
Latest version: v3.4.2

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* bugfixes:
- 5829 [component: bokehjs] PolySelectTool area remains the same at all zoom levels
- 6931 "Slider" widget: omitting a required argument does not produce error message
- 8180 [component: bokehjs] HoverTool not working with RangeTool
- 9047 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Can't interact with multiple RangeTools
- 9381 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] range_tool broken on inverted axes
- 9752 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Hover tool not working correctly for rotated rectangles
- 10749 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Plaintext copy-pasted from DataTable has a different order
- 10769 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Dates in DataTables appear as zero-epoch
- 11830 [BUG] TypeError when customizing tools icon using PIL Image
- 11955 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Replacing filter of CDSView does not trigger update of DataTable
- 11969 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] DataTable rendering behaves inconsistently for different indices of an IndexFilter
- 11994 [BUG] Allow reset of DatePicker to empty date
- 12315 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] ColumnDataSource does not work with NumPy floating-point scalars
- 12331 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] enable linebreaks in legend labels
- 12379 Figure out why `HexTile` with `pointytop` orientation and `aspect_scale=0.5` fails
- 12410 [component: bokehjs] Hover tool can point to data outside of the frame
- 12540 Handle Datetime values consistently in annotations
- 12574 [component: docs] [BUG] `bokeh.core.json_encoder.serialize_json` doesn't work as shown in example
- 12584 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] MultiChoice dropdown and autocomplete
- 12592 [component: bokehjs] Rect hit testing on circles is overzealous, at least by the default
- 12610 light_minimal theme is missing
- 12614 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] sizing_mode='stretch_both' broken in gridplot (bokeh 3.0.2)
- 12624 [BUG] bokeh v3 ColumnDataSource.selected.indices no longer works with ndarray
- 12666 [BUG] Performance differences between v2 and v3
- 12674 [component: docs] Ref guide autoclasstoc links are missing
- 12678 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] tooltips disappear when range of image is reversed
- 12700 [component: bokehjs] ReGL initialization is excessively and unnecessarily slow in tests
- 12709 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] DatePicker kills layout
- 12710 [component: docs] [BUG] CheckboxGroup minimal example in the documentation (Widgets and DOM elements 3.0.3) does not work properly
- 12714 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Updating DatePicker css_classes from callbacks not working
- 12719 Type check errors due to updated `pandas-stubs`
- 12730 [component: docs] [BUG] No such file: examples/plotting/
- 12731 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Possible regression: pinching not working with wheelzoomtool
- 12735 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] hatching scales differently on different displays
- 12756 [component: examples] Custom tooltip example mis-renders
- 12757 [component: bokehjs] Custom extension examples do not work
- 12767 [component: docs] [BUG] No module named 'bokeh.server.tests'
- 12776 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] DataTable does not output true/false for numpy arrays
- 12778 [component: bokehjs] `RangesUpdate` is not emitted for linked plots
- 12783 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] HasProps does not record references for models declared inside Map objects
- 12784 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] BokehJS interpolate doesn't handle length-1 arrays
- 12788 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Streaming broken when switching from Array to TypedArray
- 12797 [component: bokehjs] There are dots in HTML class names
- 12799 [BUG] Time to add glyph with legend label grows exponentially with number of existing glyphs
- 12805 [BUG] Serialization of new models breaks with Document.hold()
- 12838 [BUG] Cannot serialize pd.NA
- 12839 [BUG] Cannot serialize pandas numeric arrays
- 12846 [component: docs] Update Docs for GlyphRenderer
- 12850 [component: docs] Missing title in docs for glyphs
- 12857 [component: docs] [BUG] Example in "Setting up a development environment" doesn't exist anymore
- 12863 [BUG] GridPlot sizing mode not respected
- 12864 [BUG] GridPlot does not combine tools with different renderers
- 12876 [component: bokehjs] Unnecessary scrollbars can toggle back and forth in layouts
- 12880 [component: bokehjs] Editable `BoxAnnotation` doesn't respect symbolic coordinates
- 12883 [component: bokehjs] css_classes example not working
- 12885 [BUG] Pandas series encoding can fail with pyarrow dtypes
- 12888 [component: bokehjs] Layout collapses when using `FullscreenTool` in Chromium
- 12894 [component: server] [BUG] Server does not allow websocket connection on unix socket
- 12917 [component: bokehjs] Candlestick chart broken
- 12924 [component: docs] Thumbnails not being rendered in docs gallery
- 12698 [component: docs] Fix typo.
- 12725 [component: bokehjs] Refactor `qbb()` and `cbb()` and fix usage of `cbb()`
- 12754 [component: bokehjs] Update Tabler icon CSS URL
- 12766 [component: bokehjs] Fix svg rotated ellipses
- 12809 [component: bokehjs] Consider margins when using `100%` width with `max` policy
- 12822 [component: tests] Resolve issues with headless Chromium 110
- 12866 [component: bokehjs] Build bokehjs' examples in CI and fix errors
- 12882 Fix alignment in `_templates/file.html`

* features:
- 3412 Add support for persistent selection overlays
- 3880 ncol and nrow in Legend object
- 4272 Hook for callback upon document init
- 8592 Allow models.Span.location to accept categorical values
- 8926 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE]Change date format of DatePicker
- 9194 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Add fill properties to slope
- 11328 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Add JS event on Websocket disconnect
- 11348 [component: bokehjs] Add rounded corners for rect/quad glyphs
- 12157 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] MultiChoice: allow flag for the options menu to be closed after an item is selected or not
- 12507 [BUG] Sparse DataFrame can't be plotted without transformation to CDS
- 12529 Add support for background, border, padding, etc. to `Text` glyph
- 12692 [FEATURE] Add visual separation for legend items with multiline text
- 12736 [FEATURE] Add method to construct a ColorBar
- 12752 [FEATURE] Add transform.eqhist_cmap
- 12772 [component: bokehjs] Add configurable option for invoking callback when pressing enter for TextInput
- 12821 [BUG] Cannot plot `pandas.DataFrame` with columns of type string
- 12356 Categorical colormapping of 3D arrays
- 12688 Expose stylesheet model API publicly
- 12749 [component: bokehjs] Implement varying_alpha_palette in BokehJS
- 12789 [component: bokehjs] Add interp_palette function
- 12823 Allow to clone `HasProps` instances

* tasks:
- 6389 [component: tests] Test that bokehjs is npm-installable
- 11653 [component: tests] Test for `MultiChoice` widget
- 12590 Rename `select_every_mousemove` to `continuous`
- 12598 [component: build] Raise min numpy to 1.16
- 12609 [component: tests] Server tests use deprecated API
- 12617 [component: build] [BUG] Runtime error of incorrect option name crashes webapp (Angular)
- 12642 [component: docs] [FEATURE] Add ``text_outline_color`` to docs
- 12647 [component: docs] [BUG] First steps 2 doc figures have low contrast
- 12675 [component: docs] User guide section for CSS stying
- 12684 [component: docs] Docs on load balancing with Apache can be improved
- 12689 [BUG] numpy.bool8 is deprecated
- 12711 [BUG] EncodingWarning in bokeh.resources and bokeh.themes.Theme(...)
- 12716 Codecov not skipping sphinxext
- 12734 [component: docs] [DOCS] rect glyph shouldn't be used on log axes
- 12744 [component: docs] Built-in widgets docs page does not include DateSlider
- 12760 [component: examples] Improve examples' color handling
- 12768 [component: docs] Dev setup docs needs to ensure repo tags
- 12769 Activate bugbear checks in ruff
- 12793 [component: docs] Update docs for release
- 12918 [component: docs] Gallery thumbnails for image examples need updating
- 12919 [component: docs] Date picker gallery thumbnail broken
- 12555 Forward ports for 3.0.1
- 12621 Forward ports from 3.0.2
- 12631 [component: build] Upgrade to TypeScript 4.9
- 12676 [component: bokehjs] Remove legacy `CanvasRenderingContext2D` polyfills
- 12685 [component: build] Add support for CSS modules to extensions' compiler
- 12686 [component: docs] Promote note to warning in docs
- 12694 [component: docs] Fix tooltip ug entry
- 12705 Update copyright statements to 2023
- 12715 [component: bokehjs] Remove legacy CSS styles
- 12723 [component: build] Switch to isolated modules in TypeScript
- 12732 [component: build] Switch to ES2022 tsc compilation target
- 12741 Upgrade `actions/{checkout,cache,...}` to `v3`
- 12743 [component: examples] Added metadata to examples
- 12748 Fix a few typos
- 12755 Update ruff / f-string cleanup
- 12762 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade bokehjs dependencies and refresh `package-lock.json`
- 12770 [component: docs] spelling mistake
- 12792 `DatePicker` improvements and new types of pickers
- 12795 [component: examples] 11765 metadata custom tooltips
- 12810 [component: examples] Added metadata to
- 12816 Reuse object traversal result when bundling
- 12817 [component: bokehjs] Enable strict boolean expressions lint rule
- 12828 Use ubuntu-latest and nodejs 18.x in CI
- 12836 [component: bokehjs] Don't re-render when `css_classes` or `stylesheets` change
- 12852 Resolve issues with testing on MacOS in CI
- 12853 [component: bokehjs] Enable `switch-exhaustiveness-checks` lint rule
- 12856 Upgrade to ruff 0.0.252
- 12865 [component: build] Check for package-lock.json v3 in release scripts
- 12871 [component: bokehjs] Make `publish = true` the default for `BokehEvent`
- 12915 Warn about already known references, but don't fail


* bugfixes:
- 12583 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Nested gridplot collapses figures
- 12611 [BUG] `get_screenshot_as_png`
- 12627 [BUG] sizing_mode="stretch_both" fails since 3.0.0
- 12633 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Styles are not applied to model in Firefox
- 12640 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Embedded plot not sized correctly if not visible from the start
- 12623 Ensure change callback manipulation is threadsafe

* tasks:
- 12591 [component: tests] Many `CoverageWarning: Couldn't parse (...)` in unit tests
- 12595 [component: docs] More neutral install instructions
- 12607 output_notebook uses a deprecated API
- 12608 models.util.structure uses deprecated API
- 12641 [component: docs] Links to many examples are out of date
- 12646 [FEATURE] Add a find_stack_level to
- 12351 Updates to Docker image building and testing
- 12547 [component: docs] Added metadata to,,
- 12605 Replace flake8 with ruff
- 12620 Remove LGTM
- 12630 Update CodeQL action
- 12636 Add CodeQL config
- 12639 Disable docker from wheel integration tests
- 12645 CodeQL: remove import linter hack
- 12654 Resolve issues with code quality checks
- 12659 [component: docs] Adapt Bokeh logo for dark theme and add docs badge in
- 12662 Backports for 3.0.3
- 12663 Updates for 3.0.3


* bugfixes:
- 4930 interaction between tooltips and gridplots
- 12429 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Line selection does not render the unselected end line segments
- 12531 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] latex in titles - upright characters that should be italic
- 12551 [component: tests] bokehjs' unit tests fail on chromium 107
- 12554 [component: docs] Custom.js needs update for switcher
- 12578 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] gridplot reset button does not reset all figures
- 12585 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] line_policy='none' for HoverTool does not generate any tooltip
- 12587 [component: server] [BUG] Don't delete importlib.metadata in
- 12593 [BUG] Guard numpy.typing.ArrayType with `if TYPE_CHECKING`

* tasks:
- 12557 [component: docs] Need automation for updating switcher.json
- 12560 [FEATURE] remove mock
- 12562 [BUG] Tests: "python" is not a guaranteed executable
- 12566 [component: docs] Fix dates and typo in release docs for 3.0.0/3.0.1
- 12569 [component: build] Add Python 3.11 to CI
- 12571 [component: tests] Remove flaky from integration tests
- 12573 [component: tests] Add a regression test for issue 4888
- 12579 Upgrade to mypy 0.990
- 12581 Disable Selenium integration tests for now
- 12597 Backports for 3.0.2
- 12600 Updates for 3.0.2


* bugfixes:
- 12537 [BUG] ImportError: cannot import name 'NotRequired' from 'typing_extensions'

* tasks:
- 12528 [component: docs] Update tutorial link
- 12533 [component: examples] [BUG] Units in blackbody example should be upright
- 12525 [component: examples] Added metadata to bokeh\examples\plotting\
- 12539 [component: build] Remove runtime dependency on typing_extensions
- 12546 [component: examples] Apply blackbody example label edits (12534) to the ts example as well


* bugfixes:
- 5046 Webgl problem in stream app with multiple glyphs
- 6669 [component: bokehjs] BoxAnnotation does not appear to handle formal NumberSpec
- 8168 [component: bokehjs] Strange behavior with BoxSelectTool when click+dragging on toolbar
- 8332 [component: bokehjs] Autohide toolbar quirks
- 8346 [component: bokehjs] update datasource cause error with webgl backend
- 8469 Modifying a child element in a tab causes the whole tab to rerender
- 8531 [component: bokehjs] Save tool in gridplot initiates multiple downloads
- 8684 Allow at least partial alignment of fixed sized frames
- 9113 [component: bokehjs] Empty group widgets don't size properly once populated
- 9133 [BUG] Tabs ignore explicitly set dimensions
- 9208 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] sizing_mode='stretch_width' makes plot too wide if scrollbar is showing
- 9320 [BUG] Bokeh rendering performance
- 9448 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Google Fonts not loading on Glyph on standalone HTML until interacting with Glyph
- 9744 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] bokeh server layout overlap on toggle visibility
- 9763 [BUG] `gridplot` `merge_tools` removes distinct tools it thinks are repeated, e.g., `xpan` and `ypan`
- 9764 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] MultiChoice placeholder text not displayed
- 9992 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Select widget hiding tabs, when selecting a plot
- 10125 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] widgets overlap each other
- 10183 [component: server] [BUG] Processing of HTTP request arguments (server_document) and num-procs > 1
- 10355 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Toolbar cropped when using tabbed auto-width
- 10377 [component: docs] Documentation examples produce inconsistently named output files
- 10621 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] [MINOR] 2.3.0dev3, plot's inner_width property always sent on redraw even if unchanged
- 10804 [BUG] export does not respect current theme
- 11033 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] add_layout(LinearAxis) in click handler crashes client
- 11116 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] ColorBars do not update when their properties are updated
- 11205 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Hover tooltip breaks with full-circle wedge
- 11339 [BUG] Toggling layout's visibility results with overlapping widgets
- 11462 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Existing ColorBar tick-digits don't react to theme changes
- 11475 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] SVG export breaks for Wedges
- 11623 [BUG] Placement of toolbar location is broken for gridplots
- 11643 Refs are not resolved in data models' default values
- 11673 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] JavaScript error when setting LabelSet text to None
- 11694 Custom extension breaks with id as key in a dict param
- 11750 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Hover tool takes long time to render (-> 11629)
- 11770 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Linking an axis range can lead to other axis range autoscaling improperly
- 11776 [component: bokehjs] Dynamically changing the color palette of a color mapper
- 11803 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Message containing ModelChangeEvents for all properties sent back to server on initialization
- 11822 [component: tests] Tests using headless chrome are completely broken
- 11838 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] incorrect scalling for the zoom-out tool
- 11839 [BUG] PanTool can't be deactivated in grid plot
- 11877 [component: bokehjs] ImageURL blinks when the datasource updated
- 11930 [BUG] major_label_overrides are not applied if the overrides are float but the original labels are int
- 11946 [component: bokehjs] Re-rendering a layout causes menus to be removed from DOM
- 11963 [BUG] Option groups of the Select widget are sorted
- 11981 [component: build] BokehJS build failing in release CI
- 11985 [component: docs] Docs Search results are messed up
- 11999 [component: bokehjs] Rendering happens on every mouse move with inspections enabled
- 12001 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Failure of push_notebook() to update colormapper of a colorbar
- 12033 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Incorrect handling of step by DateRangeSlider
- 12047 [BUG] Jumpy scroll on mobile
- 12080 [BUG] examples/plotting/file/ no longer works
- 12101 [component: docs] Misplaces BokehJS Sphinx embeds
- 12115 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Expose itemSelectText option on the MultiChoice widget
- 12123 [BUG] Allow to extend vertically a TextAreaInput
- 12127 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] LabelSet doesn't check type for text
- 12133 [component: docs] Docs are missing GA code
- 12142 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Mathjax 3.2.1 breaks Bokeh
- 12145 [component: examples] [BUG] Examples/Apps/Stocks has broken URL
- 12150 [component: docs] Links for download badges in readme don't go anywhere
- 12155 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Inlined RadioGroup widget doesn't extend enough horizontally
- 12162 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] step(mode="center", ...) renders incorrectly on canvas if coordinates contain NaN
- 12176 [component: examples] [BUG] examples/app/gaminder: year 2013 (the latest year in the data set) is not presented in the Gapminder visualization
- 12204 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Setting datatable selectable to False leads to an error when trying to sort
- 12205 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Div with stretch_width doesn't stretch
- 12207 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] image_rgba selection
- 12232 [BUG] Bokeh 3.0.0 cannot serialize Pandas Dataframe
- 12238 Many hidden type errors due to wrong mypy config
- 12250 [BUG] ContourColorBar does not support theme
- 12280 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Combine alpha values by multiplying together
- 12313 [BUG] range no longer works with ColumnDataSource
- 12357 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] webgl breaks shared brushing
- 12361 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Canvas backend doesn't always render marker vector line_width correctly
- 12378 [component: docs] [BUG] Links in "First steps" documentation all broken
- 12386 [component: docs] python/js reported version mismatch
- 12404 [component: examples] Jitter example is broken
- 12405 [component: bokehjs] gridplot examples layouts are broken
- 12412 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Canvas step glyph sometimes renders with incorrect alpha
- 12416 [component: docs] Custom extension examples not rendering
- 12418 [component: bokehjs] Lasso overlay is broken
- 12447 [component: bokehjs] Toolbar interferes with tooltip
- 12448 [component: bokehjs] `GridPlot` needs better defaults for rows/cols sizing
- 12453 [component: bokehjs] Sizing mode example is broken
- 12456 [component: bokehjs] DOM drag/selection issue
- 12462 [component: docs] [BUG] Sphinx warnings while building documentation
- 12465 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] DataTable cell content gets overprinted if DataTable is used within a TabPanel
- 12479 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Figure p in column(gridplot([[p]])) not rendered when adding another figure like this: column(p, gridplot([[p]]))
- 12494 [component: examples] Ion slider extension example broken
- 12506 ContourRenderer disregards line_color=None
- 11717 [component: bokehjs] Fix bokehjs normally distributed random numbers
- 11821 Update branches in CI workflow configurations
- 11928 [component: bokehjs] Fix gmaps' support and remove special handling
- 11932 [component: build] Update versions of all packages in `package-lock.json`
- 11959 Discover unstable defaults in `HasProps.__init__()`
- 11986 [component: build] Fix `package-lock.json` and `update_bokehjs_versions()`
- 12057 [component: bokehjs] Robustify initialization of ndarrays
- 12067 [component: bokehjs] Don't excessively check if fonts were loaded
- 12174 [component: bokehjs] Fix canvas rendering of step glyph containing NaN
- 12196 [component: bokehjs] Remove id attribute of bk-root after plotting
- 12248 [component: bokehjs] Hide lower colors and labels when using EqHist rescale_discrete_levels
- 12265 [component: docs] Pin sphinx to version >=5,<5.1
- 12285 Split up too long lines after flake8 upgrade
- 12289 [component: docs] grammatically updated the tech docs
- 12330 [component: tests] Improve compatibility with Python 3.10.6 in tests
- 12344 [component: tests] Fix flake8 bokeh -> src/bokeh after PR 12338
- 12362 [component: bokehjs] Fix WebGL rendering of marker with size 0
- 12520 [component: docs] Restore strict docs build

* features:
- 1666 [component: bokehjs] Flip images when ranges are reversed
- 1763 [component: bokehjs] Support anchor property for Image and ImageRGBA
- 3799 Linked Crosshair
- 3819 Toolbar Improvements: Make tools independent of bar
- 4371 [component: bokehjs] Plot.y_range / Plot.x_range initial start/end values not set
- 4403 Better defaults for resize event
- 4568 [component: bokehjs] Allow active specification on gridplot toolbar
- 4698 [component: bokehjs] Feature: Add "dbl-click to reset zoom" on BoxZoomTool
- 4817 layout vertical alignment with buttons
- 5135 [component: bokehjs] Pan and Zoom tools should be configurable (limit to x or y axis only) via UI
- 5241 x_axis_type not in fuzzy matching for figure args
- 6031 Latex axis and title labels
- 6372 [component: docs] Add signatures to model objects
- 8360 Add a Figure.contour method
- 8364 Autohide toolbar should work with gridplot
- 8727 [component: bokehjs] Tooltip on widgets
- 8847 [component: bokehjs] RadioButtonGroup orientation vertical
- 9086 [component: server] [FEATURE] add favicon support to Bokeh server
- 9498 [FEATURE] Bokeh Sizing mode that inherits from parent
- 9518 [component: bokehjs] Allow binary data, streaming and patching outside data sources
- 9552 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Placeholder text for FileInput
- 9920 [component: bokehjs] Set themes using bokehjs
- 9935 [component: bokehjs] Add context formatter option to DatetimeTickFormatter
- 10533 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Add x-box-select & y-box-select specific icons.
- 10914 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Add custom_tooltip and custom_icon to all tools (not implemented in SelectTools)
- 10990 Add style attribute to all widgets
- 11500 [FEATURE] Support xyzservices in basemap tiles
- 11596 Allow data models to inherit from non data models
- 11638 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] MultiChoice widget sorts options by default
- 11704 [FEATURE] Include glyph sizing in plot range calculations
- 11806 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Add function to get adjacent nodes by selecting node.
- 11881 [FEATURE] Expose a file name parameter in SaveTool
- 11908 [FEATURE] remove_tools() function for plots
- 12066 [component: docs] [FEATURE] Link documented sampledata to standalone example
- 12089 [component: server] [FEATURE] Make bokeh server listen to unix socket
- 12171 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Batch rendering of many glyphs on the same plot
- 12179 [FEATURE] Add support for text outlines with annotations
- 12181 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Allow `embed_item` to optionally take an element instead of an ID
- 12272 [FEATURE] Allow AutocompleteInput min_characters=0
- 12273 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Box_Zoom_Tool that allows zooming in only width, height, or both dimensions in one tool
- 12438 [FEATURE] Add a parameter to limit the number of completion strings displayed by `AutocompleteInput`
- 11122 Add support for basic glyph decorations
- 11639 [component: bokehjs] Various bokehjs API improvements and new examples
- 11697 [component: bokehjs] Expose plotting subcoordinates API in bokehjs
- 11842 [component: bokehjs] Add block glyph
- 11871 [component: bokehjs] Implement a bokehjs development/diagnostics tool
- 11926 Allow to place toolbars inside the frame
- 11933 Add support for a checkbox-like Switch widget
- 12020 Add contouring
- 12030 Add support for `np.array(..., dtype="bool")`
- 12054 Generalize filtering on CDS views
- 12213 [component: bokehjs] Add ColorBar.display_low and display_high
- 12244 [component: bokehjs] Add support for cross bounds to grid lines
- 12263 varying_alpha_palette helper function
- 12268 [component: tests] Add support for async `expect().to.throw()`
- 12270 [component: bokehjs] Allow to stop throttled functions
- 12271 Add parameterized `NonNegative` and `Positive` properties
- 12276 Introduce `canvas` coordinate units to remove `for_hover`, etc.
- 12329 [component: server] Provide method to modify Server before start
- 12467 [component: docs] Tabbed gallery
- 12473 [component: docs] Add server examples to main gallery

* tasks:
- 4388 [component: tests] Missing layout tests
- 5653 [component: tests] Add tests to ensure server events do not boomerang client-side
- 6339 Use js Map instead of plain objects for properties like
- 6574 [component: examples] Add more examples to bokehjs
- 6591 [component: docs] Make it clear which annotations can and can not be preserved with save tool
- 8188 [component: examples] Example app "dashboard" unsuccessful on wide screen
- 8458 Simplify the JSON representation
- 9731 Drop support for legacy web browsers
- 9757 [component: bokehjs] Investigate using shadow DOM to gain proper isolation
- 9907 Improve Auth Request Handler hierarchy
- 10007 [BUG] Importing bokeh is VERY slow
- 10090 Deprecate ragged array case in ImageBase.image
- 10424 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Toggle on_click is fired when "active" is changed from Python side
- 10463 [component: docs] [BUG] bokeh authentication example checks only whether `user` cookie is set
- 10746 Make figure a class?
- 10840 [component: tests] Type errors in build should not stop tests from running
- 11347 [component: bokehjs] Simplify DatatimeTickFormatter format properties
- 11352 [component: docs] Docker container for dev environment
- 11355 [component: docs] Add LaTeX rendering to elements
- 11356 [component: docs] Examples demonstrating LaTeX capabilities
- 11357 [component: docs] Update docs for LaTeX capabilities
- 11358 [component: tests] Tests for LaTeX capabilities
- 11359 PNG export for LaTeX
- 11363 [component: docs] Export LaTeX to SVG
- 11507 [component: build] Migrate to repo to "src" layout
- 11637 [component: docs] Document requirement of PEP 604 (py 3.10) type annotation syntax
- 11640 [component: docs] Document Tool.icon in user guide
- 11642 Rename FuncTickFormatter
- 11723 [component: docs] Docs still reference FuncTickFormatter
- 11752 [component: tests] [BUG] Windows integration tests failing in BokehJS-CI
- 11789 [component: docs] Pin Sphinx < 4.3
- 11792 [component: docs] Unpin Sphinx and update min version
- 11845 [BUG] color.darken() triggers BokehDeprecationWarning as it uses HSL related methods internally
- 11850 [component: docs] Documentation nitpick re: EditTools
- 11883 [component: tests] BokehJS-CI test failure in windows-latest
- 11968 [component: docs] Update docs for AjaxDataSource
- 11996 [FEATURE] Allow passing things other than models into args argument on CustomJSHover
- 12018 [component: server] support the proactor eventloop on windows with tornado >=6.1
- 12024 [component: docs] [BUG] Clarify docs about necessity of Firefox
- 12049 Typo in ValueError in L170 of repo
- 12087 [BUG] Abspath does not expand users home directory
- 12152 [component: docs] Add Apache load balancer configuration to documentation
- 12153 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade to TypeScript 4.7
- 12168 [component: docs] Update docs for new Tooltip functionalities
- 12178 Add Python compat deprecation for `FuncTickFormatter`
- 12180 [component: docs] Demonstrate better practice in JS callback docs
- 12203 [component: docs] Misc 3.0 docs issues
- 12216 New PIL version broke tests
- 12237 [component: docs] [BUG] output_file() documentation is not consistent
- 12261 Add pandas as hard dependency
- 12264 [component: docs] [FEATURE] Adding existing bokeh language bindings to the documentation
- 12291 [BUG] DepricationWarning for latest Selenium 4.3.0 and webdriver.Firefox
- 12332 Proposed changes for envs / scripts
- 12340 [component: docs] Update docs for new src layout
- 12402 [component: docs] Double tooltip on hovering over user guide periodic table example
- 12415 [component: docs] [BUG] navigation section on gallery page is placed incorrect
- 12511 [component: docs] [FEATURE] Outdated renderers helpstring
- 11620 Execute 3.0 deprecations
- 11621 Drop `render_mode` and split off HTML annotations
- 11622 [component: tests] Don't report successful flaky tests
- 11624 [component: bokehjs] Drop `deprecated` functionality of bokehjs
- 11636 [component: bokehjs] Correct MathText color, size and vertical alignment
- 11659 [component: bokehjs] Fix and improve output from Printer.string()
- 11660 [component: docs] Update docs for math text styling
- 11665 Drop support for subtype from the protocol
- 11669 Create
- 11671 [component: tests] Reorganize bokehjs' test assets and add "sprint" example
- 11677 [component: bokehjs] Redesign text rendering in `Text` glyph
- 11691 build BokehJS by default
- 11692 [component: bokehjs] replace deprecated CLIEngine eslint class and add cache for faster linting
- 11699 [component: bokehjs] Split up `api/plotting.ts` into `figure.ts` and `io.ts`
- 11700 [component: tests] Add more bokehjs' examples under visual tests
- 11706 [component: tests] Add streaming circle test for issue 5046
- 11708 [component: tests] Implement MathText on TextAnnotations and organize MathText tests
- 11709 [component: docs] Update contributor docs (part 2)
- 11733 Add more modules to mypy
- 11748 [component: build] Removed a manual file handler pitfall
- 11763 [component: bokehjs] Remove invalid `null` and other conditionals
- 11771 Include version pattern in workflow input description
- 11773 Remove `CDSView.source` and infer the source from `CDSView`'s parent
- 11774 [component: examples] 11765 basic plot example metadata
- 11775 [component: docs] Add metadata to examples/models/file/ (11765)
- 11777 [component: bokehjs] Add support for unset properties to bokehjs
- 11778 Docker dev image (11352)
- 11780 [component: tests] Update root `View`'s `ready` promise along its descendants
- 11787 Bryanv/forward ports to 3.0
- 11799 [component: build] add Python 3.10 to CI
- 11809 [component: docs] metadata for examples/models/file/ added
- 11812 [component: build] Remove automatic addition of `init_ModelName()`
- 11813 [component: bokehjs] Clarify handling and internal types of partial messages
- 11815 Add support for math text to slider widgets
- 11816 [component: build] Reorganize bokehjs' dependencies using npm workspaces
- 11831 2.4.2 forward ports
- 11835 [component: build] Update baselines on MacOS
- 11837 [component: tests] Update baselines on Windows
- 11858 [component: examples] More LaTeX examples
- 11859 [component: docs] Update docs for Slider, RangeSlider
- 11861 update sliders baselines
- 11869 [component: examples] Add final 2 LaTeX examples: Bessel functions and LaTeX labels
- 11872 [component: examples] Added docstrings on app\examples
- 11874 [component: build] Update bokeh-release-build.yml
- 11876 [component: examples] Added metadata to some examples and fixed one 11765
- 11878 [component: examples] Port schrodinger example to bokehjs
- 11902 [component: examples] Added metadata for examples/plotting/file/ and examples/plotting/file/
- 11905 [component: examples] Add metadata to
- 11907 Fix type issues after upgrading to mypy 0.920
- 11915 Redesign the layout using CSS and canvas layouts
- 11919 [component: build] Require nodejs 16.* LTS for dev and testing
- 11920 [component: build] Fail bokehjs' CI jobs if repository gets dirty
- 11921 [component: tests] Test bokehjs' palettes and reduce their size
- 11927 [component: bokehjs] Improve life cycle of `DataRange1d.plots`
- 11931 [component: build] Drop official support for Python 3.7
- 11939 Make `_may_have_unstable_defaults()` more robust
- 11941 Replace `typing_extensions` with `typing` wherever possible
- 11943 [component: tests] Don't rely on clicking a toolbar button for testing
- 11949 [component: bokehjs] Replace manual text handling in `Legend` with `TextBox`
- 11953 [component: tests] Update tests for Firefox 96
- 11970 Deprecate CDSView.source more gracefully
- 11982 [component: build] Upgrade bokehjs' npm packages
- 12009 [component: docs] Add metadata to and fix various typos
- 12011 [component: tests] Silence deprecation and other warnings in integration tests
- 12027 [component: build] Upgrade TypeScript to version 4.6
- 12028 [component: tests] Set up `asyncio_mode` to silence deprecation warnings
- 12039 [component: server] Remove `use_buffers` from `PatchDoc` message
- 12042 RenderRoot dataclass
- 12044 [component: docs] 11765 add metadata to examples
- 12056 [component: build] Upgrade bokehjs' dependencies
- 12060 [component: docs] Update docs for HexTile
- 12063 [component: docs] Clean up sample data attribution
- 12064 [component: bokehjs] WebGL support for Block glyph
- 12076 [component: bokehjs] Initialize properties in definition order
- 12100 Fix Comparing singleton primitives with equality checking
- 12102 Minor cleanup issues
- 12116 [component: docs] Update WebGL docs
- 12128 Adding metadata to examples/models/file/ 11765
- 12147 New vars and cleanup for hover tooltips
- 12161 [component: bokehjs] WebGL step glyph
- 12173 [component: bokehjs] Minor bokehjs' codebase cleanup
- 12188 [component: bokehjs] Toggle opacity not visibility of descriptions
- 12200 [component: docs] Update for latest Sphinx and pydata theme
- 12206 [component: docs] Minor 3.0 docs updates
- 12209 [component: docs] Replace panels and tabs extensions
- 12211 [component: docs] Alt-text Sprint PR
- 12224 [component: docs] Update docs CSS
- 12229 [component: docs] Fix intersphinx doc reference
- 12233 Revert field_name rename
- 12241 [component: docs] Update wording for output_file()
- 12242 [component: docs] Update docs for tooltip PR
- 12245 [component: docs] Added definition for LOD (Level-of-Detail)
- 12246 Rename `NonNullable` to `Required`
- 12247 Update bokehjs' dependencies
- 12249 [component: examples] add SRI hash for vis.js
- 12252 Normalize built-in types and remove `Unknown`
- 12257 [component: tests] Upgrade bokehjs in examples and tests
- 12260 [component: docs] Add random filename description
- 12269 [component: bokehjs] Move normal random generator from `np` to `Random`
- 12274 Drop `serialized=False/readonly=True` for `NotSerialized/Readonly`
- 12284 [component: docs] Contouring docs
- 12286 [component: docs] Save CI docs as artifact
- 12290 Update codeql-analysis.yml
- 12293 Add post install status to bokeh-release-build
- 12294 [component: tests] Cleanup / condense project configs
- 12298 [component: docs] Grammatical fixes and improvisations
- 12302 [component: bokehjs] BokehJS maths improvements
- 12304 [component: build] Add `py.typed` marker file for mypy
- 12305 [component: docs] Remove double colons from field lists
- 12306 [component: tests] Streamline / modernize build system
- 12307 Preserve original line endings in code quality tests
- 12311 Move test utils out of tree
- 12317 [component: build] More CI work (part 1)
- 12318 [component: docs] Update dev setup docs
- 12319 [component: build] More CI work (part 2)
- 12320 [component: build] More CI work (part 3)
- 12321 [component: build] More CI work (part 4)
- 12324 [component: build] More CI work (part 5)
- 12326 [component: docs] clean up
- 12336 [component: tests] Test out codecov action
- 12337 Add package validation helper
- 12339 [component: docs] consolidate docs directory
- 12341 Move typings under src
- 12342 [component: build] Use proper setuptools command extensions
- 12347 [component: build] Add package verify to release automation
- 12349 [component: build] Align CI/release build more closely
- 12352 Codecov config experiments
- 12353 Hide top level import
- 12358 Flatten examples dirs
- 12364 [component: docs] Remove extraneous paragraph
- 12368 Consolidate gitignores
- 12371 [component: build] Upgrade bokehjs' dependencies
- 12372 Consider undeprecating *on_click helpers
- 12373 [component: tests] make precommit config more fine-grained
- 12381 Use wheel for testing
- 12383 [component: bokehjs] Clean up naming, deprecations, legacy APIs, etc.
- 12387 Remove `bokeh.server.django`
- 12388 [component: tests] Include `CartesianFrame` in baseline files
- 12389 Update
- 12394 [component: bokehjs] Use more robust CSS length parsing in MathText
- 12395 [component: docs] Add metadata to trefoil example
- 12403 [component: docs] Pin pydata sphinx theme version
- 12407 [component: tests] Robustify workflow around testing defaults
- 12419 [component: docs] Rearrange examples and users guide
- 12424 Upgrade to mypy 0.981
- 12431 [component: docs] Grammar changes to the docs
- 12433 [component: docs] Restructure User's Guide (Part 1)
- 12434 Split up `bokeh.models.renderers` and move `contour_renderer`
- 12435 [component: tests] Include only own and overriden defaults in defaults.yaml
- 12436 Change type of `Model.subscribed_events` to `Set(String)`
- 12437 [component: docs] Update 3.0.0 change log
- 12440 [component: docs] Restructure User Guide (Part 2)
- 12441 Add 'p' prefix to simple IDs in Python
- 12446 [component: docs] Update gallery thumbnails
- 12454 [component: docs] More gallery / user guide improvements
- 12458 [component: docs] Improve the gallery grid
- 12463 Update theme.yaml
- 12472 [component: docs] Make Styling a top-level section
- 12474 [component: docs] add missing ports and notes
- 12477 [component: docs] Fix up some sphinx paths
- 12478 [component: docs] Add a batch of new gallery items
- 12485 [component: docs] Misc docs/examples for 3.0
- 12488 fix win sampledata test
- 12491 [component: docs] Misc examples cleanup (part 1)
- 12492 [component: docs] Update styling docs
- 12495 [component: docs] Misc QoL improvements for examples
- 12497 [component: docs] Move migration guide to Wiki
- 12499 [component: docs] Add two missing words to data.rst
- 12500 [component: docs] Add more examples to gallery
- 12501 [component: docs] Fix some typos
- 12502 [component: docs] More examples updates
- 12505 Don't allow `Model(id="some", **properties)`
- 12508 [component: tests] Migrate defaults' baseline from yaml to json5
- 12513 [component: bokehjs] Resolve deprecations in bokehjs' CI workflow
- 12515 Rename `SettingsTool` to `InspectorTool`
- 12517 [component: bokehjs] Allow scroll in inspector's model/property panels
- 12518 [component: docs] Fix typos
- 12519 [component: docs] Move intro paragraph
- 12522 [component: bokehjs] Rename `InspectorTool` to `ExamineTool`
- 12524 [component: docs] Some final docs updates


* bugfixes:
- 7390 [component: bokehjs] Tap events respond outside plot area
- 11744 [component: docs] BokehJS example in docs is broken
- 11832 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Zoom-in failing with the `xzoom_in` tool
- 11965 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Table formatting causes layout crash/collapse
- 11987 [component: docs] Docs: extra whitespace on non-sidebar pages
- 11995 [component: docs] [Docs] his must be replaced by This
- 12058 [BUG] webgl backend results in dashed lines
- 12070 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Wedge/AnnularWedge hit testing cuts off top/bottom
- 12096 Missing `f` prefix on f-strings
- 11819 [component: bokehjs] Correctly handle odd-length dash patterns in WebGL
- 11829 [component: bokehjs] Fix webgl line NaN handling
- 12051 [component: docs] Fixed typo: s/server/serve/
- 12106 Fix typo in

* features:
- 9182 [component: bokehjs] Add hover tooltip support for Patch, HArea, and VArea
- 10525 [component: bokehjs] [Feature] Support full text search for MultiChoice and auto complete input
- 11840 [component: bokehjs] Support multiple marker types in WebGL scatter
- 12034 Add DatetimeRangeSlider
- 12121 Support rescale_discrete_levels in EqHistColorMapper

* tasks:
- 8851 [component: docs] [BUG] components() does not return dict with wrap_plot_info=False
- 11707 [component: bokehjs] Avoid expensive over-computing "all models" on Document init
- 11716 [component: docs] [BUG] Docs still mention gen.coroutine
- 11726 [component: docs] [BUG] Update links in example app surface3d to point to new location on
- 11757 [component: docs] [FEATURE] Elaborate on branch creation and git commits in docs
- 11811 Remove unnecessary whitespace from rendered templates
- 11868 [component: examples] Examples files needs checking and updating
- 11870 [component: docs] Remove katex example, test and docs
- 11875 [component: build] Make release build more robust to commit files
- 11956 [component: docs] Use to point to developers guide
- 11977 [BUG] missing functools.wraps makes debugging unawaited _needs_document_lock_wrapper methods difficult
- 12093 [BUG] Flake8 pre-push test failure
- 12112 Use channel instead of explicit version for GMap API?
- 11698 [component: docs] Fixed some typos and changed wording for better tone
- 11814 Fix webgl dashed line joins with butt end caps
- 11823 [component: tests] Force webgl backend when requested for testing
- 11833 simplify CI jobs with composite action
- 11849 [component: bokehjs] Remove temporary WebGL circle fix
- 11867 [component: build] Pin to django 3.x
- 11906 [component: tests] Drop baseline testing on MacOS and Windows
- 11922 Update copyright statements to 2022
- 11935 Fix typo in
- 11971 [component: build] Fix new typings failures
- 11993 [component: docs] Add sphinx_copybutton
- 12040 [component: bokehjs] Unify WebGL markers and rects
- 12046 [component: bokehjs] WebGL typescript refactor and add quad glyph
- 12055 [component: bokehjs] Implement WebGL marker line joins
- 12061 [component: bokehjs] WebGL support for HBar VBar and HexTile glyphs
- 12084 [component: bokehjs] Simplify EqHistColorMapper calculations
- 12120 [component: bokehjs] WebGL line refactor
- 12126 3.0 -> 2.4.3 backports
- 12130 More 2.4.3 backports
- 12131 Yet more 2.4.3 backports

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