Features / Enhancements
* **Spark**: Generate stats for timestamp and boolean columns, 2561, gtopper
* **API**: Add timeouts for requests which are getting rerouted to chief, 2565, tankilevitch
* **Serving**: Use before param in add_aggregate function as expected., 2560, davesh0812
* **Docs**: Add AWS to install and a few updates to the AWS install page, 2566, gilad-shaham
* **Docs**: Update Project pages, 2487, yaronha
* **Docs**: AWS installation, 2492, gilad-shaham
* **Docs**: Community Edition Installation Docs, 2450, quaark
* **Project**: Add missing project run_function(), build_function() args, 2559, yaronha
* **Docs**: Redis as online feature set, 2539, jillnogold
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v1.2.0-rc13#features-and-enhancements)
Bug fixes
* **Unknown**: Fix table causing errors during doc build, 2564, gilad-shaham
* **Feature Store**: Fix stats for multi-index dataframes (pandas), 2557, gtopper
* **Datastore**: Fix `KafkaSource` without attributes, 2558, gtopper
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v1.2.0-rc13#bug-fixes)
Pull requests:
08b037a6 [Spark] Generate stats for timestamp and boolean columns (2561)
588e04c3 [API] Add timeouts for requests which are getting rerouted to chief (2565)
fbc5245d [Serving] Use before param in add_aggregate function as expected. (2560)
8fec7860 [Docs] Add AWS to install and a few updates to the AWS install page (2566)
ca8cef91 Fix table causing errors during doc build (2564)
048c5348 [Docs] Update Project pages (2487)
b8f523fd [Docs] AWS installation (2492)
f75cd485 [Docs] Community Edition Installation Docs (2450)
1de6a7c0 [Project] Add missing project run_function(), build_function() args (2559)
af4d517c [Feature Store] Fix stats for multi-index dataframes (pandas) (2557)
c7230e6f [Docs] Redis as online feature set (2539)
f924fb06 [Datastore] Fix `KafkaSource` without attributes (2558)