:sparkles: Features
* Add ability to invalidate the environment (1034) izeigerman
* Support partitioned_by expressions for bigquery (1041) crericha
* Cluster by closes 570 (1046) tobymao
* Introduce pinned environments which are omitted by the janitor process (1043) izeigerman
* Table Diff (1005) mykalmax
:beetle: Bug fixes
* Skip dbt tests that reference disabled models (1037) izeigerman
* Use date type for the 'ds' attribute in the example project izeigerman
* Display empty state if lineage is empty + fix regex for detecting text inside. MODEL (1029) mykalmax
* Bigquery create table requires correct trunc method for column type (1048) crericha
* Tables with dots and more conservative optimization (1052) tobymao
* Preserve yaml order (1054) tobymao
* Use version-specific compilation error for dbt projects (1055) izeigerman
* Use target dbt adapter relation and column classes. (1056) crericha
* Format_expressions star rewrite tobymao
:broom: Chore
* Add success messages to context, init, and model magics (1011) treysp
:alien: Other
* Wordsmith audit concept doc (1040) treysp
* Add identifier macro substitution and eval to docs (1039) treysp
* Introduce config env_vars (1047) vchan