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Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 7118 [component: bokehjs] Unable to update arrow
- 8401 [API: models] Incorrect image import from bokeh.models
- 8493 [component: bokehjs] Polydrawtool shows vertices even when not active
* features:
- 2828 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Multi-line textinput box?
- 7762 [component: bokehjs] Copy & paste from datatable
- 8444 [component: bokehjs] Feature request: expose sort_columns in js datatable object
- 8502 Support environment variable in addition to --allow-websocket-origin
* tasks:
- 8372 Extended bad_column_name error
- 8379 [component: examples] Export csv example more useful if you don't have to hard code headers in download.js
- 8383 [component: tests] Attempt to enable downstream tests for holoviews
- 8384 [component: bokehjs] Feature: add plot's root id to dom so to allow api access to the object
- 8472 Boilerplates for bokeh/models
- 8476 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Upgrade to typescript 3.2
- 8481 [component: docs] Doc: remove extra "to execute" from embed
- 8485 Update sampledata bucket url
- 8491 [component: docs] Typo in range_tool example
- 8495 [component: tests] Document licenses of included projects
- 8506 Boilerplate for bokeh/plotting directory
- 8514 Boilerplate for protocol
- 8517 Boilerplate for bokeh/server
- 8523 Property getter for
- 8528 [component: docs] Release notes


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 5721 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Text_align attribute in numberformatter not doing anything
- 8395 [component: bokehjs] Legend breaks plot when plotting empty scatter glyph
- 8396 [component: docs] Fix small typo [ci skip]
- 8398 Fix typo and grammar mistakes
- 8409 [component: docs] Typo in documentation of io.export.create_webdriver
- 8415 Make components() preserve the type of dict
- 8418 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Make bokehjs build under node 10.x
- 8425 [component: docs] Apache documentation typo
- 8428 [component: bokehjs] [component: docs] Can't get gridplot to work in bokehjs
- 8451 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Run `npm install` when `node make *` on fresh install
- 8457 [component: bokehjs] Embeds with json_item missing toolbar/interactivity
- 8459 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool does not display fields within jupyterlab's dark theme
- 8460 [component: examples] Fix a typo
* features:
- 8399 [component: bokehjs] Omit colon in hover tooltips if first tuple entry is empty
- 8411 [widgets] Feature request: add support for setting the datatable row height
* tasks:
- 8393 [component: docs] "customjs for selections" example in docs broken
- 8405 [component: tests] Fix failing codebase tests
- 8413 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Upgrade to typescript 3.1
- 8438 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Clean up semicolons after transition to typescript


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 4096 Bokeh server: color palette rgb is not recognized
- 8356 [component: bokehjs] Datatable crashes layout if 'field' is key in columndatasource data
- 8362 Combination of "export_png()" and "show()" causes error
- 8374 [regression] Garbage collection of export_png()
- 8375 [component: bokehjs] Ellipse and datetime axis
- 8388 [component: build] Release deploy updates package-lock incorrectly
* tasks:
- 8367 [component: server] Documentlifecyclehandler should catch exception and clean up callbacks
- 8369 [component: examples] Histogram example should take edges as argument to make_plot
- 8387 [component: docs] Bryanv/101 misc docs


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 2022 [component: bokehjs] Not correct behaviour of hovertool with annular glyph and units='screen'
- 3187 [component: bokehjs] [component: examples] Plotting/file/ doesn't work without setting {x,y}_range
- 7116 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Patch/stream message to the columndatasource for datatable widget on front-end triggers response containing entire data source
- 7378 [component: bokehjs] [geo] Flicker when zooming on a tile source with mercatorticker
- 7417 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Deserializationerror when editing data table
- 7580 [component: server] 'serversession' object has no attribute 'session_context'
- 7959 [component: bokehjs] Image hover broken on axes with inverted range
- 7974 [component: bokehjs] [geo] Segments don't show up on gmapplot
- 7976 [component: bokehjs] Log axis minor ticks wrong position
- 8018 If the "selector" argument is explicitily set to the "select" method, an empty list is returned
- 8020 [regression] Export_png not exporting figures correctly
- 8021 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Datatable and glyph selections not linking properly
- 8032 [component: bokehjs] Draw and edit tools event handling on server broken
- 8034 [component: server] Unhandled exception in application causes all later sessions to fail
- 8040 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Editing filtered datatable cell impacts wrong row
- 8050 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Datatable selectable='checkbox' gives javascript error
- 8060 [component: bokehjs] Inaccurate rendering around 0 on tall bars
- 8075 [component: bokehjs] Boxedittool draws on doubletap even when tool inactive
- 8077 [component: bokehjs] Not providing x and y data makes some glyphs not render in legend
- 8122 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] Bug: push_notebook support is broken in jupyterlab for bokeh=0.13.0
- 8160 Bokeh_css and bokeh_js resources are reversed in file.html template
- 8179 [regression] Show() accumulates objects
- 8198 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool interpolation mode doesn't work for horizontal and vertical lines
- 8201 [widgets] Datatable does not stay sorted when the data is updated
- 8230 [py2] Properly use string_types for instance properties and js_on_event
- 8232 is broken
- 8282 [component: bokehjs] Adding computed_icon getter broke toolproxy icons
- 8292 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Esc has no effect on selections
- 8299 [component: docs] A tiny typo in the document about graphrenderer
- 8300 [component: tests] Verify_all() doesn't give information what failed
- 8334 [component: bokehjs] Y-range for negative value
* features:
- 99 making predefined themes available by calling a single function
- 589 [component: bokehjs] Update legend when legends or other attributes change
- 2266 Pandas periods are not recognised
- 2321 [component: bokehjs] [geo] Support a "patch" with a hole in it / gis support
- 4236 [component: server] Implement --develop mode
- 5231 [component: bokehjs] Save bokeh plot as bokeh plot
- 5345 Custom models distribution without compiler on the server side
- 5884 [component: bokehjs] Let scatter marker type be parameterizable
- 6454 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Add an option to disable column titles in datatable
- 6985 [component: bokehjs] Oval selection does not update color (does not support hit testing)
- 7499 [API: models] Allow defining custom tooltip for certain tools
- 7618 [component: bokehjs] Feature request: support hit-testing for text glyphs
- 7890 [component: bokehjs] Step glyph support for gaps from missing/non-finite data points (inf, nan)
- 7987 [component: bokehjs] Restrict the drawing tools to draw a single glyph
- 7990 [component: bokehjs] Add clear tool to clear out one or more datasources
- 8013 [component: bokehjs] Expose the more detailed geometry data to the tap tool
- 8109 [component: bokehjs] Feature request: verticalline marker (equivalent to marker='|' in matplotlib)
- 8130 [component: bokehjs] Add tilt option to gmapoptions
- 8133 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Freehand drawing tool
- 8138 Turn off self.validate checks during update
- 8142 Span location cannot accept datetime whereas labels can deal with it
- 8156 [component: bokehjs] Feature request: bold italic font specification
- 8172 [component: bokehjs] Make image smoothing configurable on tilerenderer
- 8183 [feature request] in the function ‘from_networkx’, convert networkx node/edge attributes to bokeh node_renderer/edge_renderer data_source
- 8196 [feature request] add .copy method to columndatasource
- 8206 Add another theme: balanced
- 8218 [component: bokehjs] Support specifying representative point from legend items
- 8247 [component: server] Allow defining session cleanup hooks on a document
- 8284 [component: bokehjs] Autohide toolbar
- 8295 [component: bokehjs] Fixedticker does not accept minor ticks
- 8311 [feature request] ‘from_networkx’ function for a fixed layout
- 8321 [component: bokehjs] [component: examples] Add adapter property to ajaxdatasource
- 8329 Add webdriver_control and default to reuse
* tasks:
- 2283 Feature idea: docker image for bokeh server
- 2596 [component: tests] Ci test to make sure bokeh works without heavy dependencies
- 3322 should issue a validation warning when the range values are not unique
- 4215 Valueerror: nattype does not support timetuple
- 5355 [component: bokehjs] No way to cleanup used memory
- 5426 [API: models] It is not possible to set a range1d with datetime.timedelta value
- 5632 [component: bokehjs] Warn on setting empty plot.legend attrs
- 6117 Add missing ticker tests and minor ticker improvements
- 6362 Customize warning formatter
- 6495 Task: pytest marked "selenium" tests should assert no browser console errors
- 6548 Task: add/use selenium fixture in ``export`` tests instead of creating new phantomjs processes
- 6770 Task: add user warn/error to columndatasource.from_df method about dataframe containing "index" column
- 7042 [component: docs] User guide, tweak to "ranges" doc
- 7320 [API: models] Document validation check needed for mis-matched y_range_name
- 7785 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Pull_session with url paramters isn't working
- 7788 [widgets] Daterangeslider error not logged nor shown in cli
- 8017 [component: docs] Added short usage instructions for examples/app/dash
- 8037 [component: docs] Doc typo (funtion -> function)
- 8038 Improved support for pyinstaller
- 8056 Remove code dependent on ipython pprint machinery
- 8074 Overzealous deduplication of tools for merge_tools
- 8078 [component: tests] Clean up test support
- 8086 [component: docs] Simplify pie example
- 8089 [component: build] Ci scripts with colon in filenames are not valid on windows
- 8091 [component: tests] Bryanv/test cleanup
- 8092 Use generators instead of lists
- 8097 [component: docs] Backticks are broken un docs/*.rst
- 8104 [component: examples] Box_annotation example .ix method is deprecated
- 8107 [component: examples] Ref: use .loc instead of .ix in examples
- 8120 [component: docs] Update documentation for how to use bokeh server with jupyterhub environment
- 8125 [component: tests] Fixed exception raising tests of test_sources
- 8128 [component: examples] Rename joyplots to ridgeplots
- 8131 [component: docs] Docstrings not clear for dimension property for band, span and whisker class
- 8134 [component: server] Bokeh doesn't work with tornado master
- 8139 [component: tests] Initial work to support server selenium tests
- 8140 Remove the arguments parameter from server_session
- 8146 [component: tests] Unit tests failing in windows 7
- 8190 [component: examples] Pandas > 0.23.0 & < 0.23.4 breaks example
- 8199 [component: examples] Issues: none type: bug tag: examples updated
- 8214 [component: tests] Bryanv/misc cleanup
- 8215 [component: docs] Installation docs: need info about export_png/svgs
- 8217 [component: build] [component: tests] Added unit/integration tests for python3.7
- 8219 [component: build] Don't report unversioned python in output
- 8221 [component: tests] Python 3.7 get_referrers change
- 8223 Remove dead testing code
- 8224 Use np.frombuffer instead of deprecated np.fromstring
- 8225 [component: build] Appveyor build and test for windows
- 8231 [API: models] Plot.{x,y}_range default value
- 8235 [component: docs] Some typo in the guide
- 8251 [component: build] Update requests min version
- 8252 Pandas is optional overall, but required for hexbin
- 8254 [component: build] Refine appveyor.yml settings
- 8257 [component: examples] Example examples/embed/server_session/ is broken, template is missing
- 8263 Add note of bokeh_phantomjs_path environment variable on missing phantomjs
- 8271 [component: bokehjs] Missing ";" in try_run.js
- 8273 Unhelpful error when passing invalid argument to gridplot
- 8286 [component: docs] [document] add (or update) an example to demonstrate converting node/edge attributes in from_networkx
- 8296 Split up
- 8301 [component: docs] Re-unify docs build
- 8302 [component: build] Small build tasks
- 8308 [BEP] Ratify project roles document
- 8309 Bryanv/reduce import code
- 8319 [component: examples] Examples punch list
- 8322 [component: examples] Pandas warning removed in gapminder example
- 8325 [component: examples] Correction selection histogram example
- 8326 [component: examples] Population example legend position -> "bottom_right"
- 8327 Load themes from python modules instead of json files
- 8328 [component: examples] Simple hdf5 example improvement
- 8330 Replace log.warn with log.warning
- 8331 [component: examples] Embed_multiple: better arrangement
- 8341 Boilerplate for bokeh/core
- 8344 [component: docs] Chaco link is a 404 - changed to git repo url
- 8348 Confusing multi_line error message


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 799 Templates not included when compiling with py2exe
- 2080 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool panel for annular wedge displays at center coordinates, not over wedge
- 7428 [component: bokehjs] Correctly showing wedge hover tooltips with "clock" orient
- 7591 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Adding a slider fails to load visualization in version 0.12.14
- 7891 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [widgets] Unable to edit datatable cell
- 7904 [component: examples] does not work with tornado 5
- 7916 [component: tests] Code quality tests fail due to pandas' regression
- 7924 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [widgets] Sorting linked datatables messed up in bokeh 0.12.16
- 7926 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Setting value of multiselect in javascript doesn't unselect previous selected items
- 7935 Using on_event with string names in python2.7
- 7941 [component: docs] Update docs: the hovertool attribute is "formatters"
- 7978 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Sizing mode scale_both grows on window resize
- 7984 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Temp partial fix allowing scale_both to work in some cases
- 7992 [component: server] [memory] Memory leak on add_next_tick_callback
- 8000 [component: docs] Small documentation error for boxselecttool
* features:
- 3596 Warn about python callbacks when they won't run
- 4986 [layout] Allow elements to be placed in server templates
- 6320 [component: bokehjs] Expose initial_start and initial_end in range1d
- 6386 [component: bokehjs] Support line annotations like span but with slope
- 7401 Support passing a pandas.series as x_range for figure
- 7795 [component: bokehjs] Feature-request: selection-bar
- 7908 [API: models] Tile source attribution font size
- 7921 [component: bokehjs] Bryanv/usability
- 7961 [component: bokehjs] Add a cumsum transform to cumulatively sum a single column
* tasks:
- 7364 [component: docs] Developing with javascript jsfiddle not working in firefox 57.0.3 (macos 10.13.2)
- 7374 [component: server] Connection errors when sending large amounts of data to browser via a bokeh server
- 7831 [component: docs] Improve documentation for creating interactive plots in notebook
- 7880 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Upgrade npm packages
- 7905 [component: docs] All gallery examples bundle unnecessary extension code
- 7911 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Make bokehjs' unit tests more robust
- 7915 [component: bokehjs] Re-jitter on tap is unexpected
- 7919 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Replace gulp with a more lightweight solution
- 7922 [component: build] Move bokeh build and ci to new rackspace account
- 7930 [component: docs] [typescript] Docs still say that coffeescript is the implementation language of bokehjs
- 7936 [component: bokehjs] Resettool doesn't restore initial plot when using wmtstilesource and x/y_range
- 7937 [component: bokehjs] Add support in tablewidget for ajaxdatasource
- 7946 [typescript] Upgrade to typescript 2.9
- 7950 [component: build] Bryanv/build cleanup
- 7951 [component: bokehjs] Line plots jaggy when overplotting noisy data with `line_join='miter'`
- 7953 [component: bokehjs] Modifying data source while polydraw is editing breaks editing
- 7957 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Replace esprima with typescript compiler api
- 7962 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Run `npm install` automatically if package.json changed
- 7967 [component: docs] Typo in the image_url documentation
- 7973 Add new maintainer to the list
- 7977 [performance] High (probably unnecessary) cpu load due to is_valid calls
- 7985 [API: plotting] Bokeh gmapoptions error
- 7993 [layout] Improve computing of available space for responsive layouts
- 7995 [component: docs] Documentation of cmap functions
- 8003 [component: docs] [notebook] Updated docs for two-way jupyter communication


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 3556 [component: server] Add a server callback once and then again as periodic
- 4298 [component: bokehjs] Ajaxdatasource data initialization
- 6303 [component: bokehjs] captures screenshot before asynchronously loaded models
- 6698 [component: bokehjs] Bands wrongly coloured
- 6699 [component: server] Server logger (format, output, etc) does not work
- 7011 [API: models] Error message in notebook when running explicit path graph example from user guide
- 7349 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Arrow keys don't work if the step of slider is very small
- 7462 [component: bokehjs] Multi_line does not work with categorical plots
- 7476 [component: bokehjs] Plotcanvasviewbuild_levels removes only glyphs when renderers change
- 7597 [widgets] Bug: datatable view doesn't rerender on table.source.change.emit()
- 7621 `save` creates non-working files when used with widgets
- 7627 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Selected points get lost with tap tool
- 7705 [component: bokehjs] [regression] "typeerror: cannot read property 'is_empty' of null" when using hovertool
- 7724 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Plots not reacting to sliders inside flask
- 7736 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [widgets] Editable datatable freezes when a cell is edited
- 7744 [component: docs] Docs - json prototype does not expand
- 7745 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Pointdrawtool : no python side update of the data source
- 7761 Permission denied error when invoking export_png() or export_svgs from inside jupyter notebook
- 7783 [component: bokehjs] The child property of panel can't be a widget
- 7790 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [typescript] is missing break statements
- 7801 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Bokeh 0.12.15 throws typeerror on touch devices when dragging
- 7803 [component: tests] Py.test -m unit doesn't run pytest.mark.parametrize tests
- 7807 [component: examples] [regression] Allow customjs args to accept basic python types
- 7819 [component: bokehjs] [performance] [regression] Rendering occurs on mouse move when hover tools is enabled
- 7836 [component: docs] Minor fix in docs
- 7840 [component: docs] Html formatter has a small typo
- 7849 [component: examples] Ionrangeslider example fails when adding more than one slider
- 7868 [component: bokehjs] [geo] The plot disappears when the max_zoom value of wmtstilesource is set and this value is reached
- 7885 [regression] Exporting datatable to png broken
- 7886 [py3] Detect_phantomjs() is broken on py3 when phantomjs is not available
* features:
- 113 [layout] Axis should have option to have a fixed orientation
- 2427 [component: bokehjs] Make axis wheel zoom configurable
- 3125 Expose the wheel zoom speed in python
- 3126 [component: bokehjs] Add box zoom out tool
- 3442 `boxselecttool` should accept renderers = none
- 3886 Feature request: add hover inspection image glyphs
- 4286 [component: docs] Provide examples of using remotesource/ajaxdatasource in the docs
- 5071 [component: bokehjs] Add a method to "reset" a figure
- 7582 [component: bokehjs] [performance] Consider replacing rbush spatial index with flatbush
- 7643 [API: models] [component: bokehjs] Option to rotate additional categorical ticks
- 7647 [component: bokehjs] Allow custom formatter when using the hover tool
- 7725 [component: examples] Increase `size` and `color` options for crossfilter example
* tasks:
- 3903 [component: tests] Clean-up jupyter custom.js after running examples
- 4915 [component: docs] [widgets] Default value in dropdown menu is stuck on none
- 4923 Add a type check to `show` for better error reporting
- 5911 [component: docs] Move off eoled google site search
- 6175 [component: server] Some clients send bad pong, lower log level to reduce noise
- 6193 [component: docs] Make bokeh_plot work in sphinx by default without google_api_key
- 6240 [component: tests] Fail gracefully when pr is submitted from a fork
- 6306 [component: bokehjs] Allow strict mode for cutomjs, etc. written in pure js
- 6341 [component: server] Add parameter to autoload_server to control loading of js/css resources
- 6657 Task: make columndatasource.column_names attribute a property method
- 7080 [component: docs] [component: server] [notebook] Notebook_url="*" fails in show()
- 7510 'export_png' from triggers 'deprecated' warning from selenium using phantomjs
- 7576 [component: build] Use pscript instead of flexx.pyscript
- 7715 [component: docs] All release notes on one webpage
- 7720 [component: build] [component: tests] Add "downstream" ci build
- 7723 [component: build] Markdown description for pypi
- 7729 [component: build] Update of ipython to 6.3.0 breaks unit tests
- 7734 [component: build] Remove pytest-rerunfailures from ci tests
- 7741 [component: build] Svg export test occasionally fails on travis
- 7750 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Investigate output from test_defaults
- 7751 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] [typescript] Keep all custom declarations (d.ts) in external/
- 7753 Revert "don't use --rerun"
- 7759 [component: tests] Move outstanding static integration tests to examples/integration
- 7765 [component: examples] Added 'pan' to the hexbin example
- 7774 Make api decorators more debugging friendly
- 7777 [component: tests] [py3] Switch python versions between full and partial examples' travis ci jobs
- 7778 Remove all deprecations before 0.12.15
- 7781 [component: docs] Missing docstring for get_screenshot_as_png
- 7786 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Rename bokehjs/src/coffee
- 7797 [component: docs] Missing documentation of `--show` option for command line `bokeh serve`
- 7800 [component: docs] Add relative path option and handling to sphinx ext
- 7802 Findable and tunable html error boxes please
- 7814 [component: examples] Surface3d example color fixed to z axis
- 7821 Revert "set a data source's inspected taking multiple renderers into account"
- 7823 [component: bokehjs] Stacked bars failing to update on patch
- 7829 [component: build] Update for npm 6
- 7835 [component: docs] Jupyter notebooks need to be "trusted" for saved js to render without re-executing cells
- 7841 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Drop dependency on webpack
- 7854 [component: docs] Dependency collision: nodejs>=8.8,<9.0 and npm >=6.0 <7.0
- 7855 [component: docs] Added how-to set up conda environment using fish shell
- 7858 Use full year for ticks in default month-year scale
- 7860 [component: docs] Update docstring for on_change
- 7878 Add new mpl cividis palette
- 7879 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Resolve reported npm issues
- 7896 [component: docs] Typos
- 7897 [component: build] [component: tests] Additional dependencies for unit tests
- 7898 [component: docs] Unit tests require missing sampledata: airports.csv

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