:sparkles: Features
* Support custom schema name for state metadata (1171) eakmanrq
* CI/CD Bot Add Merge Method (1207) eakmanrq
* Respect the model's cron expression in the built-in scheduler (1209) izeigerman
* Make interval unit configurable per model (1213) izeigerman
* Add physical schema override (1212) eakmanrq
* Allow specifying of arbitrary table properties as part of the model definition (1217) izeigerman
* Initial pass of SQLMetrics (1221) tobymao
:beetle: Bug fixes
* Use VARCHAR instead of TEXT for MySQL pks, indexed fields (1208) GeorgeSittas
* Increase timeout-keep-alive and send ping every 15s to browser (1172) mykalmax
* Send cancel plan request when canceling plan (1210) mykalmax
* Remove latest time in favour of execution time (1211) izeigerman
* Allow render output to wrap instead of cropping (1222) z3z1ma
* Parsing of the quoting config (1227) izeigerman
* Enable Hive dynamic partition in Spark session (1228) izeigerman
:hammer_and_wrench: Refactor
* Serialize the source SQL code for each expression (1187) GeorgeSittas
:broom: Chore
* Cleanup tobymao
* Improve the warning message when missing a schema while optimizing a model query (1224) izeigerman
:alien: Other
* Always get merge commit regardless event type (1203) eakmanrq
* Add FAQ (1214) treysp
* Correct select * and model default kind (1216) treysp