:alien: Other * Remove distinct (1371) eakmanrq * Add extras to installation docs page (1370) treysp
:beetle: Bug fixes * Improvements to Github CI/CD Bot Documentation (1367) eakmanrq * Fallback to the breaking change category if the model's query can't be rendered at parse time and the auto categorization mode is set to FULL (1369) izeigerman
:broom: Chore * Suggest a command to run when raising an error about the need for migration (1368) izeigerman
:sparkles: Features * Show loading state when evaluating/getting def (1356) mykalmax * Support forward-only models in regular plans (1355) izeigerman * Use table clones instead of temp tables in dev environments for engines that support this (1364) izeigerman * Send query on shift-enter + option to open file in new tab (1361) mykalmax
:beetle: Bug fixes * Remove nodes and edges from shared state (1333) mykalmax * Update react-virtual and apply new API to table (1337) mykalmax * Preserve show options + display column count + increase timeout delay… (1332) mykalmax * Mssql if exists (1349) tobymao * Remove option to provide limit when running sql (limit should be part of sql) (1357) mykalmax * Apply virtualization to rows (1354) mykalmax * **(bigquery)** Sanitize physical table name closes 1352 (1358) tobymao * **(bigquery)** Fixes issue when dropping bigquery names with projects (1359) tobymao
:alien: Other * Add info about MWAA support (1342) treysp * Add config concepts page with python config info (1346) treysp * Pin pandas version (1365) vchan
:sparkles: Features * Support model selection when constructing a plan (1335) izeigerman * Support simple model selection expressions (1338) izeigerman * Introduce support for MSSQL deschman
:hammer_and_wrench: Refactor * Move project from snapshot to model/node (1345) tobymao * Use a rewriter instead of a renderer for metrics (1340) tobymao
:broom: Chore * Add documentation for the MSSQL connection config (1341) izeigerman
:sparkles: Features * Allow python models to return SQL expressions (1317) GeorgeSittas
:broom: Chore * Add dev publish command (1331) eakmanrq
:alien: Other * Switch back to insert/overwrite for databricks (1327) eakmanrq * Add cron default to configuration reference (1328) treysp * Only show progress bar if snapshots to process (1330) treysp