- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove obsolete processes: ``bsmap``,
``mcall``, ``coverage-garvan``, ``igv``, ``jbrowse-bed``,
``jbrowse-gff3``, ``jbrowse-gtf``, ``jbrowse-bam-coverage``,
``jbrowse-bam-coverage-normalized``, ``jbrowse-refseq``,
``fastq-mcf-single``, ``fastq-mcf-paired``, ``hsqutils-trim``,
``prinseq-lite-single``, ``prinseq-lite-paired``,
``sortmerna-single``, ``sortmerna-paired``, ``bam-coverage``,
``hsqutils-dedup``, ``vc-samtools``, ``workflow-heat-seq`` and
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove ``jbrowse-bam-coverage`` process
step from the ``workflow-accel`` workflow. The bigwig coverage track
is computed in ``align-bwa-trim`` process instead.
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove ``resolwebio/utils`` Docker image.
This image is replaced by the ``resolwebio/common`` image.
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Use ``resolwebio/common`` Docker image
as a base image for the ``resolwebio/biox``, ``resolwebio/chipseq``,
``resolwebio/dnaseq`` and ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` images
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove ``resolwebio/legacy`` Docker image.
- Use sample name as the name of the data object in:
- ``alignment-bwa-aln``
- ``alignment-bowtie2``
- ``qc-prepeak``
- ``macs2-callpeak``
- Attach ``macs2-callpeak``, ``macs14`` and ``rose2`` process data to
the case/treatment sample
- Use ``resolwebio/dnaseq:4.0.0`` docker image in ``align-bwa-trim``
- Use ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.0.0`` docker image in aligners:
``alignment-bowtie``, ``alignment-bowtie2``, ``alignment-bwa-mem``,
``alignment-bwa-sw``, ``alignment-bwa-aln``, ``alignment-hisat2``,
``alignment-star`` and ``alignment-subread``.
- Set memory limits in ``upload-genome``, ``trimmomatic-single`` and
``trimmomatic-paired`` processes
- Improve error messages in differential expression process ``DESeq2``
- Add ``makedb (WALT 1.01)`` - callable as ``makedb-walt``, tool to
create genome index for WALT aligner, to ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker
- Add ``resolwebio/wgbs`` docker image including the following tools:
- ``MethPipe (3.4.3)``
- ``WALT (1.01)``
- ``wigToBigWig (kent-v365)``
- Add ``resolwebio/common`` Docker image. This image includes common
bioinformatics utilities and can serve as a base image for other,
specialized ``resolwebio`` Docker images: ``resolwebio/biox``,
``resolwebio/chipseq``, ``resolwebio/dnaseq``
and ``resolwebio/rnaseq``.
- Add ``shift`` (user-defined cross-correlation peak strandshift) input
to ``qc-prepeak`` process
- Add ATAC-seq workflow
- Compute index for ``WALT`` aligner on genome upload and support
uploading the index together with the genome
- Add ``Whole genome bisulfite sequencing`` workflow and related WGBS
- ``WALT``
- ``methcounts``
- ``HMR``
- Add bedClip to `resolwebio/chipseq:3.1.0` docker image
- Add ``resolwebio/biox`` Docker image. This image is based on the
``resolwebio/common`` image and includes Biox Python library for
Dictyostelium RNA-Seq analysis support.
- Add ``resolwebio/snpeff`` Docker image. The image includes
SnpEff (4.3K) tool.
- Add spike-in names, rRNA and globin RNA cromosome names in
``resolwebio/common`` image
- Add UCSC bedGraphtoBigWig tool for calculating BigWig in
``bamtobigwig.sh`` script. In ``align-bwa-trim`` processor set this
option (that BigWig is calculated by UCSC tool instead of deepTools),
because it is much faster for amplicon files. In other processors update
the input parameters for ``bamtobigwig.sh``: ``alignment-bowtie``,
``alignment-bowtie2``, ``alignment-bwa-mem``, ``alignment-bwa-sw``,
``alignment-bwa-aln``, ``alignment-hisat2``, ``alignment-star``
``alignment-subread``, ``upload-bam``, ``upload-bam-indexed`` and
- In ``bamtobigwig.sh`` don't create BigWig when bam file was aligned on
globin RNA or rRNA (this are QC steps and BigWig is not needed)
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Use user-specificed distance metric in
hierarchical clustering
- Handle integer expression values in hierarchical clustering
- Fix Amplicon table gene hyperlinks for cases where multiple genes
are associated with detected variant
- Handle empty gene name in expression files in PCA
- Fix PBC QC reporting in ``qc-prepeak`` process for a case where
there are no duplicates in the input bam
- Fix ``macs2-callpeak`` process so that user defined fragment lenth
has priority over the ``qc-prepeak`` estimated fragment length when
shifting reads for post-peakcall QC
- Fix ``macs2-callpeak`` to prevent the extension of intervals beyond
chromosome boundaries in MACS2 bedgraph outputs
- Fix warning message in hierarchical clustering of genes to display gene