
Latest version: v42.0.4

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Not secure

- Add AF filter to amplicon report
- Add number of samples to the output of expression aggregator
- Add ``ChIP-Rx``, ``ChIPmentation`` and ``eClIP`` experiment types to
``reads`` descriptor schema
- Add ``pandas`` Python package to ``resolwebio/latex`` Docker image
- Add primerclip, samtools, picard-tools and bwa to ``resolwebio/dnaseq``
Docker image
- Add ``cufflinks``, ``RNASeqT`` R library, ``pyarrow`` and ``sklearn`` Python
packages to ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` Docker image
- Add ``wigToBigWig`` tool to ``resolwebio/chipseq`` Docker image

- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Drop Python 2 support, require Python 3.4 or 3.5
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Make species part of the feature primary key
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Substitute Python 2 with Python 3 in
``resolwebio/rnaseq`` Docker image. The processes to be updated to this
version of the Docker image should also have their Python scripts updated to
Python 3.
- Require Resolwe 5.x
- Set maximum RAM requirement in ``bbduk`` process
- Move *Assay type* input parameter in RNA-Seq descriptor schema from advanced
options to regular options
- Use ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` Docker image in Cutadapt processes
- Use additional adapter trimming option in ``cutadapt-custom-single/paired``
- Show antibody information in ``reads`` descriptor for ``ChIP-Seq``,
``ChIPmentation``, ``ChIP-Rx``, ``eClIP``, ``MNase-Seq``, ``MeDIP-Seq``,
``RIP-Seq`` and ``ChIA-PET`` experiment types
- Use ``resolwebio/dnaseq`` Docker image in ``align-bwa-trim`` process
- Refactor ``resolwebio/chipseq`` Docker image
- Use Resolwe's Test Runner for running tests and add ability to only run a
partial test suite based on what proceses have Changed
- Configure Jenkins to only run a partial test suite when testing a pull
- Make tests use the live Resolwe API host instead of external server

- Fix merging multiple expressions in DESeq process
- Fix ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` Docker image's README
- Handle multiple ALT values in amplicon report
- Fix BAM file input in ``rsem`` process




- Update Features and Mappings ElasticSearch indices building to be compatible
with Resolwe 4.0



Not secure

- Add automatic headers extractor to ``bam-split`` process
- Add HTML amplicon plot in ``coveragebed`` process
- Add raw RSEM tool output to `rsem` process output
- Add support for transcript-level differential expression
in ``deseq2`` process

- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Bump Django requirement to version 1.11.x
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Make ``BioProcessTestCase`` non-transactional
- Require Resolwe 4.x
- Add the advanced options checkbox to the ``rna-seq`` descriptor schema
- Remove static amplicon plot from ``coveragebed`` and ``amplicon-report``
- Update Dockerfile for ``resolwebio/latex`` with newer syntax and add some
additional Python packages




- Add ``resolwebio/base`` Docker image based on Ubuntu 17.04
- Add ``resolwebio/dnaseq`` Docker image
- Add ``DESeq2`` tool to ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image
- Add input filename regex validator for ``upload-master-file`` process

- Remove obsolete mongokey escape functionality
- Report novel splice-site junctions in HISAT2
- Use the latest stable versions of the following bioinformatics
tools in ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image: Cutadapt 1.14,
FastQC 0.11.5, HTSeq 0.9.1, and SAMtools 1.5




- Add Mus musculus to all BCM workflows' schemas
- Add ``bam-split`` process with supporting processes
``upload-bam-primary``, ``upload-bam-secondary`` and

- Enable Chemut workflow and process tests

- Fix chemut ``intervals`` input option



Not secure

- New base and legacy Docker images for processes, which support non-root
execution as implemented by Resolwe

- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Modify all processes to explicitly use the new Docker images
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove ``clustering-hierarchical-genes-etc`` process
- Require Resolwe 3.x


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