
Latest version: v42.0.4

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- Add ``index-fasta-nucl`` and ``rsem`` process
- Add custom Cutadapt - STAR - RSEM workflow



Not secure

- Add statistics of logarithmized expressions to ``expression-aggregator``
- Add input field description to ``cutadapt-star-htseq`` descriptor schema
- Add ``HISAT2`` and ``RSEM`` tool to ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image

- Remove ``eXpress`` tool from ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image
- Use system packages of RNA-seq tools in ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image
- Set ``hisat2`` process' memory resource requirement to 32GB
- Use ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image in ``hisat2`` process



Not secure

- Add custom Cutadapt - STAR - HT-seq workflow
- Add expression aggregator process
- Add ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image
- Add ``resolwebio/latex`` docker image
- Add access to sample field of data objects in processes via ``sample`` filter

- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove ``threads`` input in STAR aligner process
and replace it with the ``cores`` resources requirement
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Allow upload of custom amplicon master files (make
changes to ``amplicon-panel`` descriptor schema, ``upload-master-file`` and
``amplicon-report`` processes and ``workflow-accel`` workflow)
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove ``threads`` input in ``cuffnorm`` process
and replace it with the ``cores`` resources requirement
- Add sample descriptor to ``prepare_expression`` test function
- Prettify amplicon report

- Fix ``upload-expression-star`` process to work with arbitrary file names
- Fix STAR aligner to work with arbitrary file names
- Fix ``cuffnorm`` group analysis to work correctly
- Do not crop Amplicon report title as this may result in malformed LaTeX
- Escape LaTeX's special characters in ```` tool
- Fix validation error in ``Test sleep progress`` process



Not secure

- Support bioinformatics process test case based on Resolwe's
- Custom version of Resolwe's ``with_resolwe_host`` test decorator which skips
the decorated tests on non-Linux systems
- Add optimal leaf ordering and simulated annealing to gene and sample
hierarchical clustering
- Add ``resolwebio/chipseq`` docker image and use it in ChIP-Seq processes
- Add Odocoileus virginianus texanus (deer) organism to sample descriptor
- Add test for ``import-sra`` process
- Add RNA-seq DSS test
- Add Cutadapt and custom Cutadapt processes

- Require Resolwe 2.0.x
- Update processes to support new input sanitization introduced in Resolwe
- Improve variant table name in amplicon report
- Prepend ``api/`` to all URL patterns in the Django test project
- Set ``hisat2`` process' memory resource requirement to 16GB and cores
resource requirement to 1
- Filter LoFreq output VCF files to remove overlapping indels
- Add `Non-canonical splice sites penalty`, `Disallow soft clipping` and
`Report alignments tailored specifically for Cufflinks` parameters to
``hisat2`` process
- Remove ``threads`` input from ``cuffquant`` and ``rna-seq`` workfows
- Set core resource requirement in ``cuffquant`` process to 1

- Correctly handle paired-end parameters in ``featureCount``
- Fix ``NaN`` in explained variance in PCA. When PC1 alone explained more than
99% of variance, explained variance for PC2 was not returned
- Fix input sanitization error in ``dss-rna-seq`` process
- Fix gene source check in hierarchical clustering and PCA
- Enable network access for all import processes
- Fix RNA-seq DSS adapters bug
- Fix sample hierarchical clustering output for a single sample case



Not secure

- Optionally report all amplicons in Amplicon table

- Remove remaining references to calling ``pip`` with
``--process-dependency-links`` argument



Not secure

- Amplicon workflow
- Amplicon descriptor schemas
- Amplicon report generator
- Add Rattus norvegicus organism choice to sample schema
- Transforming form Phred 64 to Phred 33 when uploading fastq reads
- Add primertrim process
- RNA-Seq experiment descriptor schema
- iCount sample and reads descriptor schemas
- iCount demultiplexing and sample annotation
- ICount QC
- Add MM8, RN4 and RN6 options to rose2 process
- Add RN4 and RN6 options to bamplot process
- Archive-samples process
- Add bamliquidator
- CheMut workflow
- Dicty primary analysis descriptor schema
- IGV session to Archive-samples process
- Use Resolwe's field projection mixins for knowledge base endpoints
- ``amplicon-table`` process
- Add C. griseus organism choice to Sample descriptor schema
- Add S. tuberosum organism choice to Sample descriptor schema
- Add log2 to gene and sample hierarchical clustering
- Add new inputs to import SRA, add read type selection process
- Set memory resource requirement in jbrowse annotation gff3 and gtf
processes to 16GB
- Set memory resource requirement in star alignment and index processes
to 32GB
- Add C. elegans organism choice to Sample descriptor schema
- Add D. melanogaster organism choice to Sample descriptor schema
- Set core resource requirement in Bowtie process to 1
- Set memory resource requirement in amplicon BWA trim process to 32GB
- Add new master file choices to amplicon panel descriptor schema
- Add S. tuberosum organism choice to RNA-seq workflow
- Add Cutadapt process
- Add leaf ordering to gene and sample hierarchical clustering

- Use new import paths in ``resolwe.flow``
- Upload reads (paired/single) containing whitespace in the file name
- Fix reads filtering processes for cases where input read file names
contain whitespace
- Add additional filtering option to STAR aligner
- Fix bbduk-star-htseq_count workflow
- Fix cuffnorm process: Use sample names as labels (boxplot, tables),
remove group labels input, auto assign group labels, add outputs for
Rscript output files which were only available compressed
- Derive output filenames in hisat2 from the first reads filename
- Correctly fetch KB features in ````
- Append JBrowse tracks to sample
- Replace the BAM MD tag in `align-bwa-trim` process to correct for an
issue with the primerclip tool
- Fix typo in trimmomatic and bbduk processes
- Use re-import in `etc` and `hmmer_database` processes

- Support Resolwe test framework
- Run tests in parallel with Tox
- Use Resolwe's new ``FLOW_DOCKER_COMMAND`` setting in test project
- Always run Tox's ``docs``, ``linters`` and ``packaging`` environments
with Python 3
- Add ``extra`` Tox testing environment with a check that there are no
large test files in ``resolwe_bio/tests/files``
- Replace Travis CI with Genialis' Jenkins for running the tests
- Store compressed and uncompressed .fasta files in
``data:genome:fasta`` objects
- Change sample_geo descriptor schema to have strain option available
for all organisms
- More readable rna-seq-quantseq schema, field stranded
- Remove obsolete Gene Info processes
- Change log2(fc) default from 2 to 1 in diffexp descriptor schema
- Change Efective genome size values to actual values in macs14 process
- Change variable names in bowtie processes
- Remove iClip processes, tools, files and tests


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