:sparkles: Features
* Unpin motherduck duckdb version (2628) treysp
* Print warning when except_ is used in STAR, add exclude arg (2639) georgesittas
* Introduce support for 'pre ping' to detect stale or lost connections (2632) izeigerman
* Github CI/CD Bot Allow Overriding PR Environment Name (2643) eakmanrq
:beetle: Bug fixes
* Disable analytics in tests (2620) izeigerman
* Do not visit nodes that are not tables during CLL generation (2622) vchan
* Don't lower selection (2623) eakmanrq
* Include virtual properties into the metadata hash (2630) izeigerman
* Take batch_size into account when filling snapshots for INCREMENTAL_BY_UNIQUE_KEY models (2616) erindru
* Hive version in the Airflow docker image izeigerman
:hammer_and_wrench: Refactor
* Clean up some sections in the unit test module (2619) georgesittas
* Simplify conditional statement parsing (2627) georgesittas
:broom: Chore
* Add user agent to databricks connections (2625) eakmanrq
* Update databricks documentation wording (2624) eakmanrq
* Pass dialect in builders used within sushi python models (2629) georgesittas
* Bump sqlglot to v23.16.0 (2633) georgesittas
* Bump sqlglot to v23.17.0 (2636) georgesittas
* Enforce consistent indentation in docs (2638) georgesittas
* Refactor unit test docs (2637) georgesittas
:alien: Other
* Add note about vscode widgets and ipywidgets version (2621) treysp
* Add model start default value to configuration reference (2631) treysp