
Latest version: v3.4.2

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* bugfixes:
- 111 When axis objects are located in data space (vs "min" or "max"), they should clip to plot bounds
- 366 Hover tool sets cursor to crosshair although the tool is disabled by default
- 852 Bokeh logo on plots should open in a new tab
- 935 Fix boxplot and more refactor
- 940 Fix conda.recipe on windows
- 951 [docs] Some plots in the tutorial at render with title on top of plot
- 953 [docs] Scatter example in broken
- 955 Plots in bokeh/examples/app/downloads not showing in dev-0.5.2
- 1010 Xaxis() and yaxis() broken in 0.5.2
- 1012 Scatter broken in axis placement
- 1019 Running the stock applet
- 1023 Server-based notebook are broken
- 1024 Multiple plots in a notebook not showing content in the first plot
- 1028 [docs] Quickstart documentation suggests invalid resources output_file argument
- 1036 Fix spectrogram axis locations
- 1058 Show() shows previous plots in ipython notebook
- 1059 Server_source_upload is failing on master
- 1095 Box zoom tool does not draw zoom box
- 1100 Request error hit our travis ci test
- 1104 Ms / ns issue in protocol serialize/deserialize
- 1114 Abstract rendering box-zoom+base-map
- 1122 Fix broken logger statement
- 1123 Hit testing is completely broken
- 1124 Fix bug introduced when experimenting with logging
- 1132 Updates to allow pip packages to install cleanly
- 1133 Hotifx/crossfilter
- 1138 Update tool hit testing to account for multiple raneges
- 1142 Remove abstract rendering as a hard dependecy
- 1145 Use none instead of "none" in toolbar_location
- 1147 Fixed and add missing dependencies
- 1151 Fix websockets in tornado 4.0 from notebook
- 1154 Hotfix/toolbar notebook appearance
- 1164 [build] [windows] Fix windows build
- 1165 Added pyzmq and tornado as dependencies in the conda recipe
- 1168 Hotfix/np int in ranges
- 1174 Upgrade handsontable to fix scrolling issues
* features:
- 106 The x-axis of the stock example doesn't have a unit
- 742 Tornado websockets (gevent optional)
- 961 Big charts refactor
- 981 Added stock example embedded into external flask app
- 982 Feature/sin example
- 1014 Add independent examples to bokeh chart
- 1029 Extending ar integration with categories tools
- 1038 Handsontable improvements
- 1042 Allow remote connections to spectrogram demo
- 1050 [tests] Update scripts/ for bep 1
- 1065 Don't repeat include properties' prefix
- 1068 [tests] Improvements to examples/test (s3 conn, version detection)
- 1070 [tests] Add test for new gear gylph
- 1097 Upgrade rbush
- 1102 Grouped pinning of upstream packages with bugs
- 1106 [tests] Feature/charts tests
- 1109 Feature/timeseries chart
- 1110 Feature/object selection
- 1113 Feature/toolbar
- 1115 Abstract rendering resource consumption
- 1126 Feature/heatmap
- 1127 Feature/twinx
- 1146 Clean up and improve the crossfilter
- 1152 Updating css for different toolbar positions
- 1158 Make select much more useful
- 1169 Made scipy a soft dependency for chart histogram
* tasks:
- 754 [docs] Update dev_guide
- 756 Copy wpp2012_sa_db03_population_quinquennial.csv to s3
- 824 [tests] Example sampleapp not working
- 986 Axis.location vs plot.{left,right,above,below}
- 1001 Remove "default" from glyph specs
- 1009 [docs] Possible error in bokeh boxplot tutorial and documentation code
- 1041 Some usability cleanup
- 1045 Don't include rejected issues in scripts/
- 1046 [tests] Use conda-build 1.7.0 until get fixed
- 1048 [docs] Better options for js building
- 1057 Update
- 1061 Cleaning some additional failing examples
- 1066 Disable redis(-py) dependency on windows (940)
- 1071 Remove embed tool
- 1072 Don't repeat color names
- 1077 Mpl temp down
- 1081 Made command line output less cluttered (and, in one case, less misleadi
- 1083 [docs] [tests] Task/cleanup2
- 1090 Update mpl support and charts to use the new add_* low level functions
- 1092 [docs] License.txt in pypi?
- 1096 Re-enable license comments in bokehjs
- 1099 [docs] [tests] Task/cleanup3
- 1119 [tests] Test_ar_downsample flaky; assumes dict keys sorted
- 1140 Split user guide into separate docs
- 1141 Collecting fixes for our examples
- 1150 [labels] Add tag for build
- 1156 Hover tool missing icon still?
- 1161 [build] Copy examples into conda packages
- 1163 Remove more unused widgets
- 1171 [wip] updating documentation for 0.6 release
- 1178 Task/update examples


Not secure
* features:
- 891 Using --tags with git describe
- 901 Allow xfield and yfield paramters to be scalar values
- 931 Add hovertool for patches
- 942 Hit testing for patches
- 976 Server-side colors and iso contours
- 977 Add line property in `line_cap` to terminate segment with arrow
- 995 Various improvements to example widget testing script
- 996 Grid and axes improvements
* bugfixes:
- 242 Zoom does not work on firefox 26.0
- 814 Bokeh-server starting error
- 890 Documentation not correct for plotting and changing the title text font size
- 892 Updated the title attributes in the docs example
- 894 Minor documentation bug
- 903 Fix case where colorspecs mishandled serializing to dictionaries when the value was unset
- 910 Subtypes, such as numpy int64, are not considered instance of
- 912 Simplify canvas dom render, and fix toolbar positions issue
- 913 Fix broken wheel zoom in firefox
- 915 Not redirected to `/bokeh/` when i load the server
- 917 Add return statement in welcome view (915)
- 929 Fixed axis location in categorical plots after layout landed
- 943 Fix up and js examples
- 944 Check patch hit testing for split patches
- 954 Plots not working in bokeh.plotting when passing columndatasources with column names different than 'x' and 'y' in dev-0.5.2
- 956 All plots in charts.ipynb get the yaxis label cut in ipython notebook (dev-0.5.2)
- 957 Fixed labels in charts interface
- 960 Bugfix/server downsample
- 962 Update
- 963 Circle glyph bug on if fill_color is not passed
- 974 Fix missing mouse callbacks
- 990 Examples/glyphs/daylight contains duplicated yaxis
* documentation:
- 932 Remove reference to "bokehjs site" on gallery docs


Not secure
* features:
- 631 Hover activated by default
- 706 Better message when the you have forgot to start the bokeh-server
- 777 Removing dinitialize
- 788 Load inline resources lazily (on render, not on init)
- 826 Added boxplot chart
- 840 Advice to the user about start the bokeh-server
* bugfixes:
- 463 Hover tool on categorical heatmap example on is broken
- 644 Can't import bokeh when resources aren't available
- 682 Trouble with encoding on windows
- 758 ./test -d is not finding example correctly
- 776 Feature/safeguards for deferred initialization
- 809 Nbviewer glitches on `output_notebook()`
- 811 Fixes bokeh logo repetition in nbviewer notebooks
- 812 Add mpl renderers to
- 815 Unicodeencodeerror
- 818 Fix python3 compat issue in
- 831 Multi-document plots
- 841 Fixed launching the tests suite from the examples folder
- 864 Log files still have dinitialize method


Not secure
* features:
- 63 Flesh out pandasdatasource
- 79 Need to be able to specify plot range
- 133 Add nicer default frame around bokeh plots
- 159 Boheh dashboard app
- 174 Rename display_defaults - these props are more deferred lookups/inherited props
- 176 I need an htmlfilesession that gives me standalone div (htmlfragmentsession)
- 287 Output_notebook should accept kwargs to pass through to notebookserversession ctor
- 308 Remove event sinks
- 310 Bokeh/ is very verbose
- 339 Adding widgets?
- 340 Name for plots
- 438 Display pinch zoom and pinch box zoom button on touch devices
- 440 Pan drag working on touch devices
- 483 Experimental bokehjs build system using sbt (scala)
- 504 Include bokehjs tests in travisci
- 533 Example plot showing daylight hours
- 534 Updated package.json and bower.json
- 542 Default backend should be inmemory?
- 555 Use shelve for default, add some config printouts
- 564 Use types to compute value of has_ref attribute
- 566 Image_url enhacement request
- 571 Provide convenient way to set axis titles in the figure() or in glyph functions
- 575 Feature: datetime axis date format
- 577 Expose datetimetickformatter.formats in python api and add an example
- 591 Improve range1d constructor to take two numbers, or a length-2 iterable
- 592 "tools" kwarg should accept a list of strings as well as a comma-delimited string
- 600 We need a bug info function
- 614 Make an npm module for bokeh-js
- 622 Create bokeh nightly conda packages
- 635 Range1d for dates?
- 640 Testing bokeh.report_bug function
- 642 Continuous integration on bokeh
- 650 Better logging, docs, and error checkout for autoload_static
- 656 example for referencing links using the hover_tool
- 667 Made report_issue function py3 compatible and docs
- 670 Better styling in donut plot (web browser market share)
- 671 is *very* slow and resource intensive
- 674 Remove license comments from minified bokehjs
- 686 Added new ipython versions and raise exception if ipython versions do not match
- 689 More succinct server config message
- 691 Allow ranges to be specified as sequences
- 698 Remove serverconfig
- 703 Logarithmic axes for plots
- 707 Initial integration of abstract rendering
- 709 First working version of automated execution of notebooks in example folder
- 717 Feature/range1d datetime
- 720 Add support for log scale axes
- 733 Execute ipynb and write a nbconverted html
- 739 Feature/crossfilter
- 745 Frame improvements
- 752 Add click tool, allow click and hover tools to be always on
- 753 Add support for minor ticks
- 755 Feature/abstract rendering guides
- 757 Add support for minor ticks
- 759 Added example
- 768 Bokeh charts
- 773 Log axes support
- 775 Add tags option for build and upload script
- 778 Minor improvements to log axes
- 783 Reduce the number of queries changes script makes
* bugfixes:
- 48 Ggplot gives error on aesthetic object
- 103 There is an error when trying to serialize script_inject_escaped
- 120 Axes/grid coords to do not recompute if underlyinge range is not datarange1d
- 309 Strange css errors on bokeh-server
- 464 Tools make plot disapears when x-axis is set to not numeric
- 466 Figure() kwargs don't match curplot() attributes
- 531 Get rid of "plots" div in default template
- 548 Potobject.references should return a set
- 551 Fix and expose imageuri
- 553 Expose, fix, rename image url
- 556 Scientific notation is always on
- 559 Nbviewer rendering broken
- 570 Scatter legend markers too large when combined with lines
- 595 Hover tooltip does not work in ipython notebook inline plotting
- 599 Datetime axis not rendering properly after multiple calls to line in tutorial example
- 603 Non helpful error message in case you don't have some object to plot yet
- 604 Test_objects fail - order dependent
- 610 Missing plotcontext?
- 613 Fix static embedding (and gallery build)
- 645 Compute self._models on the fly
- 662 Setup clean doesn't clean out directories
- 672 Precision error in stacked bar charts?
- 675 Hover is off the page
- 679 Need to include google maps api on demand.
- 682 Trouble with encoding on windows
- 684 Enforce utf-8 enconding in output_file
- 687 Bokeh server main page is broken
- 695 Widgets examples become unresponsive
- 697 Plot width and height attribute name breaks some examples
- 699 Explicitly ignore zero dim rects
- 727 Skip pan/zoom tool registration
- 729 "offsets to time due to json serialization implementation"
- 734 Enhance the settimeout for starting qunit. attempting to fix random failures in travis
- 743 Include version '2.0.0-wakari'
- 748 In merging docs, only merge new objects
- 769 Need to add new package to not sure why travis did not catch
- 770 Avoid abstract rendering package installation on py3
- 771 Fixes to build and upload script
- 779 Adding bokeh.charts to
- 780 Fix pagination issue in changes script
- 782 Removing old bokeh install path
- 784 Add missing mplexporter package to
* tests:
- 435 Test script does not execute notebooks
- 541 Nosetests errors when run locally
- 544 modified server unit tests to use in memory backend, switchable to use
- 549 Check plotobject.references test
- 560 Bokeh manual release testing
- 772 Test_references_by_ref_by_value (bokeh.tests.test_objects.testplotobject) fails randomly
* documentation:
- 316 has to be integrated with the devel docs
- 532 Selection problem on gallery
- 565 Seaborn and ggplot examples misrender on deployed gallery
- 576 Autosave=true does not work (or is wrongly documented?)
- 639 Fix small typo in the tutorial
- 651 Docs refresh
- 661 Bokehjs handles nulls as 0
- 680 Periodic table example hover errors
- 694 Make it easier to run bokehjs demos
- 721 Bokehjs demo docs fix-ups


Not secure
* features:
- 407 Object explorer
- 418 Support --user in non-setuptools develop
- 419 Improve handling of static resources in htmlfilesession
- 427 Clean up properties and introduce type safety
- 429 Explose tick formatters as backbone objects to python
- 430 [wip] expose bokehjs objects as backbone objects more consistently
- 431 Subplots support in mpl
- 434 Pypy compatibility:
- 439 Option to dilate pixel distances on some glyphs
- 441 Expose remaing tickers to python
- 446 Feature/data directory
- 447 Added gzip from flask_gzip, this gzips data before the flask server resp
- 448 Second round of improvements to properties
- 456 Feature/bigdata lineplots
- 459 Feature/bigdata image
- 461 Add support for testing on travis ci
- 462 Remove [close] button from default plot html template
- 469 Hover tool does not work with quad
- 477 Feature/new json encoder
- 478 Some enhancements to mpl polycollection support
- 482 Added ggplot examples
- 485 Background and grid support in mpl
- 495 Basic xkcd support for mpl
- 508 Add tool names for constrained pan and zoom
- 514 Fix changes script to properly ignore unwanted issues (incorporates fixed chages to paginate api call. 513)
* bugfixes:
- 416 `bokeh/` and `bokeh/session/*.py` contain duplicated code
- 420 Large object graphs
- 424 Recursively_traverse_plot_object() and session._collect_objs() don't collect refs in embedded objects
- 425 Fixed nan issue in bokeh-server, closes 231
- 428 Nan issue with circles (and presumably other marks
- 443 Last big prs are generating errors in the py3 environment
- 450 Can't connected to bokeh server if change the server to ip except
- 454 Fix subprocess error exception call
- 457 One histogram example renders badly on chrome
- 458 Fixed missing datetime import
- 465 Fix server sessions (inmemorysession and shelvesession)
- 475 Scatter plot with multiple y-data fails with ipython notebook
- 479 Datetime x_axis shows the wrong label at year resolution
- 481 Fix years formatting problem
- 488 Pr 448 breaks `from bokeh.plotting import *`
- 489 Add missing type parameter declaration in serverdatasource (fixes 448)
- 490 Server broken in py3 environment
- 491 Adding hover tool from js fails
- 494 Bokehjs error calling undefined function
- 507 Datetime ticking broken
- 509 Need new xpan, ypan... button
- 511 Outline and title properties not being propagated to plots
- 521 Point selection broken for wedge, annular wedge glyphs
- 522 Recurrent time out failure in travis


* features:
- 353 A simple extension to activate interactive support in the IPython notebook
- 359 remove setuptools
- 371 First basic implementation of PolyCollection.
- 383 add ability to use a different ip address and port for bokeh-server
- 388 Feature/unredis
- 392 generalize packaging data dir
- 395 Added script for load and install the extension.
- 396 Added a little notebook to explain some ways to use the bokeh extension.
- 397 Added script to generate changelog.
- 399 let figure() accept keyword arguments for next plot
- 411 Add point hit testing to other circle-like glyphs
* bugfixes:
- 377 np not imported, zeros_like is
- 378 bokeh 0.4.1 vs virtualenv
- 379 Adding a missing getsitepackage function to install in dev mode
- 381 Deleted reference to sys.real_path in
- 389 small typo fixes and adding olympics json file to
- 405 Hover tool does not work with multiple plots

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