
Latest version: v42.0.4

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Not secure

- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Require Resolwe 19.x
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Unify ``cutadapt-single`` and
``cutadapt-paired`` process inputs and refactor to use Cutadapt v2.4
- Expose BetaPrior parameter in ``differentialexpression-deseq2``
- Install R from CRAN-maintained repositories in Docker images build
from the ``resolwebio/base:ubuntu-18.04`` base image
- Prepare ``resolwebio/common:1.3.0`` Docker image:

- Install R v3.6.1
- Bump Resdk to v10.1.0
- Install gawk package
- Fix Docker image build issues
- Use ``resolwebio/common:1.3.0`` as a base image for
- Update StringTie to v2.0.0 in ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.8.0``
- Support StringTie analysis results in DESeq2 tool

- Add ``cutadapt-3prime-single`` process
- Add ``workflow-cutadapt-star-fc-quant-single`` process
- Add argument ``skip`` to ``bamclipper`` which enables skipping of
the said process
- Add ``cutadapt-corall-single`` and ``cutadapt-corall-paired``
processes for pre-processing of reads obtained using Corall Total
RNA-seq library prep kit
- Add ``umi-tools-dedup`` process
- Add ``stringtie`` process
- Add ``workflow-corall-single`` and ``workflow-corall-paired``
workflows optimized for Corall Total RNA-seq library prep kit data

- Fix warning message in hierarchical clustering of genes. Incorrect
gene names were reported in the warning message about removed
genes. Computation of hierarchical clustering was correct.




- Bump Cutadapt to v2.4 and use ``resolwebio/common:1.2.0`` as a base
image in ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.6.0``

- Add pigz package to ``resolwebio/common:1.2.0`` Docker image
- Add StringTie and UMI-tools to ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.7.0`` Docker

- Fix ``spikeins-qc`` process to correctly handle the case where all
expressions are without spikeins
- Fix an error in ``macs2-callpeak`` process that prevented correct
reporting of build/species mismatch between inputs
- Support UCSC annotations in ``feature_counts`` process by assigning
empty string gene_ids to the "unknown" gene



Not secure

- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Require Resolwe 18.x
- Bump the number of allocated CPU cores to 20 in ``alignment-bwa-mem``
- Bump memory requirements in ``seqtk-sample-single`` and
``seqtk-sample-paired`` processes
- Bump Salmon to v0.14.0 in ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.5.0`` Docker image
- Expose additional inputs in ``salmon-index`` process
- Use ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.5.0`` Docker image in processes that call
Salmon tool (``library-strandedness``, ``feature_counts`` and
- Implement dropdown menu for ``upload-bedpe`` process
- Add validation stringency parameter to ``bqsr`` process and propagate
it to the ``workflow-wes`` as well
- Add LENIENT value to validation stringency parameter of the
``markduplicates`` process
- Improve performance of RPKUM normalization in ``featureCounts`` process

- Add ``salmon-quant`` process

- Fix genome upload process to correctly handle filenames with dots
- Fix merging of expressions in ``archive-samples`` process. Previously
some genes were missing in the merged expression files. The genes that
were present had expression values correctly assigned. The process was
optimized for performance and now supports parallelization.



Not secure

- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Require Resolwe 17.x
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Use Elasticsearch version 6.x
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Bump Django requirement to version 2.2
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove obsolete RNA-seq workflows
``workflow-cutadapt-star-featurecounts-single`` and
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove obsolete descriptor schemas:
``rna-seq-bbduk-star-featurecounts``, ``quantseq``,
``rna-seq-cutadapt-star-featurecounts`` and
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** In ``upload-fasta-nucl`` process, store
compressed and uncompressed FASTA files in ``fastagz`` and ``fasta``
ouput fields, respectively
- Allow setting the Java memory usage flags for the QoRTs tool in
``resolwebio/common:1.1.3`` Docker image
- Use ``resolwebio/common:1.1.3`` Docker image as a base image for
- Bump GATK4 version to in ``resolwebio/dnaseq:4.2.0``
- Use MultiQC configuration file and prepend directory name to sample
names by default in ``multiqc`` process
- Bump ``resolwebio/common`` to 1.1.3 in ``resolwebio/dnaseq:4.2.0``
- Process ``vc-gatk4-hc`` now also accepts BED files through parameter

- Support Python 3.7
- Add Tabix (1.7-2) to ``resolwebio/wgbs`` docker image
- Add JBrowse index output to ``hmr`` process
- Add ``bamclipper`` tool and ``parallel`` package to ``resolwebio/dnaseq:4.2.0`` image
- Support ``hg19_mm10`` hybrid genome in ``bam-split`` process
- Support mappability-based normalization (RPKUM) in featureCounts
- Add BEDPE upload process
- Add ``bamclipper`` process
- Add ``markduplicates`` process
- Add ``bqsr`` (BaseQualityScoreRecalibrator) process
- Add whole exome sequencing (WES) pipeline

- Fix building problems of ``resolwebio/dnaseq`` docker
- Fix handling of no-adapters input in workflows
``workflow-bbduk-star-featurecounts-qc-single`` and




- Use ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.4.2`` Docker image that enforces the memory limit
and bump memory requirements for ``qorts-qc`` process
- Bump memory requirements for ``multiqc`` process



Not secure

- Use Genialis fork of MultiQC 1.8.0b in ``resolwebio/common:1.1.2``
- Support Samtools idxstats and QoRTs QC reports in ``multiqc`` process
- Support ``samtools-idxstats`` QC step in workflows:

- ``workflow-bbduk-star-featurecounts-qc-single``
- ``workflow-bbduk-star-featurecounts-qc-paired``
- ``workflow-bbduk-star-fc-quant-single``
- ``workflow-bbduk-star-fc-quant-paired``
- Simplify ``cellranger-count`` outputs folder structure
- Bump STAR aligner to version 2.7.0f in ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.4.1``
Docker image
- Use ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.4.1`` in ``alignment-star`` and
``alignment-star-index`` processes
- Save filtered count-matrix output file produced by DESeq2 differential
expression process

- Add ``samtools-idxstats`` process
- Improve ``cellranger-count`` and ``cellranger-mkref`` logging
- Add FastQC report to ``upload-sc-10x`` process

- Fix ``archive-samples`` to work with ``data:chipseq:callpeak:macs2``
data objects when downloading only peaks without QC reports
- Fix parsing gene set files with empty lines to avoid saving gene sets
with empty string elements


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