:sparkles: Features
* Add support for Trino Iceberg tables (2129) erindru
* Allow more structured slack messages (2144) plaflamme
* Propogate descriptions in the ui if they are simply pass through and don't have multiple sources (2145) tobymao
* Support config class overriding in the loader and context (2139) crericha
:beetle: Bug fixes
* Improve handling of branches that are behind the target branch in the git selector (2151) izeigerman
* Restrict scope of sqlmesh statement parsers (2148) georgesittas
* Always set column order scd type 2 (2155) eakmanrq
* Cron shouldn't be ignored when missing intervals are bounded by the end date (2153) izeigerman
* Convert pandas timestamp to py datetime for unit test generation (2149) treysp
* Dbt alias databricks catalog to database (2161) eakmanrq
* Add support for the dbt's 'var.has_var()' expression (2163) izeigerman
* Allow expressions in scd type 2 model unique keys (2164) eakmanrq
:broom: Chore
* Allow overriding pydantic defaults (2159) eakmanrq
* Fix build izeigerman
* Bump sqlglot to v21.2.0 (2165) georgesittas
:alien: Other
* Update init example project to run on all engines (2162) treysp