Features / Enhancements
* **Model Monitoring**: Add model_tag as filtering param & add `creation_strategy` to add_model, 6926, davesh0812
* **Alerts**: Improve cache to use a set instead of a list, 6931, rokatyy
* **System id**: Create system metadata table, 6923, Yacouby
* **Alerts**: Make cache safer, 6927, rokatyy
* **Serving**: Add `modelrunner` step, 6817, gtopper
* **Serving**: Add `headers_expression` flag to the `remotestep`, 6847, GiladShapira94
* **Model Monitoring**: Add `.deploy` method to applications, 6932, jond01
* **Serving**: Await termination properly, 6924, gtopper
* **Dockerfile**: Ensure tqdm for mlrun image, 6922, liranbg
* **Artifacts**: Include uid in get_artifact_target, 6905, yaelgen
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v1.8.0-rc12#features-and-enhancements)
Bug fixes
* **Dockerfiles**: Jupyter add comment for fixed 1.7.x demos, 6933, daniels290813
* **Alerts**: Fix imports, 6935, rokatyy
* **Model Monitoring**: Fix enable get_or_create_model_endpoint func, 6930, davesh0812
* **Function**: Fix update function flow, 6925, rokatyy
* **CI**: Fix `test_scikit_learn_requirements_are_aligned`, 6929, liranbg
* **Notifications**: Fix push terminal run notifications - unmasked runs, 6915, roei3000b
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v1.8.0-rc12#bug-fixes)
Pull requests:
e190e9129 [Model Monitoring] Add model_tag as filtering param & Add `creation_strategy` to add_model (6926)
8505ca601 [Alerts] Improve cache to use a set instead of a list (6931)
e4c23cd97 [Dockerfiles] Jupyter add comment for fixed 1.7.x demos (6933)
11e4d9724 [System id] Create system metadata table (6923)
39d025a23 [Alerts] Make cache safer (6927)
d19ce5970 [Serving] Add `ModelRunner` step (6817)
bf1f47db2 [Serving] Add `headers_expression` flag to the `RemoteStep` (6847)
5b496237e [Alerts] Fix imports (6935)
5a4d97b13 [Model Monitoring] Add `.deploy` method to applications (6932)
6f435d489 [Serving] Await termination properly (6924)
d465d8b70 [Model Monitoring] Fix enable get_or_create_model_endpoint func (6930)
207dc2f91 [Function] Fix update function flow (6925)
d2b6f1b80 [CI] Fix `test_scikit_learn_requirements_are_aligned` (6929)
bf0a05776 [Dockerfile] Ensure tqdm for mlrun image (6922)
fed78f65f [Dependabot-automated] Bump anchore/scan-action from 5 to 6 (6921)
b82326895 [Artifacts] Include uid in get_artifact_target (6905)
446282c23 [Notifications] Fix push terminal run notifications - unmasked runs (6915)
Failed parsing:
fed78f65f {dependabot[bot]} [Dependabot-automated] Bump anchore/scan-action from 5 to 6 (6921)