- Use the latest versions of the following Python packages in
``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image: Cutadapt 1.16, Apache Arrow 0.9.0, pysam
0.14.1, requests 2.18.4, appdirs 1.4.3, wrapt 1.10.11, PyYAML 3.12
- Bump tools version in ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image:
- Salmon to 0.9.1
- FastQC to 0.11.7
- Generalize the no-extraction-needed use-case in ``resolwebio/base`` Docker
image ``download_and_verify`` script
- Add the following Python packages to ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image: six
1.11.0, chardet 3.0.4, urllib3 1.22, idna 2.6, and certifi 2018.1.18
- Add ``edgeR`` R library to ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image
- Add Bedtools to ``resolwebio/rnaseq`` docker image
- Handle filenames with spaces in the following processes:
- ``alignment-star-index``
- ``alignment-tophat2``
- ``cuffmerge``
- ``index-fasta-nucl``
- ``upload-fasta-nucl``
- Fix COSMIC url template in (multisample) amplicon reports