic to be updated on each request (4792)
776fefe1 [Project] Return clear error messages when set_source triggers unresolvable function dependencies (4797)
99a02a3f [Artifacts] Check existing artifact with uid when storing artifact (4773)
44cb6166 [Pipelines] Default workflow status to unknown if status is missing (4781)
6afcf3f0 [Tests] Change test target path (4786)
87cafd70 [Runtimes] Add databricks output as mlrun logs (4766)
a52da8fe [API] Add model monitoring dashboard URL to frontend spec (4772)
074b1b58 [V3IO] Fix parameter name in calls to new stream API (4782)
58f8de14 [Makefile] `fmt` target should never fail (4783)
6d840730 [Requirements] Ingest large df - bump story to 1.6.12 (4777)
937893f8 [Artifacts] Header length information for datasets must be stored as a status property (4780)
b3e385a3 [Artifacts] Datasets should always know how many columns they had before pre-processing (4779)
e175ebde [Artifacts] Fix migrating artifacts without iteration (4775)
d560dcb9 [Docs] Fix `store_artifact` docstring in httpdb (4776)
f82b9da4 [Dataset] Fix duplicate index preview (4778)
f9a4c921 [Pipelines] Fix Non-deterministic Remote Pipeline Notifications (4774)
b744a4f5 [MAKE] Make awk expression compatible with older awk versions (4768)
db3f1874 [Artifacts] Add the option to calculate the size of artifact (4719)
74cdc4df [Model Monitoring] Update the number of application stream shards to 1 (4771)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **V3IO**: Replace deprecated v3io-py apis, 4765, gtopper
* **API**: Handle recurrent abort runs, 4764, alonmr
* **Linting**: Add ruff formatter - replace black, 4748, jond01
* **Tracker**: Don't commit run if no trackers, 4755, alonmr
* **Docs**: Add full url, not only relative path, 4760, george0st
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Run**: Fix state validation in error property getter, 4769, alonmr
* **Notifications**: Fix schedule pipeline not sending notifications, 4759, quaark
* **API**: Fix passing project spec params as int object, 4763, Yacouby
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
348a7379 [V3IO] Replace deprecated v3io-py APIs (4765)
e6bad347 [Run] Fix state validation in error property getter (4769)
701c40a6 [API] Handle recurrent abort runs (4764)
28be8796 [Linting] Add Ruff formatter - replace black (4748)
e32fe00d [Tracker] Don't commit run if no trackers (4755)
561f092e [Notifications] Fix Schedule Pipeline Not Sending Notifications (4759)
38bfacfb [Docs] Add full url, not only relative path (4760)
caa92dc3 [API] Fix passing project spec params as int object (4763)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Feature Store**: Add missing annotation, 4762, gtopper
* **Feature Store**: Revert "[featurestore] add future deprecation messages to several apis (4754)", 4767, gtopper
* **Datastore**: Avoid failure on serialization, 4758, gtopper
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Tests**: Fix running tests in case kube config present, 4761, yanburman
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
3e6ededb [Feature Store] Add missing annotation (4762)
42e6b3f8 Revert "[Featurestore] Add future deprecation messages to several APIs (4754)" (4767)
1991f2f7 [Tests] Fix running tests in case kube config present (4761)
f26dcead [Datastore] Avoid failure on serialization (4758)


Not secure
Features / Enhancements
* **Requirements**: Bump fsspec and dependancies + databricks-sdk, 4739, tomerm-iguazio
* **Docs**: Repair & remove links, 4752, george0st
* **API**: Add aborting state, 4757, alonmr
* **Artifacts**: Refactor artifacts db tables and api, 4753, TomerShor
* **Logs**: Refactor get_log & watch_log functions for better log retrieval, 4731, Yacouby
* **Pipelines**: Ignore get run status for remote:local, 4751, alonmr
* **Featurestore**: Add future deprecation messages to several apis, 4754, alxtkr77
* **Linting**: Add ruff linter - replace isort & flake8, 4740, jond01
* **Config**: Remove an unused legacy `setup.cfg` file, 4745, jond01
* **Requirements**: Bump storey to 1.6.11, 4746, gtopper
* **CRUD**: Validate run state before deletion, 4736, alonmr
* **API**: Cascade and batch multiple runs deletion, 4729, alonmr
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Datastore**: Fix delete ("rm") in azure datastore, 4734, tomerm-iguazio
* **API**: Fix run logs not deleted in worker, 4747, TomerShor
* **HTTPDB**: Update paths to use project prefix convention, 4743, alonmr
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix the option to return a list of results, 4735, jond01
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
e1417192 [Requirements] Bump fsspec and dependancies + databricks-sdk (4739)
9a5cc955 [Docs] Repair & Remove links (4752)
d2080b64 [API] Add aborting state (4757)
bdeb9665 [Artifacts] Refactor artifacts DB tables and API (4753)
142cfe18 [Datastore] Fix delete ("rm") in Azure datastore (4734)
dbc02a8f [Logs] Refactor get_log & watch_log functions for better log retrieval (4731)
71deb568 [Pipelines] Ignore get run status for remote:local (4751)
14e16377 [Featurestore] Add future deprecation messages to several APIs (4754)
7d97ad1b [API] Fix run logs not deleted in worker (4747)
24206157 [Linting] Add Ruff linter - replace isort & flake8 (4740)
c774618a [Config] Remove an unused legacy `setup.cfg` file (4745)
de958eb4 [Requirements] Bump storey to 1.6.11 (4746)
f4b97867 [HTTPDB] Update paths to use project prefix convention (4743)
0d4ef3a1 [Model Monitoring] Fix the option to return a list of results (4735)
0430d355 [CRUD] Validate run state before deletion (4736)
b650953a [API] Cascade and batch multiple runs deletion (4729)

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