:sparkles: Features
* Signals for the built-in scheduler (2822) plaflamme
* Support dbt model versioning (2874) izeigerman
* Add support for parameterization of model names in unit tests (2879) georgesittas
:beetle: Bug fixes
* Check for null or duplicate primary keys when running table_diff (2840) Themiscodes
* Move metadata only macro funcs from model's data hash to metadata hash (2862) vchan
* Update macro arg. resolution test to fix CI (2873) georgesittas
* Support for trailing comments in SQL model definitions (2863) izeigerman
* Duplicate columns in table diff query (2861) na399
* Normalize excluded columns in STAR macro, fix except_ logging (2880) georgesittas
* Normalization issue in table diff (2872) Themiscodes
:broom: Chore
* Bump sqlglot to v25.5.1 (2868) georgesittas
:alien: Other
* Clarify the scheduler type value for each support scheduler configuration (2878) izeigerman