
Latest version: v3.4.2

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Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 7296 [component: bokehjs] Fix orient == 0 case in sidepanel.apply_label_text_heuristic()
- 9218 [component: bokehjs] [bug] shared columndatasource issues in js callback (uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'connect' of undefined)
- 9230 [component: bokehjs] [bug] webgl + cdsview seems to use incorrect marker fill colours
- 9515 [layout] [bug] layout engine much slower on chrome
- 9856 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] [bug] bokehjs build does not abort on compilation error
- 9871 [component: bokehjs] [bug] tablecolumn doesn't use `field` when `title` is not set
- 9909 [component: bokehjs] Bad toolbar highlight in "dark" modes
- 9915 [component: docs] [bug] the footer on the documentation website extends past its visible area
- 9924 [component: server] [regression] [bug] django server resources are not working
- 9953 [component: bokehjs] [bug] race condition between legend and glyph when using `legend_label`
- 9959 [component: bokehjs] [bug]the hover tool is not disaplyed when the mouse is directly over text
- 9965 [component: docs] [typo] `cumsum()` transform function docstring mistake
- 9987 [component: docs] [bug] `factorrange`'s `start` property's help string references `end`
- 10022 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datepicker.disabled doesn't always work
- 10040 [component: bokehjs] [feature] allow named columns to be used in edittools
- 10042 [component: bokehjs] [bug] bad label rendering with hbar / subgroup_label_orientation
- 10072 [component: bokehjs] Bokehjs leak a lots style tag in head tag cause a slow performance
- 10088 [component: build] Only use local bokeh package in tests
- 10103 [component: docs] [bug] using anchors in the api reference hides the anchored element under the header
- 10105 [component: docs] [bug] `cd sphinx; make serve` doesn't work
- 10107 [component: bokehjs] Settable active state of toolproxys in gridplot
- 10114 [component: bokehjs] [svg] Resolve issues with resizing and clearing svg canvas
- 10123 [component: bokehjs] [layout] [regression] Canvas doesn't repaint after layout resize
- 10126 [component: bokehjs] [bug] model.serializable_attributes method removed in bokeh master
- 10128 [bug] resource warning unclosed file... _sri.json possible resource leak
- 10140 [notebook] Fixed typo when registering google colab comms
* features:
- 2326 [component: bokehjs] Toggle selection of objects with shift+click
- 4567 [component: bokehjs] Make tools active state updateable
- 9863 [component: bokehjs] [feature] add "dot" marker variants
- 9890 [component: bokehjs] Some new markers
- 9922 [component: bokehjs] Autocompleteinput has no case insensitive option
- 9963 [feature] add a lineedittool
- 10021 [component: bokehjs] Add support for document event batching
- 10132 [API: models] [feature] edittool.empty_value should support
* tasks:
- 5744 [component: bokehjs] Use only one of global.isnan and isstrictnan
- 5800 [component: tests] Hard pass/fail test of some kind of basic glyph drawing
- 8572 [component: tests] is missing property unit tests
- 8741 [component: docs] Elevate our code of conduct
- 9302 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] Push_notebook does not work in google colaboratory
- 9704 [component: docs] [component: examples] [feature] need to add tile provider demo
- 9813 [component: server] [feature] compose bokeh server with other tornado http servers
- 9844 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade nouislider
- 9913 [component: bokehjs] Use selection() instead of hittest helpers
- 9941 [component: bokehjs] Deprecate css rendering modes for annotations
- 9952 [component: docs] [infra] Bust caching of versions.json
- 9971 [bug] warn about using the same layout element (here: plot) multiple times
- 9972 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Select widget un-focuses after selection
- 9973 Bump jquery from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 in /bokehjs
- 9976 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Update bokehjs' dependencies
- 9977 [component: build] [infra] Use system installed google chrome in ci
- 9978 [bug] cannot apply patch to [id] which is not in the document anymore
- 9982 [component: docs] Bokehjs user guide section not using sri hashes
- 9990 [component: docs] [bug] elaborate on how the margin attribute works in documentation
- 9996 [component: tests] Drop support for s3 upload in examples' tests
- 10000 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Add visuals tests for marker glyphs
- 10001 [component: bokehjs] Clean up type situation around buffer handling
- 10004 [component: bokehjs] Clean separation between models' and properties' responsibilities
- 10006 [component: bokehjs] [performance] Speed up setting up of visuals
- 10008 [component: bokehjs] [svg] Incorporate svgrenderingcontext2d into bokehjs
- 10012 [component: bokehjs] Use map<k, v> or set<v> instead of {[key: string]: v}
- 10016 [component: docs] Added ':' before execution command
- 10026 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Make show(), build_views(), etc. produce most specific types
- 10030 [component: docs] Add google api key requirements into documentation dev guide
- 10035 Miscellaneous changes
- 10036 [component: bokehjs] Refactor implementation of image and imagergba glyphs
- 10050 [component: build] Install channels from conda forge
- 10053 Revert "spanset"
- 10054 [component: bokehjs] Use map instead of {} as view storage
- 10061 [component: bokehjs] Drop usage of our set type in favour of the native set
- 10068 [component: bokehjs] Reduce usage of for-in loop an in operator
- 10069 [component: bokehjs] Improve support for ndarray serialization
- 10074 [component: docs] Fixed 10038 (tornado, ui/ux, search feature improvement)
- 10077 Resolve f541 after upgrading to flake8 >=3.8
- 10084 [component: bokehjs] More usage of map<k, v> and set<v>
- 10085 [component: bokehjs] Make menus usable with tool proxies
- 10091 [component: docs] Update 2.1.0.rst
- 10096 Revert "add support for versioned bokehjs script tags and cdn urls"
- 10101 [component: tests] Drop examples' baseline and image testing
- 10116 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Chrome 83 breaks image diff tests
- 10119 [component: docs] Fix a typo in docs
- 10129 [component: examples] [component: tests] Restore examples' images and upload as an artifact
- 10130 2.1 updates
- 10142 [component: docs] [bug] weather_example_scipy
- 10159 Prefer inclusive language


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 8862 [component: bokehjs] [layout] [regression] [bug] fig.add_layout doesn't update the figure
- 9864 [component: bokehjs] Fixed palettes bug
- 9869 [component: docs] [bug] minor typos in validation error output for factorrange and cdsview
- 9875 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Starting headless chrome on macos is unreliable
- 9877 [component: bokehjs] [bug] boxannotation doesn't respect fill_color=none
- 9879 [component: bokehjs] [bug] impossible to change factorrange to a lower dimension with different number of factors
- 9900 Bundling and serving precompiled extensions in broken on windows
- 9931 [component: build] Installation of bokeh>=2.0.0 adds `release` directory to site-packages
- 9938 [component: server] [bug] timezone bug in generate_jwt_token
* features:
- 9339 [API: models] [feature] add broader themes
- 9812 [component: bokehjs] Load multiple versions of bokeh into a single web page
- 9872 [API: models] [feature] allow hiding tooltips for muted glyphs
* tasks:
- 6840 Use px as the default font size unit of measurement
- 9771 [component: tests] Recent changes that require visual testing
- 9772 [component: examples] Ipywidgets examples
- 9861 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] Relax elementid check in autoload.js
- 9865 Change array.length issue in filters
- 9866 Refactored unused vars to _
- 9880 [component: docs] Sphinx 3.0 compat
- 9881 Remove pointless util function
- 9883 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Match compilation and minification targets
- 9885 Update stamen urls for ssl links
- 9888 Broken link to colorcet repo in
- 9892 [notebook] [bug] saving bokeh example notebooks causes notebook validation errors
- 9895 [component: build] Ci build is broken (suddenly using python 2)
- 9903 Suppress gridspec warning
- 9904 Minor import cleanup
- 9906 Make auth method overrides explicit
- 9908 [component: docs] Missing 2.0.1 release notes + typos
- 9914 [component: bokehjs] Prefer ** operator in bokehjs codebase
- 9916 [component: bokehjs] Don't duplicate parent's code in oval._map_data()
- 9942 [component: build] Prep for 2.0.2 release
- 9944 [component: docs] Improve tile provider docs
- 9945 [component: build] Release build first steps


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 9522 [component: bokehjs] [bug] arrow lines do not render completely if figure is placed below some div
- 9703 [component: bokehjs] [bug] image_url combined anchor and angle options generated unexpected results
- 9724 [component: bokehjs] [bug] behaviour of automated padding for ranges is inconsistent
- 9773 [infra] [bug] potential chrome cors problem with local output
- 9778 [component: docs] Incorrect guidance on installing additional dependencies for export() functions
- 9784 [component: bokehjs] [bug] `selectiongeometry` has incomplete type of `geometry`
- 9793 [component: docs] Wrong links in bokeh embed example readme
- 9796 [notebook] Autoload js in notebook broken after pr 9777
- 9820 Deprecation warnings after pr 9807
- 9821 [component: docs] [bug] version 2.0 release notes date
- 9834 [regression] [bug] cannot update datepicker display value from python
- 9837 [component: bokehjs] [webgl] [bug] lines with empty data breaks plot with webgl renderer
- 9852 [component: build] Bryanv/correct js version full release
* features:
- 9727 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [feature] add multi-file selection to fileinput widget
- 9783 [feature] expose `_known_tools` and `_tool_from_string` to allow reuse
- 9799 [component: server] Allow to serve extensions' bundles and related resources
- 9814 [bug] 'bokeh.server.django' ignores &bokeh-session-id url parameter
- 9819 Allow to send binary buffers by messagesent
* tasks:
- 9458 [component: bokehjs] [bug] hovertool in 'vline' mode doesn't work with vertical segments
- 9581 Update dockertools
- 9692 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Upgrade to typescript 3.8
- 9750 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] [feature] improve bokehjs dependency and project management
- 9758 [component: bokehjs] Deprecate bokehjs package and suggest bokeh/bokehjs
- 9766 [component: docs] Doc: add missing '' in hovertool.formatters example
- 9775 [component: server] [bug] always setting asyncio event loop policy
- 9791 [component: server] Allow subclasses of serve subcommand to modify server_kwargs
- 9794 [component: bokehjs] Add support for bokeh.loader["bokehjs/module/name"]
- 9797 [component: tests] Configure codebase tests with `git ls-files`
- 9801 [component: bokehjs] Update deps and resolve audit warnings
- 9802 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Drop tslint in favor of typescript/eslint
- 9805 [component: docs] Dev_guide update
- 9816 [component: docs] [documentation] the developers guide uses old syntax for py.test in pre-commit hook
- 9823 [component: docs] [bug] clarify that bokeh 2.0.0 no longer accepts a `selected` argument in cds constructor
- 9831 [component: server] [bug] unhandled exceptions in functionhandler cause hang/blank screen
- 9839 [component: docs] Fixed some minor docstring typos
- 9848 [component: docs] Minor typo in bokeh.transform reference docs


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 6490 [component: docs] [notebook] [webgl] Webgl was requested and is supported, but bokeh-gl(.min).js is not available, falling back to 2d rendering
- 6728 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Datepicker not updating enabled/disabled
- 8724 [component: bokehjs] Logcolormapper maps to wrong values
- 9108 [component: bokehjs] [layout] [bug] incorrect initialization when loading out of focus
- 9187 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [bug] pinch zoom and panning not working correctly
- 9245 [bug] "set_select" and "select" are not working well with layouts
- 9369 [component: build] Add missing typing_extensions dependency
- 9392 [component: bokehjs] [bug] inferno3 palette in bokehjs is incorrect
- 9395 [component: server] [regression] Bokeh_resources does not work with server
- 9429 Typeerror: symbol.asynciterator is not defined
- 9435 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] [bug] network latency results in orphaned embedded divs for bokeh server
- 9446 Misname/copypasta: login_hander?
- 9455 [component: tests] Isort's test is called test_flake8
- 9466 [component: docs] [fix] hover icon - documentation
- 9474 [component: bokehjs] [bug] helptool duplicates in bokehjs
- 9479 [regression] `nonselection_color` (etc.) doesn't apply after pr 9153
- 9483 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Fix rendering on high dpi displays
- 9485 [widgets] Disable option in fileinput not working [bug]
- 9494 [widgets] [bug] datepicker display off-by-one in non-gmt timezone after upgrade to 1.4.0
- 9514 [regression] Can't override settings using environmental variables
- 9562 [bug] impossible to create a custom model while extending and existing one and using javascript
- 9579 [bug] stdin transmitted in subprocess
- 9607 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] slider direction, orientation, tooltips and show_value properties not connected
- 9621 [component: bokehjs] [bug] bad document json data leads to a dangling promise returned by `pull_session`
- 9622 [bug] calling `doc.clear()` can lead to unknown model exceptions
- 9639 [regression] Export fails on osx
- 9642 [bug] a typo in bokeh/server/
- 9650 Terminate firefox after usage in io.export
- 9667 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] [regression] Defaults tests are not running
- 9672 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] spinner error for steps <= 1e-7
- 9676 [regression] [bug] selenium required to build extensions
- 9681 [component: examples] [documentation] typo in
- 9699 [component: bokehjs] [bug] toolbar activation breaks if models are specified in certain order
- 9702 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [widgets] [bug] daterangeslider is broken
- 9717 [component: bokehjs] [bug] hover tooltip stretches badly to the left
- 9734 Only check resource passed-in args
- 9737 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] [regression] [bug] push_notebook broken in jupyter-lab 1.2.6
* features:
- 3458 [component: server] Use session tokens in the auth header
- 4820 [API: plotting] Hover line width
- 8561 [API: models] [API: plotting] [component: bokehjs] Fixed tick locations do not affect grid line locations
- 8893 [API: plotting] Provide selection_line_width and nonselection_line_width
- 8917 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [feature] optional valid values list attribute for datepicker
- 9074 [component: server] Support expiration for session creation
- 9304 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [feature] scientific notation for numberformatter
- 9469 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [feature]add scientific notation to supported number formats
- 9505 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Overhaul session expiry and generalize token
- 9524 [component: bokehjs] [feature] bokehjs embed_item should return a reference to the plot.
- 9532 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Please replace multiselect widget with something more compact, effective and nicer looking
- 9545 [component: server] Allow package relative imports for directory style apps
- 9560 Add tile providers for openstreetmap and esri imagery
- 9571 [API: plotting] Allow setting graph node_marker [feature]
- 9690 Link to discourse from github issues
- 9706 [component: bokehjs] [feature] js_link attr indexing
* tasks:
- 4966 [component: docs] Reference docs don't show inherited properties
- 8176 Switch the default driver for export_png to chromedriver
- 8208 [component: docs] Update/refresh notebook user guide chapter
- 8397 Using subresource integrity with cdn urls
- 8666 Changes right at 2.0 release
- 8801 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Investigate esm support in bokehjs' build
- 8998 [component: build] Update conda recipe for 2.0
- 9076 [component: build] Strip sourcemappingurl from published js files
- 9098 [component: server] Move from tornado.gen to native coroutines ?
- 9122 [component: docs] Collapse bokeh.models docs
- 9125 [component: build] Remove old conda free channel for version 2.0
- 9146 [bug] push_notebook should raise an error if a handle is passed instead of a document
- 9238 [component: docs] [bug] gridlines are rendered under image plot
- 9248 [feature] make the palettes module ide-friendly
- 9334 Deprecate widgetbox
- 9362 [component: docs] Docs report "no title"
- 9365 Landing 2.0
- 9366 [component: tests] Flake8 shouldn't descend into node_modules
- 9367 [component: build] Use `npm ci` to force usage of the lock file
- 9374 [component: build] Revert "exclude landing-2.0 issues from changelog for now"
- 9377 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Upgrade to typescript 3.7
- 9379 Remove last python 2 compatibility bits
- 9385 Include step in the list of glyphs that hovertool does not work with
- 9386 [API: models] Replace metaclasses with `__init_subclass__`
- 9388 Explicitly warn that cdsview is unsupported on line glyphs
- 9394 [component: docs] Readmes for all the app examples
- 9396 Move from_networkx function
- 9403 [component: build] Intergrate isort into ci process
- 9406 [component: docs] Glyph method "other parameters" still shows "legend"
- 9409 Update funding.yml
- 9410 Update to
- 9413 [component: build] [component: docs] Misc dependency changes
- 9419 [component: build] Remove errant pscript dep
- 9427 [component: docs] Server embed examples need updates
- 9432 Remove f-strings from docstrings
- 9437 [component: docs] Temp disable windows builds for gh ci
- 9442 [component: build] Bryanv/more gh ci
- 9444 [component: bokehjs] Conversion from _pop_colors_and_alpha to _pop_visuals missing bokehjs
- 9449 [component: bokehjs] Rewrite bokehjs' connection tests using async/await
- 9451 Docs: correct the gh-actions badge in readme
- 9452 [component: build] Force trigger gh-actions on pull_request
- 9453 [component: build] Minimal tests issue on forked prs
- 9454 [component: tests] Isort error message unhelpful
- 9457 [component: docs] Bokeh.palettes refguide page header mis-renders
- 9463 [bug] fixing spell mistakes
- 9476 [component: examples] [bug] non-daemon worker thread prevents gunicorn from shutting down cleanly
- 9480 [component: build] Expose sri hashes
- 9482 [component: build] Resolve ipython 7.9 pin
- 9484 [component: docs] Update twitter handle in docs
- 9490 Improve sampledata downloading
- 9500 [component: docs] Use new nf verbiage
- 9502 [component: docs] [bug] fix simple typo: ther -> the
- 9507 [component: server] [bug] blank error message when starting bokeh server with python 3.8 on windows
- 9513 [component: build] Switch to gh ci
- 9517 [component: docs] Update bokeh developer documentation
- 9519 [component: docs] Remove pivot app example from readme since it's not supported anymore
- 9521 [component: docs] Describe google api key usage and embedding
- 9525 [component: docs] User guide documentation errors
- 9531 [component: docs] Adding dedicated subsection to docs on bokeh server jinja templating
- 9533 [component: build] [task] coverage tool breaking change affects bokeh tests
- 9541 Misc fixes
- 9543 [component: bokehjs] Bryanv/more misc
- 9544 [component: build] [component: tests] Flaky selenium tests
- 9547 More misc repo work
- 9548 [component: bokehjs] Remove old ad-hoc callback properties
- 9555 [component: docs] Typos and text improvements
- 9565 Fix circular import between glyphs and markers
- 9578 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Allow to publish dev bokehjs packages
- 9590 [component: docs] Add ipywidgets_bokeh documentation
- 9598 [component: tests] Add ci python version check
- 9606 [component: bokehjs] Make glyph._hit_* methods statically typed
- 9609 [mypy] Add -> none to all test_ functions
- 9610 Update license and copyright dates
- 9623 [component: docs] Add link to jupyter chapter from installation chapter
- 9635 [component: tests] Don't rely on test markers
- 9637 [component: docs] Update docstring with missing argument 'template'
- 9638 [component: bokehjs] Clarify scales hierarchy
- 9645 [component: docs] Fix two typos in docstrings
- 9651 [component: docs] [bug] undocumented api removals in 2.0
- 9658 [component: server] [bug] unable to use async callbacks in `add_next_tick_callback` and the like
- 9662 [component: tests] Implicitly apply pytest.mark.asyncio to async defs
- 9665 [component: docs] Typo fix in annotations documentation
- 9678 Delete
- 9680 Remove bad super usage
- 9686 [component: tests] Force srgb color profile on chrome
- 9687 [bug] bokeh (html|png|svg) commands all broken
- 9701 [component: tests] Try to improve passability of tests
- 9713 Rename bokeh_version
- 9723 [component: docs] Modified theme documentation to reflect handling of null/none
- 9726 [component: build] Reduce sdist size
- 9733 [component: docs] Fix spelling mistakes in documentation
- 9738 [component: examples] Minor 2.0 fixes
- 9745 [component: build] Legacy issues should not be in a subdirectory
- 9754 [component: build] Allow sdist to --install-js


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 8402 [component: bokehjs] No clean way to update vbar_stack
- 8778 [component: bokehjs] Hover over image is showing wrong image tooltip on flipped axis
- 8976 [component: bokehjs] [bug] geographical plots cannot be saved with the save tool
- 9035 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] spinner only considers 1 decimal
- 9129 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug]datepicker displayed value is not updating correctly
- 9136 [component: bokehjs] Inner_width and inner_height not available after display
- 9143 [component: docs] [bug] roadmap link on docs page links to a nonexistent page
- 9152 [component: bokehjs] [bug] hover tooltip breaks with full-circle wedge
- 9174 [component: bokehjs] [bug] nan_color argument in linearcolormapper is not used
- 9185 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [bug] exporting google maps pngs sometimes not working properly
- 9240 [component: build] [bug] building custom extension breaks in notebook
- 9266 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datatable sorting broken
- 9267 [component: bokehjs] [bug] range_tool selection is over-responsive in y direction
- 9309 [API: models] [component: docs] [bug] documentation panels empty
- 9317 [regression] [bug] splattable lists no longer allow using list-like methods
- 9324 [component: bokehjs] [bug] background property change not working for widgetbox
- 9338 [component: bokehjs] Include license in bokehjs bundles
- 9342 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] [regression] [bug] server examples with custom models do not work
- 9343 [component: bokehjs] Save does not work with custom models [bug]
* features:
- 3700 Structured way to get at documents from javascript
- 8904 [API: models] Allow to offset plot frame's side panel annotations
- 9009 [component: server] Add support django channels
- 9135 Be able to order legend items when using groupby legend [feature]
- 9137 [API: models] [notebook] Allow to integrate bokeh models with ipywidgets
- 9139 [component: server] Support ssl termination
- 9140 [component: server] Support tornado get_current_user
- 9144 [component: bokehjs] Axis rescaled when legend item visibility changed [feature]
- 9196 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Add support for building bokehjs extensions
- 9209 [component: server] Add support for globs to `bokeh serve`
- 9241 Add 256-color palettes, add a function to generate diverging palettes
- 9298 [feature] provide mouse press up event
* tasks:
- 8209 [component: docs] Searchable documentation?
- 9002 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Unify bokehjs build system with extensions' compiler
- 9070 Improve bokeh/util/ call signature
- 9073 [component: docs] [docs] page for selection tools does not tell users how to get the values/indices of the selection
- 9150 [component: docs] Use bokehjs from cdn when the commit is tagged
- 9155 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Migrate from tslint to (typescript-)eslint
- 9157 [component: tests] Remove bokeh.embed.notebook.widgets from -oo skiplist
- 9159 [component: build] Unpin python 3.7 version when possible
- 9160 [component: bokehjs] Enable more eslint rules
- 9163 [component: build] [component: examples] Don't upload to s3 on py27 tests
- 9165 [component: examples] Update dataset for parallel coords plot examples
- 9167 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Generate es6 (es2015) compatible bundles
- 9170 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Automatically insert class initialization code
- 9173 [component: docs] [bug] "line_color" not applied from yaml theme file
- 9175 [component: tests] Make bokeh's tests compatible with pytest >= 5
- 9179 Add support for turbo colormap
- 9181 [component: docs] [bug] [docs] broken images in custom tooltip example
- 9183 [component: docs] Update all docs links
- 9192 [component: docs] Pillow is already a bokeh dependency
- 9193 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Bump eslint-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2 in /bokehjs
- 9199 [component: docs] [bug] [doc] broken link to examples/app
- 9200 [component: docs] Fix typos in docs, comments, etc
- 9202 [feature] print full stacktrace on error
- 9205 [component: build] Don't depend on ipywidgets
- 9206 [component: docs] Outdated sentence removed from docs
- 9211 [component: docs] [doc] tpyos
- 9212 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Upgrade to typescript 3.6
- 9219 [component: docs] Update layout docs
- 9220 [component: docs] Add websource to reference docs
- 9226 [bug] update license id to use the proper spdx short license id
- 9228 Update current year
- 9229 [component: build] Bryanv/update docs automation
- 9237 [component: docs] [bug] hovertool indices empty when using glyphrenderer from a graphrenderer
- 9239 Improve "splat" list errors
- 9258 [component: docs] [bug] ajaxdatasource-based glyphs appear incompatible with factorrange
- 9262 [component: docs] Fix structure issues in palette docs
- 9264 [component: build] Cdn invalidations too narrow
- 9265 [component: docs] Rename modify_doc in notebook app contexts
- 9271 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade from deprecated package istanbul
- 9272 [bug] improve exception when import _requires fails
- 9274 If import of channels fails, improve error message to install it via pip
- 9278 [component: docs] Consistently use https protcol for urls
- 9286 [component: docs] Fix user-guide documentation and app example typos
- 9289 [component: docs] Fix broken docs links
- 9305 [component: docs] Update ga for docs
- 9312 [component: docs] Update references to jupyter_bokeh extension
- 9340 [component: docs] 1.4.0 misc docs


Not secure
* tasks:
- 9147 [component: build] Update pypi token

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