:sparkles: Features
* Optionally disable formatting of model sql in render (1663) z3z1ma
* Add more capabilities to macros (1659) tobymao
* Add more core macros (1664) z3z1ma
:beetle: Bug fixes
* Include "this" jinja object in dbt singular tests (1650) crericha
* Log an error message when plan application fails through the Airflow plugin API (1666) izeigerman
* Normalize identifiers before calling engine adapter methods in dbt (1661) GeorgeSittas
* Always create a deployable view on snapshot creation for view models (1667) izeigerman
* Github cicd truncate byte length (1670) eakmanrq
:broom: Chore
* Refactor to remove legacy QuotingConfig class (1655) crericha
* Improve the plan dag spec error on the Airflow side izeigerman
* Add Logging to Github CI/CD Bot (1668) eakmanrq
* Update docs to include MacroEvaluator.columns_to_types (1644) GeorgeSittas
* Add a reference to the runtime stage in pre/post statement docs (1669) GeorgeSittas
* Chore! (spark, trino): raise if spark/trino used as state connection (1646) treysp
* Remove nullsafe join (1671) tobymao