:sparkles: Features
* Improve logging (1778) tobymao
* Add flag to skip generating files in example project (1783) georgesittas
* Only backfill selected models unless explicitly stated otherwise (1788) izeigerman
* Redshift plan parsing to address ctas varchar(1) bug (1797) tobymao
:beetle: Bug fixes
* Preserve Array macro vars instead of converting them to Tuple (1781) georgesittas
* Fstring in cleanup tobymao
* Only dry run when necessary (1784) tobymao
* Only consider model snapshots when using selector (1787) izeigerman
* Take into account dbt vars, sources, and refs when computing snapshot fingerprint (1780) izeigerman
* Redshift svv_columns case (1791) eakmanrq
* Make redshift late binding again (1789) eakmanrq
* No_prompts should still show plan summaries, just have no prompts (1793) tobymao
* Use test engine adapter to compute output query in test gen (1796) georgesittas
* Set DataFrame column names explicitly in unit tests (1798) georgesittas
* The hadoop distro link in the airflow docker image izeigerman
:broom: Chore
* Bump sqlglot (1779) georgesittas
* Sushi integration tests for all engines (1770) treysp
* Add dialect test (1794) eakmanrq
* Improve readability of logs (1785) tobymao
* Fix patch ignore local config files (1795) eakmanrq
* **(docs)** Add column modification example to partitioned_by (1801) treysp
:alien: Other
* Pin pytest-asyncio (1802) vchan
* Small type fixed. (1804) richardgourley