- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Update GATK to GATK4 in process ``vc-chemut``
and update the workflow ``workflow-chemut``
- Rewrite the process ``filtering-chemut`` to Python
- Remove slamseq processes ``alleyoop-collapse``, ``alleyoop-rates``,
``alleyoop-snpeval``, ``alleyoop-summary``, ``alleyoop-utr-rates``,
``slam-count``, ``slamdunk-all-paired`` the workflow
``workflow-slamdunk-paired`` and related code in ``multiqc``
- Use ``resolwebio/common:3.1.0`` in ``upload-metadata-unique`` and
``upload-metadata`` processes
- Use the parent Data object name for the data name of processes and
workflows previously named after the sample name of the input file
- Remove Docker files from project
- Remove BigWig outputs created with ``bamtobigwig.sh`` script in
processes ``walt``, ``alignment-bowtie``, ``alignment-bowtie2``,
``alignment-bwa-mem``, ``alignment-bwa-sw``, ``alignment-bwa-aln``,
``alignment-bwa-mem2``, ``alignment-hisat2``, ``upload-bam``,
``upload-bam-indexed``, ``upload-bam-secondary``, ``alignmentsieve``,
``bamclipper``, ``bqsr``, ``markduplicates``, ``bam-split``,
``umi-tools-dedup`` and workflow ``workflow-cutnrun``
- Update the process ``mutations-table`` so that it handles empty input
VCF files