
Latest version: v3.4.2

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Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 1335 [geo] Gmap points don't move consistently
- 2172 [docs] Incorrect image sizes in bokeh documentation
- 2332 [bokehjs] Sub-second timezone strftime support
- 2444 Legend does not accept none as a border_line_color
- 2550 [docs] Scrolling on info page of user guide is broken
- 2619 [docs] Doc: broken plot in user guide
- 2785 [bokehjs] Imageurl glyph initial render is incorrect
- 2787 Regression in bokeh-server (client side?)
- 2801 [bokehjs] Bug in linear_color_mapper palette generation
- 2816 [charts] [examples] Charts donut nb example raise a long set of warning
- 2818 [charts] Categorical charts use `:` to set categories
- 2835 [docs] Embed docs missing required closing script tag
- 2846 Be more selective when you look for the id
- 2848 Workaround to local installation
- 2853 [docs] Fix typo. snipped -> snippet
- 2855 Fix gapminder notebook & clean-up unecessary triggers
- 2868 Clean-up tests, pytest fixture overrides, add the new sensitive-url parameter
- 2872 Skip remotedatasource column warnings
- 2878 [tests] Nvm install failing on travisci
- 2887 Wrap testing import so testing libraries aren't required
- 2894 [bokehjs] Line join property broken
* features:
- 1128 [docs] Documentation checklist
- 2375 Allow more subtle uses of resources - provide lower-level jsresource & cssresource
- 2678 Make plots responsive
- 2782 Create example of using hover tool to display custom images
- 2802 Add alpha control for imageurl objects
- 2823 Hardcode some dark colors for theme idea "1b"
- 2829 Have glyph methods return the glyph renderer, not the plot
- 2834 Changes to tornado pr
* tasks:
- 1143 [docs] Widget docs, examples and deprecation status
- 1514 [docs] Add docs for ipython notebook interactors
- 2563 [docs] Autoload_server docs issues
- 2662 [docs] [examples] Bokeh needs migration guide
- 2705 [docs] Faq - add note `make sure to close all script tags` message
- 2743 Remove 3.3
- 2751 [build] [tests] Remove 3.3 from testing and building
- 2768 [docs] Scientific citation
- 2769 Annotations should get an abstract base class
- 2783 Remove 0.10 references
- 2795 Pin ipython and ipython notebook to 3.2.1
- 2797 Pin ipython and ipython notebook to 3.2.1
- 2798 Remove hard dependency on scipy in mpl_helpers
- 2806 Task/build fixes
- 2809 Fix regex to take 0.10.0 versions
- 2811 Merge dev 0.10 branch back to master
- 2815 Do we want to deprecate callbacks in 0.10 or push out further?
- 2827 Better names for the devel builds
- 2831 [docs] Customjs for widgets on bokeh webpage
- 2832 [docs] Circle_x method example is broken in reference guide
- 2843 Fix regex again
- 2844 Pytest-selenium 1.0b1 does not use the --destructive argument
- 2858 Update example - cities gmap
- 2880 [build] Replace nvm for a conda package
- 2889 Add .gitignore files to examples directories that didn't have it
- 2902 [build] [examples] Collect hotfixes and examples fixes for 0.10.0 release


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 1863 [docs] Docs - images overlapping at certain viewports
- 2413 Datetimetickformatter format attr ignores %n %t chars
- 2486 Test_matrix errors
- 2508 [starter] Multiple select doesn't work on linked_tap_server example
- 2515 [docs] Doc: broken plots in examples
- 2518 [docs] Clarify docstrings on timeseries
- 2533 Compat/seaborn/ is broken
- 2559 Support camelcase css names
- 2631 [bokehjs] Dropdown always returning the last menu item
- 2645 [bokehjs] Fix previewsavetool dom elements not being removed
- 2651 [docs] Sphinxcontrib-napoleon extension loaded incorrectly
- 2658 [docs] Fix typo in legend user guide: s/p.grid/p.legend/
- 2664 [bokehjs] Inconsistent handling of `null` in common/
- 2665 Gear.{angle,module} have their types mixed up
- 2669 [docs] Broken link for css colors
- 2674 [bokehjs] [regression] Renderers are still sorted improperly
- 2682 Updating glyph style from javascript not working
- 2690 [docs] Fix typo on image glyph docstring
- 2698 Plot.text(legend="") results in console traceback and clipped legend rendering
- 2708 [docs] Fix typo in example code of server deployment docu
- 2709 [bokehjs] (0.9.3) bokehjs not loading in ipython notebook
- 2712 [examples] Fixes for the us_marriage example
- 2728 [bokehjs] Html escaping in hovertool not working
- 2742 [build] Fix upload of js and css into the cdn
- 2755 [bokehjs] Components on multiple objects duplicates objects in all_models
- 2767 [tests] Fix comflict (not merge conflict) because of those inter-related prs
- 2770 Remove hash from elementid
- 2773 [tests] Disable canteen and xfail integration test
- 2779 Hotfix/taptool not responding to callback
* features:
- 1238 [starter] Support horizontal or vertical spans (similar to aaxhspan/axvspan in matplotlib)
- 2392 Alerts for the "white screen of death"
- 2455 Active tab not reflected
- 2537 [examples] Interactive example: u.s. marriages and divorces chart with tooltips
- 2614 Add a warning for : in categorical strings
- 2625 Add background fill properties for legend
- 2626 Add channels to "extra" section in meta.yaml
- 2627 Make raw_components version of bokeh.embed.components
- 2671 [bokehjs] [build] Clean up gulp source mapping
- 2739 Do not zoom if boxzoomtool selects range <= 5 pixels
* tasks:
- 1984 [tests] Investigate the use pytest instead of nose
- 2117 [docs] Mention nonselection_glyph and selection_glyph options in tools documentation
- 2419 not deleting pycs
- 2499 Use bokeh.$ in server test template tab_play?
- 2544 [docs] Docstring for hovertool needs updating as does now work with line
- 2581 [docs] Columndatasource.from_df class method doesn't return columndatasource instance
- 2609 Hotfix/fix docs
- 2612 [docs] Server error
- 2613 [docs] Small changes to development documentation
- 2642 Add aliases to --build_js/--install_js in
- 2650 Fix to take version into the fab deploy script
- 2654 [docs] Clean up models section of reference guide
- 2660 [build] Add support for --build-dir argument to gulp build
- 2668 Remove the data tables example from plotting
- 2691 Better hit testing for quads
- 2697 Transfer demos from digital ocean to aws
- 2703 Prevent bokeh from eating scroll events if wheel tool isn't active
- 2706 Setting node to current stable (0.12) on travisci
- 2714 [build] Change binstar to anaconda after some name changes in the anaconda stuff
- 2718 [tests] Added mocha test for wheel event propagation
- 2726 [tests] Task/selenium tests
- 2727 [branches] [tests] Broke out into functions for more testable code
- 2735 [branches] Added simple test to show that tz always uses utc
- 2778 [examples] Collect hotfix for examples and release highlights


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 735 Inconsistent conversion of np.nan to json data in bokehjs
- 1005 Nan in data source column causes problem with glyph interface
- 1039 Bokeh server can display an empty document without any visible errors
- 1075 [tests] Test failure if websocket client is not installed
- 1139 Hover tool swaps sides at an off-center position
- 1176 Session.store_document() fails in table_server example
- 1264 Stock app fails to refresh after drop down is updated
- 1381 Fill_color argument doesn't handle rgb(a) tuples properly
- 2513 Fix release script failures
- 2514 Bug: all patches vanish on selection
- 2524 Setting a fixed font size value as a string is deprecated warnings
- 2529 [docs] Internal server error on quickstart
- 2582 [bokehjs] [regression] Slow plot rendering for 0.9.1
- 2586 [bokehjs] Decimated glyph needs visuals set also
- 2593 [docs] Fix typo in charts user guide
- 2600 [bokehjs] Hotfix/fixed ticker
* features:
- 194 [widgets] Widget/controls integration
- 2379 Get a warning about an invalid column name
- 2496 Improve mouseover information in texas example
- 2548 [bokehjs] Need more control over ticks and gridlines
* tasks:
- 2441 Warning when instantiating plot with no arguments
- 2540 Add console warning when bokeh-plot fails
- 2541 [docs] Breaking out inline plot examples in user guide into files
- 2543 Mpl update
- 2546 Clean up examples, use standard output
- 2547 [docs] Fix typo in components deprecation message
- 2554 [branches] Fix bug on ie (avoid using indices)
- 2577 [docs] Editing up to concepts
- 2598 Serializing data with numpy optional
- 2605 Hotfixes 0.9.2


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 1254 [docs] Setting small plot_width or plot_height to categorical plot without min_border
- 1255 [docs] Bokeh.embed.components second parameter not optional
- 1926 [docs] Tap_select tool is actually tap
- 2040 Expose level parameter in python
- 2161 Color tuples not supported
- 2176 Fix error: unable to parse uri to data
- 2245 Bokeh-server --url-prefix is being ignored
- 2282 [starter] [tests] Testmatrix script not in sync with bep 2
- 2303 [build] Tagging on release produce wrong names in binstar packages
- 2306 [bokehjs] [regression] Fix issues preventing bokehjs 0.9 working on jsfiddle site
- 2311 [bokehjs] [docs] Broken link to help pages from bokeh plots
- 2316 Text glyph font size from columndatasource field not working in 0.9
- 2329 Diamond/diamondcross both show diamonds
- 2336 [docs] Categorial heatmap gallery example missing (bad path)
- 2338 Valueerror: min() arg is an empty sequence
- 2356 [bokehjs] Force glyphs to always beginpath before rendering
- 2357 Crosshairtool lacks "dimension" property
- 2359 [docs] Animated line and animated glyph gallery examples are broken
- 2365 [examples] Compat/seaborn/ is broken
- 2366 Patches doesn't render with reversed ranges
- 2376 Hover on discontinuous patches
- 2396 [bokehjs] [docs] Tools seems to be broken in latest version of chrome and chromium
- 2416 Datetime scalar transformation loss of resolution
- 2431 Datarange1d start and end bug
- 2436 Bokeh jquery overriding previously loaded jquery
- 2445 Prevent non-compliant json generation
- 2459 Hotfix for components
- 2478 [examples] Pin seaborn version
- 2482 Deactivate tests before building to avoid huge packages
- 2484 Use the correct extension
- 2498 Use bokeh's jquery for server template
* features:
- 602 Add object integrity validation
- 1727 Add categorical y axis
- 1754 `to_bokeh` ignores alpha
- 1873 [docs] Palette argument for charts not well documented
- 1960 Throw exception if nonexistent keyword arguments are given
- 2100 Fix handling of initial columns in crossfilter
- 2213 Feature: bokeh-server with https enabled
- 2335 Tab completion for splattable lists
- 2348 Extend embed.component to let multiple objects be rendered in multiple divs
- 2354 Add support for `styles` in google map `map_options`
- 2368 [bokehjs] Minor grid lines
- 2371 [docs] Add mailing list to gmane
- 2390 [examples] Slider demo - animated bubble
- 2410 Allow users to specify jinja2 template variables
- 2411 Task/add range update callback
- 2465 Callback for box selection tool
* tasks:
- 850 [docs] Clarify how axes can be labelled
- 853 [docs] Widget documentation
- 2234 [bokehjs] Better bokehjs debug mode
- 2293 [docs] [starter] Update bep2 install instructions
- 2302 Updating bokeh server image
- 2305 [docs] Server section on user guide
- 2308 [build] [docs] Improve some tooling around version reporting
- 2309 [docs] User guide improvements/typo corrections
- 2313 [docs] defaults to home directory
- 2320 Remove extra whitespace
- 2322 [docs] [doc] changed `tap_select` to `tap`
- 2337 [docs] Change references to references
- 2342 [build] Remove sbt-based build system
- 2343 [docs] Keep output html filename consistent with exercise name
- 2358 [examples] Added palettes example to gallery
- 2400 [branches] Extend embed.component to let multiple objects be rendered in multiple divs
- 2403 [branches] Added test, improved conditionals
- 2404 [branches] Added error prompt wth message
- 2406 [branches] Added document support alongside plotobject
- 2407 [branches] Line too long
- 2412 [bokehjs] Standardize callback interface with args
- 2420 Build enhancements
- 2421 Quasi-complete automation
- 2433 Spectrogram improvements
- 2440 Allow uses name & type paramters
- 2457 [examples] Add example plotting widget with play stop
- 2477 Add hovertool callback examples
- 2481 [docs] Open docs pr for 0.9.1 release
- 2483 [examples] Open pr for small example (only) updates for 0.9.1
- 2485 Elide some unnecessary checks for map plots
- 2510 [docs] Add 0.9.1 release highlights
- 2511 Revert some automated commits


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 746 Grid without axis?
- 1479 Indicator of stacked hover tooltip has vertical offset
- 1599 Glyph renderer not masking data before rendering
- 2066 Angle property not working for square glyph
- 2095 Examples/glyphs/data_tables.ipynb error
- 2105 is generating a superfluous "id" package
- 2119 Simpleapp broken
- 2124 does not respond to 2. change on the dropdown field
- 2128 [examples] Simpleapp stock demo histograms not updating on selection
- 2130 [docs] Fixed typo in documentation
- 2134 Selections not working with nominal/categorical axis
- 2153 [docs] Fix typo, example has two css, one should be js
- 2158 [charts] Color cycles for bokeh charts
- 2180 Add shrinkwrap to lock to versions and upgrade jsdom
- 2217 [regression] Selection_histogram example broken after new hit_test redesign
- 2228 [docs] Update quickstart.rst
- 2231 [bokehjs] Multiselect broken
- 2233 [bokehjs] [regression] Vboxform broken
- 2238 Avoid layout breaking when simpleapp managing buttons
- 2246 [regression] Update datarange1d that wasn't updated on notebook after last api change
- 2253 Run binstar upload in the correct 'scripts' location
- 2256 Use another env variable is case of weird previous use of the i var
- 2258 Pin binstar until binstar build fix the platform path problem
- 2261 [docs] Fix two small typos
- 2262 [bokehjs] Direction is not being passed to draw_legend in annular wedge, arc, and wedge
- 2269 [bokehjs] [regression] Hbox/hplot broken
- 2278 Examples failures
- 2280 [docs] Doc: grammar fix for intro to models
* features:
- 351 Cycle colors for plots
- 1486 Add line hit testing and hover inspection along lines
- 1517 Change datarange objects to query renderers for preferred bounds
- 1519 [starter] Add simple lod downsampling on the client side
- 2098 Decimal.decimal cannot be sent across session
- 2112 Remove as much of src/vendor as is practical
- 2137 Move data sources on to glyphrenderers
- 2140 [bokehjs] [build] Streamline bokehjs build in develop mode
- 2151 [docs] Add cdn links in embedding docs
- 2156 Add an option to remove the `help` button of the bokeh toolbar
- 2174 Simple callback action
- 2178 Add a "callback" to a source.selected event
- 2185 Allow users to specify a desired number of ticks
- 2207 [docs] User guide rewrite
- 2275 [examples] Initial commit of
* tasks:
- 1751 Remove pinned packages
- 2038 [bokehjs] [build] What is the best way to develop bokehjs with incremental rebuilds?
- 2078 [tests] Use pyflakes
- 2087 Simplifying glyph units
- 2106 build message improvements
- 2126 [examples] Update selection histogram example
- 2132 Reduce bokehjs boilerplate
- 2139 [docs] Updating exercises to match current master
- 2146 Automatic devel build only in py27 in the new travisci matrix
- 2168 Remove extraneous comma from unemployment csv
- 2196 Bokehjs install failing because dependencies source doesn't exist
- 2211 [bokehjs] [regression] Make relative dev work again
- 2224 Make a script to check for dev and docs dependencies
- 2237 [docs] Update
- 2241 [build] Obsolete protocole sslv3
- 2254 Revert "run binstar upload in the correct 'scripts' location"
- 2257 Follow-on for user guide
- 2285 note that this also works with `develop`
- 2296 Remove '*' imports from examples
- 2298 [tests] Add info in the warn message about some missing dependecies


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 1064 Invoking nosetests doesn't always work properly
- 1659 Explicit notebook display codes not working
- 1901 Charts xlabel and yabel defaults
- 1913 [build] Try to make y.y.yrc, not y.y.y.rc in dev build to avoid being listed above y.y.y release
- 1953 Develop installation fails: no such file or directory: '/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/bokeh.pth'
- 1956 [starter] Two instances of autoload_server??
- 1973 [starter] Logging.basicconfig should not be called by 'import bokeh'
- 1978 Restore glyph/ (and fix the hover not working)
- 1983 Never use empty dict/list as default argument
- 1988 [starter] Use absolute_import throughout
- 1990 [bokehjs] Bokeh should use a private jquery
- 2001 [bokehjs] Map config not used for it seems
- 2002 Check boxplot equation
- 2011 [docs] Fix grammar error
- 2024 [bokehjs] Ugly buttons when plotting inside notebook on firefox 36
- 2041 Load_notebook depends on which depends on flask
- 2048 [charts] Cannot seem to make x-values different than default in line
- 2063 [build] Fix dev fingerprint check on version
- 2067 [bokehjs] Spectrogram coffee needs recompile
- 2074 [docs] Typo in stock_applet docs for moving quantquote data
* features:
- 1218 Use production quality server for bokeh-server
- 1784 [starter] Automatically fill masked arrays when encoding
- 1797 Preliminary work to get bokehjs working in node.js
- 1881 Feature/simpleapp
- 1898 [bokehjs] Ajax realtime improvements
- 1998 [docs] Visual hierarchy on autogenerated docs could be clearer
- 2033 Is there any reason why shouldn't take **kwargs?
- 2062 [docs] Userguide intro and interfaces
* tasks:
- 1916 Collect implicit interfaces into a single module
- 1927 [docs] [examples] Bokeh-notebooks needs update to use the new plotting api
- 1936 Use _.isxxx(x) instead of typeof(x) == "xxx"
- 1949 [examples] [tests] Tests scripts enhancements
- 1961 [tests] Don't log intentional exceptions during tests

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