Features / Enhancements
* **Config**: Sync hub url config value from server to clients, 963, hedingber
* **API**: Exact match on name in run list API , 965, theSaarco
* **API**: Adding best-iteration parameter to artifacts list, 964, theSaarco
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v0.6.4-rc9#features-and-enhancements)
Bug fixes
* **Feature store**: Fix ingest over spark, 967, urihoenig
* **CI**: revert unstable workflow, 968, SweetOps
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](https://github.com/mlrun/ui/releases/tag/v0.6.4-rc9#bug-fixes)
Pull requests:
cd0f2bf [Config] Sync hub url config value from server to clients (963)
66032cb [API] Exact match on name in run list API (965)
25f18d3 [API] Adding best-iteration parameter to artifacts list (964)
8fb9f2e [Feature store] Fix ingest over spark (967)
2d3cbc4 [CI] revert unstable workflow (968)