- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Require Resolwe 14.x
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Remove obsolete processes ``findsimilar``
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Include ENCODE-proposed QC analysis metrics
methodology in the ``macs2-callpeak`` process. Simplified MACS2
analysis inputs now allow the use of sample relations
(treatment/background) concept to trigger multiple MACS2 jobs
automatically using the ``macs2-batch`` or ``macs2-rose2-batch``
- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE:** Update ``workflow-atac-seq`` inputs to
match the updated ``macs2-callpeak`` process
- Use ``resolwebio/rnaseq:4.0.0`` Docker image in
``alignment-star-index``, ``bbduk-single``, ``bbduk-paired``,
``cuffdiff``, ``cufflinks``, ``cuffmerge``, ``cuffnorm``,
``cuffquant``, ``cutadapt-custom-single``, ``cutadapt-custom-paired``,
``cutadapt-single``, ``cutadapt-paired``,
``differentialexpression-deseq2``, ``differentialexpression-edger``,
``expression-aggregator``, ``feature_counts``, ``goenrichment``,
``htseq-count``, ``htseq-count-raw``, ``index-fasta-nucl``,
``library-strandedness``, ``pca``, ``regtools-junctions-annotate``,
``rsem``, ``salmon-index``, ``trimmomatic-single``,
``trimmomatic-paired``, ``upload-expression``,
``upload-expression-cuffnorm``, ``upload-expression-star``,
``upload-fasta-nucl``, ``upload-fastq-single``,
``upload-fastq-paired``, ``files-to-fastq-single``,
``files-to-fastq-paired``, ``upload-gaf``, ``upload-genome``,
``upload-gff3``, ``upload-gtf`` and ``upload-obo``
- Order statistical groups in expression aggregator output by sample
descriptor field value
- Use ``resolwebio/biox:1.0.0`` Docker image in ``etc-bcm``,
``expression-dicty`` and ``mappability-bcm`` processes
- Use ``resolwebio/common:1.0.0`` Docker image in ``amplicon-table``,
``mergeexpressions``, ``upload-diffexp``, ``upload-etc``,
``upload-multiplexed-single`` and ``upload-multiplexed-paired``
- Use ``resolwebio/base:ubuntu-18.04`` Docker image in
``create-geneset``, ``create-geneset-venn``, ``mergeetc``,
``prepare-geo-chipseq``, ``prepare-geo-rnaseq``, ``upload-cxb``,
``upload-geneset``, ``upload-header-sam``, ``upload-mappability``,
``upload-snpeff`` and ``upload-picard-pcrmetrics`` processes
- Update GATK4 to version in ``resolwebio/dnaseq:4.1.0`` Docker
image. Install and use JDK v8 by default to ensure compatibility with
GATK4 package.
- Use ``resolwebio/dnaseq:4.1.0`` Docker image in ``align-bwa-trim``,
``coveragebed``, ``filtering-chemut``, ``lofreq``,
``picard-pcrmetrics``, ``upload-master-file``, ``upload-variants-vcf``
and ``vc-gatk4-hc`` processes
- Expose reads quality filtering (q) parameter, reorganize inputs and
rename the stats output file in ``alignment-bwa-aln`` process
- Use ``resolwebio/chipseq:4.0.0`` Docker image in ``chipseq-genescore``,
``chipseq-peakscore``, ``macs14``, ``upload-bed`` and ``qc-prepeak``
- Use ``resolwebio/bamliquidator:1.0.0`` Docker image in
``bamliquidator`` and ``bamplot`` processes
- Add biosample source field to ``sample`` descriptor schema
- Add ``background_pairs`` Jinja expressions filter that accepts a list of
data objects and orders them in a list of pairs (case, background) based on
the background relation between corresponding samples
- Add ``chipseq-bwa`` descriptor schema. This schema specifies the
default inputs for BWA ALN aligner process as defined in ENCODE
ChIP-Seq experiments.
- Add support for MACS2 result files to MultiQC process
- Add ``macs2-batch``, ``macs2-rose2-batch`` and ``workflow-macs-rose``
- Add feature symbols to expressions in ``archive-samples`` process
- Make ChIP-seq fields in ``sample`` descriptor schema visible when
ChIPmentation assay type is selected
- Fix handling of whitespace in input BAM file name in script
- Set available memory for STAR aligner to 36GB. Limit the available
memory for STAR aligner ``--limitBAMsortRAM`` parameter to 90% of the
Docker requirements setting
- Set ``bbduk-single`` and ``bbduk-paired`` memory requirements to 8GB
- Fix wrong file path in ``archive-samples`` process