- Add per-lane processing for processes ``alignment-star``,
``feature_counts``, ``bbduk-single``, ``bbduk-paired`` and
workflow ``workflow-bbduk-star-featurecounts-qc``
- Add option of interval padding to process ``vc-gatk4-hc``
- Add process ``snpeff-single``
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove comparison to reference in
process ``mutations-table``
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Update workflow
- merge with functionality from deprecated workflow
- add processes ``snpeff-single`` and ``mutations-table``
- remove process ``gatk-select-variants-single``
- Remove group nesting for QC fields in ``general`` descriptor
- Add memory limit to parallel GATK SplitNCigarReads step in
process ``rnaseq-vc-preprocess``
- Update process categories
- Remove ``Show advanced options`` checkbox from all
processes and workflows
- Enable ordering on knowledge-base endpoints
- Fix the check for genome builds of inputs in process ``snpeff``