:sparkles: Features
* Allow disabling Trino SSL verification (2793) treysp
* Make SchemaDiffer precision aware (2768) treysp
* Support custom materialization strategies (2796) izeigerman
* Support token authentication for Airflow REST API (2798) izeigerman
* Enable dbt transpilation (2806) treysp
:beetle: Bug fixes
* Shortcuts and some styling for editor (2783) mykalmax
* Add a string representation for the Metadata change category (2797) izeigerman
* Truncate backfill models and adjust threshold (2794) Themiscodes
* Use isEmpty() for non pandas dataframes (2802) georgesittas
* Another snowflake staged file path edge case (2803) georgesittas
* Handle Paren in value or tuple validator (2804) georgesittas
* Dont set LIMIT 0 in nested queries that are part of a recursive CTE when generating a CTAS query (2800) izeigerman
* Support Airflow URLs without trailing slashes (2808) izeigerman
* Move away from the local custom-materializations dependency to unblock the release (2814) izeigerman
* Check all dialects used in a project when retrieving a model by its name (2801) izeigerman
:hammer_and_wrench: Refactor
* Error when trying to construct source queries from empty DFs (2795) georgesittas
:broom: Chore
* Bump sqlglot to v25.3.0 (2805) georgesittas
:alien: Other
* Add custom materializations guide (2807) izeigerman